Subject says it all. I am looking to get a hanful to put throughout house just to help zigbee. What do u guys recommend?
I've heard good things about the Peanut Plug.
And they should be natively supported by HE.
I have some peanut plugs I brought over from SmartThings - I've only paired one of them with HE. Shows up as a "Generic Zigbee Outlet". Before I added the outlet had some sporadic trouble with some old ST Motion Detectors on the other side of the house. Once in place those devices became much more stable.
Don't have too many Zigbee devices left though - On ST I found them to be problematic relative to Z-Wave.
Iris Smart Outlets at Lowes are awesome. They go on sale all the time so keep an eye out for them.
I agree! I use some Lowes Iris 3210-L outlets (Centralite is the OEM) throughout the house and have now have zero mesh networking issues.
FWIW, I do have one Peanut Plug which has fallen off the network a few times, requiring a reset/re-pair to get it back to working correctly.
There is one outlet (available only in a US version) that acts as both a ZigBee and Z-Wave repeater. I can't remember the manufacturer and have no experience with it as I'm in the UK but if it works well it'd be a good choice for dual network coverage either now or in the future. I'm sure someone will post with the product details.
That'd be the aforementioned Lowes Iris Smart Outlet.
A while back they introduced a new revision "3210-L2" ... and subsequently started selling the 3210-L with a 75% discount. It's probably slim pickings at this point but worth a look at nearby stores.
Anecdote: Via the Lowes website I ordered all 5 they claimed were in stock at my local store, but apparently their count was inaccurate. When I went to pick them up they had just gone ahead and filled the order using the new L2 models to make up the difference. Seemed curious, would have expected a fight or order adjustment or something, but nope they were very chill about it, I kind of have a new respect for Lowes now.
As stated above, the Iris smart outlets are highly recommended. I have a bunch throughout my home to repeat both Zigbee and Zwave Plus.
not sure about the iris L2 but the older iris and peanut do not work with Xiaomi devices.
iharyadi environment sensors
work great as repeaters and you can repeat more than the standard 6 devices through them. depending on device model 12-20 devices can be routed through them.
I have two of the Iris plugs as well, but they went on clearance recently at most stores for VERY deep cut prices. Since then I haven't seen them in stock at any of my local Lowes and online they are back up to $37. I suspect they are either discontinuing them or coming out with a new model or something.
The ones now in the stores are the newer 3210-L2 versus the older 3210-L models. The discounted price was only for the older 3210-L.
Just saw that the Lowes Iris Smart Plug (Zigbee and Z-Wave repeater) is on sale at Amazon for $21. That's the lowest I have ever seen it on Amazon.
Is the L2 still acting as a Z-Wave repeater? I can't see it listed on the Z Wave Alliance web site.
Mine are. No discernible differences from the original "L" model.
Are you sure? Mine say 210-L2 and they were $9.50.
And you can see the z wave sticker...definitely a z-wave repeater.
Yes, I am sure. You lucked out and were given the newer model, probably due to Lowes inventory systems not being kept up to date. My Lowes refused to give out the newer revision and simply cancelled my orders. I have 3 Lowes stores close by and was able to score about 4 outlets, 3 Motion, and 3 Water sensors for the clearance prices. Right next to these were the newer '-L2' models on the shelf at regular retail prices.
You mean I had some good luck for a change?!? Somebody call Guinness. This is one for the record books! shows these out of stock, L1 and L2, everywhere.
This thread should be archived.
Yup, pretty old info, almost 2 years.
Nowadays if you're looking for a repeater, top two choices seem to be Xbee or IKEA Trรฅdfri Repeater using @markus's drivers.
Actually you can still get some of these from the source below. They work well and have a built in Z-Wave repeater as well, although some people experience issues with that specific feature.