[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

I'm still in the beta territory though so changes could have affected the reporting of battery settings.
I'm at 23125.009 and you are 231005.007

Can you please provide information what needs to be updated in MultiPlace? That would be very helpful.

As I recall correctly only the relevant "People" need to be linked to OwnTracks, right?

That's right. You can ask any Multiplace-related questions on the MultiPlace thread. Thanks!

You are right. Sorry! I think I found the relevant settings.

This still confuses me:

It is phone problem because phone really stays at home but it suddenly jumps 0,8km away from home. I did not find any way to fix that issue in that particular phone (oneplus nord 2).

But if I'm thinking about your app. I do still see log line where it says distance 0,8km and SSID: GHome.
For me it seems like app trusts distance information without checking SSID information. If it would check distance and SSID and if distance is more that 0,0km and SSID is empty..then it would have to mean that phone has really left home circle.

Like I said before.. I'm probably the only one who has to dead with this stupid issue but if your app could somehow help..

Getting this set up and configured for the first time. I seem to be having the same issue that @user6566 was having, but I do have a region called "Home" defined and have that set as the Home place.

On the mobile side, I'm getting http response code error 500. The URL is correct and when I go to it from a web browser on PC or the phone, I get what looks to be a JSON file of location related data.

On the HE app side, I'm getting a lot of this in the logs

I've reinstalled the mobile app at least once, and I did an HPM repair on the HE app. I can try a reinstall of the HE app if that might help.

HE app version: 1.6.31
Mobile app version: 17.1.3/en-_US
iOS 17.3

So I am not sure what version I was on 2 days ago, It has been a week or so since I installed. And 2 days ago I updated and since then my rules I setup no longer work. I was using location and checking for "Left" or "Arrived" as part of the field and it looks like it no longer states left or arrived.

Can you see what changed and get it fixed.

I updated my driver and code to the latest version yesterday and experienced some 500 errors. I reconfigured the app and pushed it to OT and after deleting all the regions that got multiplied again, it all settled down.

I am still having concerns over the updates in so far as they are very poor and slow on my partners iphone, semi regular on mine.

@HAL9000 I deleted and reinstalled the HE code maybe 3-4 times before it started to connect.

So far this isnt a replacement for L360 but thats not by any means a dig at the author who has been extremely dedicated to the cause. I find the push update when leaving or arriving from home simply too slow to be of benefit so far. Trouble is I dont see anything better to take L360s place right now so continuing to trial this for now. Maybe its better on Android?

I am about to update from a C7 to C8Pro so I will let the community know if I see any gains with presence... I might see some improvements with improved performance but the main reason for this jump personally is to implement "matter" interfaces. Wish me luck!

@albertjmulder Mine says Arrived and Departed? Check also you have lost the devices in the upgrade somehow?

its not the arrived / departed, its the left home, arrived home I am looking for. It was under location before not it just says home when home and does not change to anything when leaving. I will be having more "locations" Regions that I add and trigger things based upon that, but now I cant.

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@lpakula well this is a bit strange. iPhone OT just stopped working out of the blue this afternoon. iPhone was moving then just stopped reporting, even with manual update on map from device.

Interesting, I'm experiencing the reverse. It notifies 'Left' but not when Entered region.

@JustinL . I have switched to Move mode to see how the battery holds up. I note there is a Downgrade setting which is currently 0. Can this be changed or configured from HE with a Cmd? In move mode this will switch to significant if the battery falls below the setting. I assume a % value. Not sure if it reverts to move when the battery is restored to above?

I am keen to see how move works out. Today OT used 1% of my battery in significant mode, however I didnt move very far from home….

@lpakula iPhone HE device is also showing long numbers for lat/lon, but not on Android device

So the distance from home being 30 was interesting. My wife left today and when she left it jumped to 30mi away from home as well. I figured something wasn't happy. I ended up going in and editing the home location, and hitting save (without changing anything). Now distances are reporting properly. I haven't yet arrived home since leaving, but I assume it will track properly given the distance from home matches.

Not sure what happened, but it seems good now!

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It applies to all attributes.
Accuracy: meters/feet
Speed: kph/mph
Distance: km/miles

Not sure what happens on the phone side. Seems that sometimes it caches the message to be sent. I have seen in the phone logs that it failed to connect (or something like that) and then it re-tries in 60-seconds. Might be that? There has been occasions that I've tapped the button repeatable (that's the proper use case when it doesn't respond the first time, right?!?! :joy: and then I'll get a bunch of responses in the HE app after a bit).

That was done for my selfish needs since people in the family fumble and hit the button. If you need to do testing, you can go to the 'Advanced Mobile Settings -> Modify Default Settings -> Mobile App Location Settings'. You can select the mobile app report mode to 'Move', and change the 'How often should locations be continuously sent from the device while in 'Move' mode (seconds)' to a time that works for you (defaults to 30 seconds).

I'll look into the toast message. Android development isn't my strong suite, and there was a bit of stumbling on my face to get the fork to what I wanted. :smiley:


Can you copy the Hubitat URL into a browser on your phone to see if it gives back a response?

I'll look into this and get back to you. It should be checking for 3 different things to see if you are home:

  • You are within your home radius
  • Phone reports you are at the home name
  • SSID is the same as what you saved as your home SSID's

If either is true, then you are "home". Can you confirm that the SSID is in your home list?

And no, you aren't 100% alone. I added the SSID check to deal with our phones randomly jumping to our ISP's junction box across the park. I haven't had issues since I implemented it though.

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@user6566 Looking at this. I added a hook to save on geocode lookups but it looks like it breaks since you have never reported an initial location yet.

I'll have a fix shortly....

Can you update to the latest? I may have (ok 100% did) break something in the addition of some new functionality for the member tile. :slight_smile: