[RELEASE] Sonoff TH -Tasmota - Standalone driver

Hi all,

below is my driver for the Sonoff TH module running Tasmota OS.

Set the device network ID to the device IP address and select probe type in preferences. Don't forget you will also need to set the probe type on the Sonoff's http interface



Thanks much! Works really well! In case anyone else is using a AM2301 temp/humidity sensor with their TH, any lines where "SI7021" is used, I just replaced it with "AM2301" and the sensor readings report correctly.

glad it is working for you. Should I add AM2301 as an option in preferences? Some users are not comfortable changing driver code in groovy. Could you send me a description of exactly what you changed with line numbers and I will incorporate it in the driver.

I received TH16 units with DS18b20 temperature sensors. Works with Ewelink
I need to integrate them with HE and I need to flash the units with Tasmota firmware.

Should I follow the instructions there and/or do you have special info before upgrading ?
Thank you

Your driver works great many thanks mate. Also yes I had to update the code by replacing it with BME280 so maybe adding in some of these sensors to preferences would be perfect.

Will this driver work with any version of Tasmota OS? Or is there a recommended version?


The driver works by sending http instructions to the webserver of the tasmota device so should work across all versions.


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