Wemo Connect App error

I am wondering if this is an HE software bug. I have seen other posts about device discovery issues. Search "device discovery".

yea, that's why i'm hoping support can help on this. the app used to work perfectly with no issues, now i have a few apps that have these external connections that are taking a bit to process

Is there any hope getting this fixed? Rolling blackouts that never rolled have had us in the dark for days. I just turned off backup and hubitat. I kept losing devices on each attempt at power on. Who would think 0 degrees in central Texas?!

Did you see any errors in Hubitat's log around Wemo? Particularly when you click 'Done' in the Connect app as that's when child devices actually get created.

i haven't looked at the logs, but have noticed if i delete a device, and go to the app to add it back, it doesn't add itself. it only adds once i delete the app and install it

Does this thing not working bum people out as much as me?

I had Hubitat and wemo working like a charm. The new switches not working is really throwing me off.

Has anyone figured a reasonable way around it with ifttt or maybe Google/Alexa and a virtual switch?

I feel like I’m creating a set of hacks and fallbacks that is getting me into what I had with smartthings where the system was super brittle but it’s a serious pain not having these things working with Hubitat.

I am extremely frustrated. I have had this working well for years.

I have had to remove WEMOCONNECT, associated drivers, and all WEMO devices from Hubitat and integrate WEMO with Google Home. Luckily, Home routines work well enough for how I use the switches and plugs.

Ok that will be the weekend project. Really bummed as Google will not connect to my Hubitat and supports response was they can’t replicate, sorry, move along.

it's definitely not an issue with the app/drivers, it's an issue with the hub. with recent updates, it's broken stuff with external connections. i use [RELEASE] Alpha WyzeSense Integration [Code no longer being updated] and the response time sucks now. what used to be a few seconds tops can now take up to 20 seconds

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Yes. Same issues with wemos after hub updates.

Going down the route like smarthings which is why I abandoned my st for hubitat


Second thread you've made this same assertion on, so I'll repeat my statement from my response to your first post ever:

Given that Wemo is only community supported, i.e. NOT on the compatibility list (List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation) your assertion that the hub may be at fault is somewhat irrelevant. Suggest you contact the app developer and see if they have suggestions for you.

We have all been working with the app dev for some time. I have been using his app for years. I didn't have any issues until the recent updates. I restored an earlier version known to work and did not experience the issue. With that experience,it does seem to be a HE code issue. Unfortunately, I need the current update, so I am using a work around.



Based on a couple of reports, I have a feeling that some of the recent app updates intended to reduce reliance on SSDP (discovery requests) are the problem. Trying to manually set the address of a Wemo device that doesn't respond to network discovery requests does not appear to be a viable solution. I'll try to roll back some of those updates in the near future.

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May we please have a status update please, Jason?

I haven't had a chance to work on it lately, but I'll try to get something out today.

Thanks mate.

I pushed an update to the Connect app and all the drivers that removes the manual IP setting functionality and reverts the recent changes to device discovery. It keeps the bug fixes and improved null value handling.

Please give it a try and let me know if you run into any new issues. Note that reverting to the previous discovery code will likely result in duplicate devices in the discovery list again (sorry about that).

Will test today. Thanks.

Loaded the latest version of Web Connect and all drivers. The app found over 20 devices. I tried saving it and it would not complete the save. The status circle just kept spinning. I reloaded the page and the number of devices were reduced to 18. I tried saving it and again the circle just spun. It has been doing so for more than 3 minutes.

Update: It finally saved. I have been able to find 30devices, check the box on all, and got it to save.
Is there a way to get a report of all wemo devices with the mac, IP, and name? It would be the same as what appears in WC device list.

I am still missing 2 devices. This may be a wemo issue. I have a few devices going Grey (inactive) in the wemo app.