Updating from old platform version

Hi all

It's been a while since i've been active here - Mostly because i have everything working as needed..
This also means that i'm still running version on my C8 - "if it works don't try and fix it" :smiley:

But now i would like to give my old IKEA buttons another go. I've read some great posts about how to update firmware in IKEA devices but i don't see the option to update firmware on the device page.
Could that be because of my old Platform version?

I see that the latest version is - what would happen if i update my hub?
I'm afraid that it would it break stuff, render devices unuseable, break my rules?

Should i delete everything instead and start from scratch?

// Kenneth

Absolutely the worst thing to do!

There is a beta version right now that feels more solid than .193 so I'd advise waiting for it to go to production before upgrading, but other than that you should be good to move forward when ready.


What IKEA buttons do you have?

If the "Device" driver does not offer the "Update Firmware" button on the device page in, you can use this IKEA drivers package and:

  • Install the package above using HPM (select only the drivers you need when asked). If you don't use HPM, there are also instructions to manually install the driver(s) you need.
  • Pair your IKEA buttons to Hubitat, if not already paired (don't worry if the buttons don't do anything just yet)
  • If the IKEA driver was not automatically selected during pairing, manually set the correct IKEA driver. You should now see the "Update Firmware" button on the device page.
  • Follow the instructions on the firmware update post you linked. For battery powered devices, it takes a little bit of fiddling in order to start the update process (device must be "awake" when the hub sends the update command), but if you watch closely the instructions, it should work.

Good luck!

Edit: Reading the release notes, I believe that Zigbee firmware updates were added in 2.2.7 Zigbee OTA updates, so this might not work.

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How did you manage to get here? C8 was released on 2.3.5


Ok Thanks - i'm just worried that things may break in the move from to
You think for example my Rule Machine 4.0 rules will survive?
What about my devices - do the need re-pairing or is that only needed after a driver update?

Would it be better to upgrade in smaller steps or should i just head straight to + ?

Thanks for the tip Dan..! :slight_smile:

I've allready tried that but Package Manager tells me:

Hubitat Package Manager
Developed by: DCMeglio
Current Version: v1.9.3 -  © 2020 Dominick Meglio

Error Occurred During Installation
An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install driver https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/ikea-zigbee-drivers_5.0.1/ikea-zigbee-drivers/Ikea_E1743.groovy. Please notify the package developer..

Be sure the package is not in use with devices.

But anyway - I think your right about needing to be at atleast 2.2.7 to have the firmware update feature.. :expressionless:

Sorry - My bad. I have a C7..!! :- :upside_down_face:
Nicely spotted hubitrep..!

Neither hub platform updates nor driver changes generally require re-adding a device.

Why not? :slight_smile: Many people still have even older rules around. Even if no longer available for new install, "legacy" apps do not get removed for existing users.

While that's quite a jump and further back than things are normally tested, someone made a similarly large jump recently (I don't remember what version...) and, despite some discussion about how it might be possible to move a few versions at a time (actually possibly not on a platform version this old, though it is now), just did it all at once -- and there were no problems.

If there are, the Diagnostic Tool makes it easy to restore to a previous platform version, and coupled with an automatic database backup or ideally one you download yourself or store in Hub Protect, going back to the previous/current state should be possible if you need to do that for some reason.


I have no idea why this fails, the driver file is there and I was able to import it on my C-7, weird. Anything helpful in the logs?

There were HPM updates based on hub changes so it's likely another thing connected to such a old version.

@AnubizDK I would just take a local backups of your hub and go for it.

No you won't need to rejoin device the platform update is not connected to the radios. However it's so old that you will likely also need to update your radio firmware. So once you have updated go into the z-wave setting page and make sure you click the update Firmware button.


Thank you for replying Borris..!

I thougth about that too..
And as i have a Z-wave smartlock and a couple of dimmers on Z-wave too, i wonder if they need to be excluded before a radio update?
(it's been a while since i last updated a Z-wave radio with devices included)

Are Z-wave devices as forgiving as Zigbee, when it comes to upgrading the Platform and radio version?

Not much:

app:412024-10-20 16:40:56.728 infoFatal error occurred, rolling back
app:412024-10-20 16:40:55.699 infoInstalling IKEA White Spectrum Light
app:412024-10-20 16:40:55.338 infoDownloading IKEA White Spectrum Light
app:412024-10-20 16:40:55.011 debugInstall beginning
app:412024-10-20 16:40:55.008 debugprefInstall
app:412024-10-20 16:40:51.797 debugprefInstallVerify
app:412024-10-20 16:40:43.904 debugprefInstallChoices
app:412024-10-20 16:40:37.300 debugprefInstallRepositorySearchResults
app:412024-10-20 16:40:33.551 debugprefInstallRepositorySearch
app:412024-10-20 16:40:25.117 debugprefPkgInstall
app:412024-10-20 16:40:20.518 infoRefreshing repository list

But don't worry about it for my sake.. I'm sure it will work just fine, when i have found the courage to update my hub.. :smiley:

No, no one has ever had to do that I know of. From my experience it's more important that your z-wave database is good. They had some issues very early on with the C-7 where DB was not great the device creation could eventually cause issues. However if you don't have any issues then there should be no issues with the update.
As others have said you can always roll back as long as you take a backup before there is no risk.

Thank you all for helping me out !!
Because of you guys i built up the courage and updated my hub to yesterday.. :upside_down_face:

There's a lot of new GUI to get used to, but also some nice new additions - the "Zigbee Network Graph" for one looks cool..!

So far every device seems to play nice, and no rules and automations seems to be broken.

The Button controllers app seems to be updated.
I tried creating a new rule/controller and it's listed as ver. 5.1.
All my other controllers are ver. 3.1 - is that a problem?

The same goes for Rule Machine - it's also updated to 5.1.
I now have both a "Rule Machine Legacy" app (where all my rules are listed as Rule-4.0) and a new "Rule Machine" app.

Is there any way of updating the old controllers and rules to ver. 5.1 (besides deleting and re-creating them), so i end up with only having one instance of each app installed?

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No, but:

Also no.