[RELEASE] WyzeHub - Wyze Device Integration (minimal cam support)

but it is asking for tokens in the wyze app, I can not add a screen shot this chat is not allowing it.



Manually Enter Tokens (Troubleshooting)
Access Token
Click to set

Refresh Token

I tried the key ID and API key in bot places for "token" as you say id dose not need a "token" get in both cases I get

[app1662]logs?tab=past&appId=1662#)2025-02-01 09:23:38.481 PM


[WyzeHub] API Call to apiwyzecam/app/user/refresh_token failed with Exception: java.lang.Exception: Invalid Response Data Code: 2001

(logs?tab=past&appId=1662#)2025-02-01 09:23:38.478 PM


[WyzeHub] API Response error!

(logs?tab=past&appId=1662#)2025-02-01 09:23:38.474 PM


[WyzeHub] API Call to/apiwyzecam/app/user/refresh_token failed with Exception: groovyxResponseException: status code: 500, reason phrase: Internal Server Error

(logs?tab=past&appId=1662#)2025-02-01 09:23:38.256 PM


[WyzeHub] Access Token Invalid. Attempting to refresh token.

It says "Manually" - it is optional. I have both token fields blank.

Which matches what it shows in the Wyze Api Console


I so appreciate your help and that you're able to add an image I wasn't able to I think that's awesome and extremely helpful as yours is showing asking for the API key and key ID mine does not have these fields I wonder if I have an old version of the wise hub app? My wise hub app only ask for name password and tokens..

this site still will not let me add am image but in the WyzeHub settings my only options are

access_token text ****
logLevel enum 1
password password ***
refresh_token text ***
username text b***.com

I will try to find a newer version of the WyzeHub that has the KEY fields as yours is shown.


Using code from

I see the lines asking for the API in the code, soooo not even sure why the form is not showing them, even in other browsers.

Whats the status on the cam support? i think i tried this early and only wanted to add a couple of cameras but i have 35 between 4 properties.. and i want to keep them in one account and it was too taxing to try with all those?

I just want to try and use 1 of the cameras motion sensor to activate a zigbee spray water bottle I built to keep the cats of the dang counter :laughing: Wyze is picking up the cats far better than the zooz motion sensors I am using now..

That code is out of date.

Install WyzeHub via HPM or from this link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fieldsjm/Hubitat-2/refs/heads/master/WyzeHub/apps/wyzehub-app.groovy


that makes sense.. Updating...

That was it THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!

Kitchen cam added to motion detection :partying_face:


1 Like

You will be much, MUCH happier if you stop installing things manually and start using HPM.


AFAIK, Wyze does not support cam video access via their API. But you can control some things. For instance, I have a rule that turns on notifications on one particular cam.

This is a v3 cam with a floodlight.

@jakelehner Perhaps update the first post to say "Install via HPM".

1 Like

I would appreciate that update, that is where I started, I have never heard of HPM.
THANK YOU for all the help though, most appreciated..

ok, trying to use the wyze cam as a motion switch but the WyzeHub has the error

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getChildDevice() on null object on line 1119 (method deviceEventValueCallback)

might this be the WyzeHub code resulting in an error ?

app:16632025-02-04 10:43:02.824 PM


[WyzeHub] [kitchen cam] Refreshing Recorded Events

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:03.117 PM


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getChildDevice() on null object on line 1119 (method deviceEventValueCallback)

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.955 PM


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getChildDevice() on null object on line 1080 (method deviceEventsCallback)

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.694 PM


[WyzeHub] [kitchen cam] Refreshing Recorded Events

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.597 PM


[WyzeHub] [kitchen cam] Refresh Device Data

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.578 PM


[WyzeHub] [kitchen cam] initialize()

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.567 PM


[WyzeHub] [kitchen cam] installed()

app:16632025-02-04 10:41:02.504 PM


[WyzeHub] Adding device type Camera with mac ******F97

app:16632025-02-04 10:39:56.410 PM


[WyzeHub] Login Request was OK: 200

app:16632025-02-04 10:39:55.698 PM


[WyzeHub] Authenticating User...

I finally got some time to play with this. I ended up using the setAllNotifications('false') rather than motion_notify as I want to disable motion & sound triggers based on presence.

What I found was that this works perfectly for my older cam (v1 - Kitchen Cam). But has no affect on the newer OG Cams I picked up more recently (the other two).

My guess is that the OG Cam is using a different property to control those settings.

When can test if you are comfortable editing the WyzeHub Camera driver code.
Line 310 - remove the // from:

  1. Wyze app: Turn on motion notifications
  2. HE: refresh OG Cam
  3. HE: review logs for properties
  4. Wyze app: Turn off motion notifications
  5. HE: refresh OG Cam
  6. HE: review logs for properties

We can then compare the two logs and see what changed. If there really are differences, then we may need a new driver specific to the OG Cam.

removed from WyzeHub Camera code


testing, back with logs soon.