[RELEASE] Tile Master - Display multiple devices that can be Controlled from the tile!

Hmmm??? Same Result. I am having doubts that I have the correct app number that I am trying to copy? How do I go about that again? Sorry if this has been answered already. My quick scan of the entire thread didn't reveal an answer,

I know this works! I have basically 3 setups that I have copied/used multiple times..

:wink: :grin:

Okay, I went about it the harder way by enabling "debug" in the app I wanted to copy and looking at the logs. So, 1937, in my case is the correct app number (confirmed via your much easier method :slight_smile: )

I'm wondering if something isn't wrong with the app I am trying to copy from. As an experiment, I tried and was successful in copying another app (different data, different layout) into the child I am trying to create.

Yeah, sounds like something is messed up in the tile your trying to copy. No way to debug that. Sorry. Hoping at some point we can write a file out to the hub and read it back in. Would make it so much easier to copy things!

Well, at least we kind of know where the problem is...and I can exclaim "It's Not Me!!!" ... For now anyway. :wink:

What I'll do is recreate the layout with the new Tile and try to copy it again for the old tile. See if we can get any additional clues from that.

Thanks for your help ... And this Awesome App!

@bptworld Okay, So upon recreating this tile, from scratch, for my new device, I tried to copy it. No dice! So it must have something to do with the configuration or the data selected for this tile. Let me know if you want any screenshots etc...

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I've gotten to where I make a quick backup before I start messing with RM.

OK - I've got the dumb ■■■ question of the year.
I set up API maker, MT-device Made,
At the moment just trying to get a basic tile with a date on it.
I feel like when I add a tile to the dashboard I should see some sort of new template to choose from?
I select the MT virtual device but under template I've no idea what to pick.

  • 1st make sure all dashboard tabs are closed.
  • Make sure you have data to display by going to the device and look at the 'Current States'. You should see a 'tm-tile01'.
  • If there is data in the tm-tile01, now go to the dashboard and select the device, attribute, tm-tile01


All, I've searched this topic and there does not seem to be a way to change the icon on a tile. I'm looking for a way to show success/failure of an action taken by Node-red on an HE dashboard. I'd like to have a green icon for success and a different red icon for failure. Can this be done?

Or even the words "Success" in green and "Failure" in red?

And space is a concern so just a 1x1.


Yes, setup the icons you want to use in the parent app.

Then in the child app, 'Use custom Icons instead of Device Value'.

And I can swap them via command from NR like I can turn a virtual switch on/off?

This would follow a device in HE, I have no idea about NR.

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As long as it follows a virtual switch I'm golden. Thanks!

And thanks again for ALL your contributions!

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Yes, yes I can


It's working like I want but is there a way to make the icon cover more, if not all, of the tile space? The TM table is set to 1x1, right alignment (looks same as centered), 100% for the cell width and the icon size is set to 110. The dashboard tile size is 100x100.

Nope, you would have to use some sort of CSS. I know nothing about CSS so can't help with that one.

OK, thanks.

This can definitely be done

In the tile creation, after you select your device, you can "Use custom icons instead of device value"

All you'll need to do is get the value from the device (in my case it is "Connected" and "Disconnected"), and select which icon you want to use.

To add icons, go into the main app (not the tile you made), and select "Select Icons". This is where you can upload the files to use. With the addition of being able to host files on the HE hub, you can keep everything on the device


ahhh, just saw this after i posted above.

to get the full tile, as @bptworld said, you'd need to do some CSS stuff. try checking out The Noob's (in)complete guide to CSS for Hubitat to see if it can help you out


Thanks, @dadarkgtprince, for the info. I'm already doing what you suggest in your first post but I'm trying to get the icon to cover the whole tile. I'll take a look at the CSS guide but I'm so swamped with learning so many new things in this HA world that any knowledge I push in seems to push something else out! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:

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Ahhh!! I didn't know about the attribute option. I just started setting this all up a few week ago :slight_smile:


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