I have read numerous posts where people have setup MailGun, Cobra or SendGrid with Hubitat. I have tried all three with no luck. MailGun simply does not have documentation that even explains how to properly format a CURL request, so I am not even sure how I would integrate it. Cobra refused to give me an account. SendGrid can't send via GMail, Outlook.com nor Zoho.
I would gladly pay for an integration that took a technical person less than 40 hours to setup (I am an expert level Python, Spark and Javascript engineer; I can send emails in all those languages...why not from a hub?).
I think it is ridiculous for any product like Hubitat or SmartThings to not include a simple SMTP send. ALL my security CAMERAS and NVRs do this out of the box. There are literally thousands of email clients out there. Why can't these hubs do a simple SMTP integration and send? Why does one have to setup multiple relays, a home email server or complex integrations? Email actually sucks as a regular form of communication, however for the use case of alarm notifications it is actually the perfect medium.