Well, with the contact helper disabled and using hopefully a new WC piston equivalent, the C7 has been up for double the time (12h) compared to when the contact helper was enabled (6h). The ecoBee Suite's devices are still being used. A sample of the piston expression e.g.
!contains([EcobeeTherm: ecobee:equipmentStatus], 'fan' ) && (abs([EcobeeSensor: Desk (QBZN) : temperature] - [EcobeeTherm: ecobee : temperature]) > {MAX_DELTA})
Hopefully, this can:
- perhaps point to what the C7 change was between 236 and 238
- perhaps help someone else that is encountering this issue
For now, Ecobee suite helpers are not being used, and things seem to be working. @jtp10181 perhaps I can test 236 with the piston backup this weekend. Thank you for the idea, I had not consider the remove and restore from WC backup.
Otherwise, I can report back over next while, hopefully, to share the C7 has been responsive and long uptime