Secondary Controller using Z-Wave - PC controller

I just realized I posted a link to a post you already saw.. so apologies on that.

I'm not sure you can join an S2 device via a secondary controller in this way - I've only paired the older non-S2 stuff. I don't think my Fibaro Key Fob is S2.

The secondary controller would have to be S2 also to know to gen a keypair. So.. in most cases, meaning with most of the secondary controllers available to us, it won't work. YMMV

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My UZB stick is S2 enabled (700 stick from Silicon labs) - I've used it to pair iBlinds (S2) directly to the stick as a primary controller (to do FW updates), and when the blinds join I get the S2 security pop-up in PC Controller.

I haven't tried to join anything using S2 to the hub when using the UZB stick as a secondary controller. Shouldn't that work as long as the UZB stick supports S2? Or am I getting myself confused...

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The primary and secondaries do not 'naturally' communicate. Anything done on the one is invisible to the other UNLESS the controllers use the commands to push updates. Therefore the answer has more to do with the compatibility between the two implementations.

In this case, the keys need to be distributed to the controllers. I'd think that's a task for the SUC (usually the Primary controller) to manage. Fundamentally it's the same need as Inclusion.. the SUC is queried for the 'next' Node ID.

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I think it has to do with the primary having to finish the S2 stuff and HE does not currently support it.


Ah...the master has once again schooled the padawan. :wink:

Thanks for that link, now it's clear!

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Well it appears to work for me :grin:

I've just hooked up the USB stick, loaded the controller s/w and done as you guys instructed above. The device is added via the secondary controller, in one case a device appeared in the device list with the correct driver, in the case of the others I ended up rebooting the hub and then put it in inclusion mode, put the device in inclusion mode and the C7 found the motion sensors and added them without secure.

I am well chuffed. They appear to be working fine. I'm waiting for them to do parameter updates but they are detecting motion and they are all running non-secure:

Thanks a lot for your help! Save me an absolute fortune and avoided a massive PITA. Seriously appreciated!


So then I guess you can add S2 devices as unsecured via the secondary? I was wondering if the primary needed more info from such a device even if pairing with no authentication. That's good to know!

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I had to look that up, have never heard it or seen it in print. You Brits speak a different language than we do in the states.


You're just lucky he hadn't lost the plot. :wink:

America and England, two great countries separated by a common language.


So it sounds like you're saying including using the secondary controlling only worked for one device. Do I understand that correctly? Sounds like you're saying after the one included using the secondary controller, you included the others directly to the hub using the hub inclusion process.

I'm a bit confused about this steps you took and what worked and what didn't.

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I think he included all of them via the secondary controller - one appeared in the device list the others he had to futz with them a little, reboot and go into inclusion mode on the hub.. that's my take.


Confirmed, that's it. I was 'losing the plot' with these things until you lot pointed me in the right direction. Quick summary as follows:

  1. All devices reset, 5 in total. Note that I think that one of them has a FW compatible with HE as it includes as expected, fingerprint recognised and it works as expected. The other 4 required the following:
  2. A USB stick and S/W loaded on Win10 laptop. I used a ZMEEUZB1 stick that I had and the s/w from: here:
  3. Then use the instructions provided above to add as a secondary controller: here:
  4. Once you have the USB setup and have included then secondary controller then:
  5. Add the devices using the secondary controller.
  6. They appear in the z-wave settings of the HE (at this point one of them included, I'm assuming it was the device with the right FW on it.
  7. For the other devices, they now appear in the Z-Wave list but have no device assigned.
  8. At this stage I rebooted the hub, I'n not sure it's necessary???
  9. I then excluded the secondary, again use the instructions in 3 above to do that.
    10, I then put the HE in inclusion mode and then triple clicked the FHMS-001, this time the hub recognised it and then added it correctly with the correct driver.

So, yes, well chuffed, thrilled to bits, ecstatic, over the moon. :joy:

I have some tinkering (I've heard the term futz before) to get the parameters to update as they are not but they are detecting motion and temp happily this morning.

Thanks again!


Great, glad it helped. Futzing around is indeed a traditional activity.

Happy futzing. :slight_smile:


whoever at siliconsoft that thought it was smart to put every utility behind eclipse should be taken behind the shed.... that took a while to find... :slight_smile:


Yup - unfortunately it's quite a PITA now. On the other hand, it's still free. :slight_smile:


I have now a fully clean network. with the utility i could figure out what the devices where, and yes these are old devices that i had a hard time pairing due to distance and weak signal. i added a second hub and paired them on that, but they stuck around on my first hub.
A zooz outdoor sensor that was gone was also floating around, that one got zapped too.

A bit of christmas cleaning of my network... :slight_smile:


Kind of makes you feel like a superhero, doesn't it? :wink:

UltraUZBman is here to save the day! :slight_smile:

definitely satisfying :cowboy_hat_face:

I just wanted to thank everyone who provided info in this thread, was able to add my ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor with security none and make it work thanks to you all. Appreciate everyone sharing their knowledge.