@bcopeland or @bravenel do you have any suggestions for adding the Schlage door lock. I want to migrate them off from my Vera Plus and that would be one Schlage, one Yale. Just checking before I start the process with hope that I can avoid any issues and with hope the 700 chip has helped with the previous reported issues.
Won't know until you try.. Including it works the same as any other secure device..
The 700 chip in its own right isn't going to make any difference, the new z-wave stack being used does seem to handle S0 encryption and retrys better than the C5. Is this going to guarantee the Schlage locks will perform better in your environment?, nope...
Thanks @bcopeland, thought I'd give it a shot. Will keep you informed!
@mike.maxwell thanks, like I just replied to Brian I will keep you posted.!
I paired an old Schlage BE469 yesterday and it worked for me. I took the C7 right next to it while I performed the exclusion and pairing ritual.
@eibyer thanks for the input! WISH ME LUCK
I'll second the experience above. I'm not sure which Schlage Z-Wave locks you have, but I've tried two (plus a Kwikset) with my C-7: a BE468 and BE469. One paired on the first try with no problems (as did the Kwikset). The other required one or two re-attempts but worked then. I kept the hub close to the lock as I paired due to previous recommendations and experience. The only other thing I'd recommend is keeping the logs open as you try. If you see something like "Z-Wave Secure Inclusion failed; the device needs to be excluded then included again," then ... that message is accurate and you should do that. (The logs were the best place to see this information.)
And speaking of excluding, since you're currently using them on another hub, make sure to do that--exclusion. Politely removing them from Vera should make them ready to be included on Hubitat, but you can do a general Z-Wave Exclusion using Hubitat if you're not sure (or if the first attempt at inclusion fails). This advice isn't lock-specific, but it's worth mentioning.
Good luck!
@bcopeland, jsut to update the Schlage FE599 connected first time no issues and the control seems almost instant as does reporting. Thanks @bertabcd1234, @eibyer, @mike.maxwell, and @bcopeland for the info and support.
Would the added range of the 700 chip help or would that only be relevant when communicating with another 700 device?
I just paired a Schlage Camelot BE469 lock to my new C-7 Hub and it worked out fine. I actually documented my experience in a different thread.
I'm just starting to setup my new Hubitat C7. Migrating from SmartThings.
I too have the Schlage Camelot BE469 locks. I have one on a door that doesn't get used much so I used it for a test. I removed it from SmartThings and then paired it with the Hubitat. I installed Lock Code manager and had a few issues but then realized I still had the old codes programmed in the lock so I removed all the codes from the lock by following the lock directions on how to do that. Then I tried to set codes again. It kept telling me there were already codes set even though I know they were deleted. I then realized I was trying to set a 4 digit code but the lock was expecting 6 so it was returning the wrong error message. Once I got that figured out I was able to add the code with no issues. Going to do the main lock later after I port other things over as I'm working from the hub outward to make a good mesh. So my experience with this lock, which I understand from reading other posts has been a pain, has so far been good.
I have successfully added my Schlage lock. It will give accurate status (including manual code entry) but I cannot get it to lock/unlock using the UI. Do you think there is something wrong with my pairing?
What model is it?
Schlage BE468/BE469 Lock and I'm using the C7 Hubitat
I'm looking at this now, but so far I've not had any issues using this driver and lock combination on a C7 with the latest 2.2.3 build.
can you enable debug logging on the driver, then post a screen shot of the live logs after sending a lock and then an unlock command to the lock from the driver details page?
I'm also on a C7 and I have 2 of the 469 locks. One is rarely used and the other is used many times a day. On that one when it is manually locked occasionally the fact that it was locked is not picked up by the hub and then I will get a door unlocked alert. I've added a redundant lock command just yesterday. If it sees the door is closed and it's unlocked it will send a lock command and then check again in about 30 seconds and if it still shows unlocked then it will text me. Haven't had that need to trigger yet. Or if it did it worked as I haven't gotten any unlocked texts.
Ok, so I'm assuming you're using the "Schlage BE468/BE469 Lock" device driver (that's what I'm using currently). Did you also click the "Configure" button after you setup the device? That's something that's often missed.