[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug (w/ healthStatus)


Bought a metering plug from AliExpress and paired it with my Hubitat C-8 (running v. Pairing went smoothly and this driver (v. 1.7.7) was selected automatically.

(original page is no longer available...)

The problem is that it only works a minute or less, then the device is unresponsive. Can pair multiple times, and the results are always the same, works a short time and then nothing. No errors in (debug) logs. Data in Hubitat's end:

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

C-8 hub?


Zigbee devices that do not pair correctly in HE

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Thanks for the info, hopefully HE devs issue a fix

Yes, Hubitat devs are aware of the problem, hopefully, they will find a solution in the next year.

You can try to remove the device from Hubitat, re-pair it again, and, in the short interval that it stays paired, remove the power from the metering plug (remove it from the outlet) for a couple of minutes. Maybe also have a load connected in order to drain the capacitors quickly and kill the power to the zigbee module.

When you plug it back in, does it connect to HE and does it stays that way?

I am using the Third Reality model 3RSP02028BZ outlet with the Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug driver version 1.8.0 (8/7/2023).
It works well with the exception of energy reporting values which appear to be about 3.66 times the expected amount. This is based on multiple tests using a 60 watt incandescent light bulb over several hours for each test.
Is there a newer driver available that corrects this?

Thank you.

Sorry, but I'm not sure which driver is the "HE inbuilt Device driver" Do you know how it appears in the drop-down list of drivers?


I have no idea how it is possible the energy to be off 3.66 the real consumption... Usually, if a divider is wrong then the difference is 10 or 100 times, but always a factor of 10.

Did you try the TR dedicated driver?

The "HE inbuilt Device driver is this one :

Thanks for the advice, but after plugging it back it's non-responsive (tried with Hubitat v.

The driver I use that is off by a factor of 3.66 is the Tuya ZigBee Metering Plug. I assume this driver was written by you? (kkossev).
I prefer your driver to the one written by jonathanb because your driver provides much better resolution for the energy parameter. Right now, I simply divide the number received from the device by 3.66 and it matches nicely with expected power consumption.

Not sure which driver you refer to in your screengrab. Device? Generic Z-Wave...?
I do not see drivers with those names in my System drivers list.

The 'Device' driver is the one assigned automatically by HE during the initial pairing to any device whose fingerprint is not defined in the rest of the system and custom drivers. It is often used to clear any pending scheduled jobs or old state variables when changing between different drivers.

As I mentioned before, I don't have any idea why is this 3.66-factor error with the Third Reality power monitoring plug. You can temporarily leave the correction inside the driver code and rename the driver name so that the changes don't get overwritten by a future update.

Thanks for the information. For now, I will simply apply the correction using Rules in HE.

Out of curiosity, is the energy calculation made by the driver software or is it internal to the outlet device and its firmware?


I received a new plug from china and its manufacturer signature is "_TZ3000_okaz9tjs"
In your release notes I see that this device is not compatible.
Fingerprints are commented out.

But when I try it with your driver, it successfully runs. On/off , power/amperage/power/voltage all shows fine.
What is not working ?
Should I add any fingerprint ?

btw, what is the childlock feature for ?

@kkossev ?

You have been lucky to receive a _TZ3000_okaz9tjs plug that has managed to pair and to stay connected in your particular environment. Do not remove it, as usually it is very difficult to pair it again as a new device once being removed from the hub.

The ChildLock option prevents the plug from being turned on/off using the local physical button.

well, on/off and metering seems to work. also it preserves state and power on according to the setting made by your driver.
childlock, led settings do not work. (or I don't know how to use them)


Should work the same way as the 'Set Power On State' - first select the option, then click on the button above.