This should only be required if you need to manually change drivers, if the device picked the correct driver during Inclusion the configure command is run by the hub automatically...
I enabled logging on the device and pressed "unlock" and "lock". It does not seem to be sending those commands. For some reason it is not letting me attach the image of the log so I did a cut and paste below:
[dev:453]2020-09-14 10:39:53.820 [warn]encryption is: true
[dev:453]2020-09-14 10:39:53.819 [warn]description logging is: true
[dev:453]2020-09-14 10:39:53.817 [warn]debug logging is: true
[dev:453]2020-09-14 10:39:53.815 [info]updated...
[dev:453]2020-09-14 08:51:28.600 [info]Front Door Lock was manually locked [physical]
[dev:453]2020-09-14 08:50:36.343 [info]Front Door Lock was manually unlocked [physical]
[dev:453]2020-09-14 08:39:53.693 [info]Front Door Lock battery is 94%
they are being sent, just not sent to the live logs which is OK.
I just wanted to make sure there weren't any errors.
The lock is not receiving the commands, or is ignoring them for some reason...
Can you post a screen shot of the the lower section of the driver details?, the one that includes device data?
It keeps saying I "cannot put images in a post". Is there a waiting period before I'm allowed to do that?
- deviceType: 25409
- zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
- inClusters: 0x22,0x72,0x7A,0x98,0x86
- zwNodeInfo: 53 DC 80 04 40 03 22 72 7A 98 86 68 23
- secureInClusters: 0x5D,0x85,0x20,0x80,0x70,0x62,0x71,0x63
- deviceId: 20548
- S2: 128
- manufacturer: 59
There could have been an issue with inclusion not completing all the way, can you exclude, then include the lock again?
After that post the the data section again...
will do, thanks!
Successfully removed and re-paired
- deviceType: 25409
- zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
- inClusters: 0x22,0x72,0x7A,0x98,0x86
- secureInClusters: 0x5D,0x85,0x20,0x80,0x70,0x62,0x71,0x63
- deviceId: 20548
- S2: 128
- manufacturer: 59
Still not responding to UI commands unfortunately
Same model as mine (BE469 Z-Wave on C7 w/.119, .145 and .147 FW). Paired and works beautifully, so you should be able to get this working! Good luck.
@mike.maxwell , not sure it is related, but there have been some very similar threads about this on the C5 with recent firmware updates. I am not positive they are related, but what @chacquie is having happen is quite similar to the symptoms I have been having. The main gist is that I get no response at all from the locks, no logs, no appearance that the hub even sent the commands with debug logging on. I have been working with BobbyD about this, but no progress so far. I would be glad to PM you further details if needed.
Thanks for the additional info. Fwiw, I am on but this problem has been there since I first went to Hubitat in July. I'm happy to assist with any troubleshooting that might be required for the C7.
Recently installed 5 "older" Schlage BE469NX (non-"Plus" versions of Z-wave). These locks don't have NWI. I paired them by removing the lock from the door and bringing it to the Hub (in my case, I found it easier to move the lock to the hub than move the hub to the lock). After this, I put the locks back in place and found that 4 of the 5 locks worked, but one didn't. I realized its because the final lock was pretty far away and probably didn't learn the correct "neighbors" when it was originally paired. So, for just that lock, I then used a long ethernet cable, to bring the hub back near the lock. Did a "repair" on just that lock, and thereafter all was fine.
Lesson - if you originally "paired" your lock by bringing it to the hub, it may not know its proper neighbors for communication. You'll need to put the lock in place and bring the hub to it to do a "repair".
This is definitely an older one. I have been pairing it where the hub was. I figured since it gave me the green checkmark on the lock it was good (and it does show up in the Hubitat add screen). I can certainly remove and pair with it closer to the hub
For non-plus devices that is true. That is not needed (99.999% of the time) for zwave plus devices if you generate an event from the device (lock/unlock door for example) as it will discover a path back to the hub automatically.
Actually it sounds like I could just bring the hub closer and simply repair it.
That is the best way to do it with non-plus devices. Bringing the device back to the hub might not fix it when you put it back in the further away location.
Sometimes bringing the hub closer and doing a repair won't fix it either - but often does.
Non-plus zwave is very picky about routes, and gets confused on routes very easily - so it is better to leave it in place to avoid it goofing up all of the neighbors it discovered.
Yup - I always have brought my hub to my BE469 to pair, and have never had any issues w/it pairing or controlling it, either on ST or HE.
First you can try to "repair" it.
Then if that fails you can try to "re-pair" it...exclude and then include w/the hub next to it. My hub has always been w/in about 3-4 feet of the front door when including my lock.
If you do go the "re-pair" route, then first try bringing the hub close and do a Z-WAve Discover WITHOUT first excluding the lock. I've had a few experiences where the locks "partially" pair - basically, they get assigned a Z-Wave node ID, but fail to exchange all the necessary info. For some reason, it seems you can "pair" that same device again, and the hub may "complete" the process. All else fails, then do a full exclude / discovery / pair.
Wow, I've really hosed it up now. I moved the hub directly next to the door. I repaired it but no improvement so I tried to exclude it but I just get the red "X" when I try. Thinking it might be ok to just re-add it but I get the "X" with that as well now. I did a force remove and I still get the red "X" when I try to add it. I might need to do a factory reset.