Battery reporting and ST Arrival Sensor issue in 2.2.4

Battery remaining on ST Arrival Sensor went from 90% to 37%. I've only had it a couple of days. Interesting.

edit: and my garage door opened while I'm getting a message saying it failed to close. Interesting. edit: it's going up and down, with the presence changing every time.

Please go into settings for your presence sensor and click save settings., also let me know the name of the driver being used.

What does that mean? Save preferences?
I saw that it set to defaults, so I set presence timeout to the 5 minutes I had before, and saved preferences.

Sensor is in a metal box now and I'm disabling the automations.

SmartThings Presence Sensor V,

It means just what you did.

If you disable the app controlling your garage door, you can then verify that the sensor isn't flopping back and forth.

Disabled the apps controlling garage door. Sensor isn't flopping back and forth.
The 37% is still a shocker.

I experienced this as well - here's my report of the issue along with the solution.

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Battery life on those sensors is crappy. That's why many of us have converted them to use two AA batteries. I get about 6-8 months from a set of AA batteries, v/s a few weeks with a CR2032 cell.


It was 90% before, and 37% after the update. The logs confirmed. Coincidence? Maybe.

The presence state flip flop seems to have been fixed by setting the default presence timeout to the 5 minutes I've been using. Maybe selecting 2, the default, would've done it.

I'm gonna see if excluding and then including will affect the battery value. First Zigbee device though, so ...

I've always been a little suspicious of the accuracy of battery reporting...take it w/a grain of salt, but possibly you were getting an optimistic report previously, and a pessimistic report now. Can't tell either way, of course... :slight_smile:

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Well after re-pairing, looks like it split the difference: it's now 62%.
Maybe I'll try again.
The thing's only been in service a couple of days.
(edit: It sure seems like the Zigbee pairs easier than Z-wave.)

Batteries can arrive "new" with varying charges, so that is a whole other crap-shoot. :slight_smile:

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It arrived with 100% remaining.

I re-included 3 more time: stuck at 62%. That's still a heck of a drop over 2 days.

I'm not doing a very good job of communicating. :slight_smile:

What I mean is that any battery report could be wrong, including the first report of 100%. Unless you test a battery to actually measure its charge, you really don't know...IoT battery reporting can leave a lot to be desired in some cases, both in terms of the actual initial level reported, and the rate of decline in that level over time. So the 100% you started with may have been incorrect from the beginning.

In the end it's battery life that's important, hopefully in spite of the changes in reported battery level, the battery life will be good. :slight_smile:

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What most likely happened is the HE guys tweaked the driver your using and made some optimization to the battery level calculation.
I doubt very much that updating the hub firmware will have drained a single devices battery.
Seriously, the battery reporting of these little radio devices is NOT accurate as others have mentioned in many other posts in the forum.


I have ST Zigbee "generic" motion sensor that shows battery = 0. I changed the batter with a brand new one - still shows 0. Tried saving the device and preferences - still shows 0. Tried refresh and configure - still shows 0.

Checked the logs and even after configure and/or refresh - there are no entries in the log for battery. Looks like the Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor driver in 2.2.4 may not be reading batteries at all.

can you enable debug logging, then paste the live logs after clicking refresh?, thanks.
also, what type of sensor is this?

Sensor is SmartThings Motion Sensor (2015, I believe).
dev:782020-11-17 11:08:52.617 am infoGarage Side Motion Sensor temperature is 62.14°F

dev:782020-11-17 11:08:52.088 am infoGarage Side Motion Sensor temperature is 62.14°F

dev:782020-11-17 11:08:50.393 am infoGarage Side Motion Sensor temperature is 62.14°F

please enable debug logging, i need to see the raw data from the device, thanks...

Sorry Mike, I had it enabled - but forgot to hit save in between (doh).

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:04.845 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E200, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E2, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:04.614 am inforeporting configuration for Power Configuration (cluster 0x0001) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:04.610 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0001 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0001, clusterInt:1, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.263 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E400, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E4, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.257 am inforeporting configuration for Power Configuration (cluster 0x0001) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.254 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0001 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0001, clusterInt:1, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.208 am inforeporting configuration for Power Configuration (cluster 0x0001) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.204 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0001 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0001, clusterInt:1, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.199 am inforeporting configuration for Temperature Measurement (cluster 0x0402) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.195 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0402 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0402, clusterInt:1026, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.187 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E400, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E4, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.060 am inforeporting configuration for Temperature Measurement (cluster 0x0402) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.056 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0402 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0402, clusterInt:1026, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:03.002 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E400, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E4, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:02.931 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E200, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E2, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:02.891 am inforeporting configuration for Temperature Measurement (cluster 0x0402) suceeded

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:02.871 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0402 01 01 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0402, clusterInt:1026, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:16:02.841 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 D879 00 00 0000 00 00 E200, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:D879, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[E2, 00]]

dev:782020-11-17 11:15:55.838 am warndescription logging is: true

dev:782020-11-17 11:15:55.835 am warndebug logging is: true

dev:782020-11-17 11:15:55.831 am infoupdated...

dev:782020-11-17 11:15:39.407 am infoGarage Side Motion Sensor temperature is 62.17°F

dev:782020-11-17 11:15:39.356 am infoGarage Side Motion Sensor temperature is 62.17°F

Well, I thought I'd exclude and include the arrival sensor again. It went from 37% to 75%. Let's see if it sticks this time.