Send Zwave Command

Where is the Advanced "send zwave command" on the device page format documented?


I think it was intended for developers only.
The format is the raw hex string that the devices expect for commands.
It could be compiled using PC Controller or by reading the spec documents and working it out from there.

Best to just pretend its not there :wink:

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I'm probably just missing something here then. Where's the best way to set this on my Zooz ZEN32?

Disable / enable control on the relay

Parameter 19: Enable or disable paddle on/off control (aka disable the relay). If disabled, you’ll only be able to control the connected light via Z-Wave. Scenes and other functionality will still be available through buttons.
Values: 0 – Disable local/physical control (from the button), enable Z-Wave control; 1 – Enable local/physical control (from the button), enable Z-Wave control (default); 2 – Disable local/physical control (from the button), disable Z-Wave control
Size: 1 byte dec

Set up a rule to send these 3 strings...that doesn't seem to work.

IE configure('19', '0', '1') on Coat Rack

Use the Basic Z-Wave Tool or find a driver that offers a preference for the parameter you're looking for (and make sure yours doesn't already; many written for specifically devices do).

That configure() command is also not going to work with most drivers, though you'd need a Rule or custom app to even try it that way in the first place. This is normally not what this command is for, and with any command, you have to march the type and number of parameters (typically none at all for this one).


I guess @bertabcd1234 didn't want to self-promote?
For the ZEN32 use the community driver he created: [RELEASE] Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller (community driver)

Should get you access to all of the advanced settings and LED options.


Thanks everybody. That does solve this problem. But is there no way to send it any documented command I want? That's easy in products I've used before.

"Any command" is pretty broad. Have you seen the zwave spec docs? Using that Basic Zwave tool you can set any parameter you want. A lot of community drivers also offer a "Set Parameter" command similar to that tool. Thats the most common thing a driver may be lacking. Almost anything else you want to send to a device should be implemented by the driver.


Depends on what you are doing...

On an automation/programmatically - no. In that case support would need to be added to the driver.

On an ad hoc/manual basis - yes. You can send any zwave command under Advanced in the device detail page - just click on Advanced.

Yeah I think he already found that, he was wondering how you use it. Which I explained above is not easy.


Easy is relative. It is just hex after all, and the commands are well documented.

Basic Steps (I know you know this, this is for others):
Get the zwave command class spreadsheet (readily available with a quick google search), find the command you want, enter the command and parameters in hex. Hit Send Command.

But yes, that is arguably much harder than selecting from a pre-populated list of options. No argument there.

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Awesome, I was looking for where that is documented? It wasn't on the device page in the docs that I could find, but don't really know my way around the docs well yet, other than basic stuff.

It's really the format I need...I can do hex :slight_smile:

This is the spreadsheet I was referring to:

And a good example from @jtp10181 himself using PC Controller to figure it out:


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Thanks! I'll probably have a q or two still after reading thru this stuff. But it looks like the end state format you send from the advanced device entry is in the general format like his example ....87 01 00 01 0D 01 64.

Yes but it makes my head hurt trying to figure those out from the docs. That's why I used simplicity studio. You can build the command in there and it gives you the exact string. Sometimes I have used the docs to DECODE messages from a device, but trying to build one is a pain.

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Hopefully, I can find drivers or workarounds for everything I need. I will admit that every device in Homeseer HS4 has a way to send configuration commands simply. Just enter the data in 3 fields for parameter #, setting, and byte size. It's really simple.

That said...though I'm new at using Hubitat there are so many things built in to creating rules (and then modifying what devices are included) I'm a bit excited to see what I can do. It's a great interface.

If this is all you're doing, this advice from above is a lot easier (aside from needing to switch to/from the driver):

Of course, if the driver offers a command or preference for the parameter you're trying to change (and again, many written for a specific device do--especially custom drivers), that's even easier. If you aren't sure, someone may know what options there are for a specific device.

Thanks everybody!

I'm not sure what all I'll need. I just want to make sure I have the tools to do whatever devices are capable of...

For example, the built-in driver for the WD-200 dimmer doesn't allow you to adjust ramp rate. I really dislike the default 3 seconds since I want as close to zero delay between the physical touch of turning it on and the light actually coming on. Neither does the built-in one for the 300.

I'm using one for the 300 series from GitHub on both to get those options, but oddly enough that driver on the 200's doesn't update on/off status when controlled remotely...even though the light does turn on and off...but it does if physically turned on and off at the wall. That may impact rules I need in the future...I just don't know yet and don't want to box myself in.

It's nice to know that there will be ways to get around these limitations if I need to.

Thanks again!

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