Wemo Connect App error

you missed one spot
discoveredDevice.ip = hexIp.split(":")[1]<---should it be 0?
discoveredDevice.port = hexIp.split(":")[1]

Why yes. Yes it should. :slight_smile: Fixed.

thanks, that's fast.

in earlier discussion, save preference to set the port is not working.
change this line worked for me.
def hexPort = HexUtils.integerToHexString(port, 2)
def hexPort = HexUtils.integerToHexString((int)port, 2)

this fix allows you to manually override the port.

Really, Hubitat? The type of a "number" input field is a Long? :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Good catch again. :grin:

trying the latest update. hate a few go offline again.

if the port changes, on the next scan, does it fix the port? or are all the updates going into it for manually updating the port?

[app:203](http://hub IP/logs#app203)2021-02-03 07:01:24.981 am [error](http://hub IP/installedapp/configure/203)java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object on line 519 (handleSsdpEvent)

[app:203](http://hub IP/logs#app203)2021-02-03 07:01:24.976 am [error](http://hub IP/installedapp/configure/203)java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object on line 519 (mainPage)

getting the following error when trying to open the app. do i need to delete it and re-install it?

i'm running this on a c-7 version

I pushed an update with some improved internal error handling. If nothing else, that might help track down where that error is happening.

it must've still been refreshing itself, because now it's working and all my switches are responding again

and it's acting up again. i wonder if it's the hub updates causing issues with the hub. in the logs, for any offline device it is acting up. i tried changing the port and resubscribing but no luck. i haven't tried deleting/re-installing yet

got tired of playing with ports so i deleted the app and re-did it again

Damn. I guess I will need to do the same. Will I guess confirm if I got all of my rules right with nothing directly referenced.

i went as far as to install nmap and scan the IP address and test each port that showed open, and still no luck

I continue to have WEMO switches going off line in the WEMO app. I have 2 now that have no lights at all. Sigh.

The root problem is, I think, that some devices aren't responding to network discovery requests. Being able to manually set addresses and ports for devices isn't really a fix, because the devices seem to occasionally change what port they're using. Without discovery Hubitat has no way to determine what the new port is, so it loses track of the device.

If anyone is feeling ambitious, I'd be interested to know if pywemo is able to discover the devices that the Connect app is having problems with. If so, it will help to identify what this app needs to do to find them.

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i'll give this a shot tonight and let you know. i've also spun up a HA VM and have my wemo through there to control when HE acts up, and that is able to control everything no problems. i know you have some HA experience, not sure if the code from there is public to use as a template?

EDIT: i'm not much of a Linux guy so having difficulties installing pywemo, lol. keep getting an error on the import

finally got it working as i didn't realize i had to go into python to run the import command (was running it from shell). either way, it doesn't work for me. tried using the discover devices and by setting the url for specific device, both show nothing in my devices afterwards. i am running it on a ubuntu VM though and not a pi, so not sure if that would cause any issues

i wonder if @bcopeland might be able to help us out on this. this app used to work flawlessly on older versions of the hub, but with recent upgrades, these issues are arising. i know there are changes in the new firmwares, but most look to be related to newer devices n such. i wonder if anything that changed in the codes is causing this to act up?

i also have another app that uses a telnet connection, and it used to be quick and smooth. now it hangs up frequently and i have to manually reconnect it.

Not a snake handler, sorry.

I deleted my WEMO switch and it is being seen and added to WC, but not showing up in Devices.
