[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

First off, super cool there are direct dashboard links! Didn't know that! And .. head scratching strange.... I tried the local/cloud as well as legacy links and they would all spawn the map as expected (at least on the version I just pushed).

Can you update and let me know if it's still an issue? Which link are you using to access the dashboard? Cloud/Local/Legacy?

There still is a bit of grey bar at the bottom. Struggling to frame a header/footer and have the map auto-size for the middle (so that it works for the 2x, 3x and 4x height tiles). 3x height is problematic for the sizing (if I make the grey bar go away, 3x height has the text chopped off)

Debug logging wasn't on in the app but my device had it checked; turned it off.
Here are my screenshots of Pixel 7 beta 14. I have always been on the beta program so whatever Samsung put out as 14 I don't know. Usually they are 6 months toa year behind - in the old days :slight_smile:

I also have tried all of them, Cloud, Local, and Legacy Local, and the Map portion in the center is blank.

Did you test yours by pasting the URL of each of these into your Start URL of Fully Kiosk to see if you could see the Map? This is an odd one, all 4 of mine act the same, no Map.

Here's more details...Samsung has been pushing things out quickly for years now...get the unlocked phones directly from them and no delay from my carrier Verizon.

Been a hot minute since I posted, really taken me a while to catch up with this giant thread! Hope you're getting some time to rest @lpakula! :sleeping:

Updated to the latest version a few hours ago (6:53pm) version 1.6.30, coming from a few versions back, as I haven't updated in a few days now.

I ran a manual update on my phone (android) after also selecting to update location, display, and region settings on my device. On update, presence changed to not present and has been sticking that way ever since. It was definitely present before updating. Also, I haven't left home yet since updating, so I'm not sure if a update jog would help or not. Wifi is connected and SSID matches

Owntracks Android app is still the play store version, but I could change for debugging purposes if needed. I won't change yet, unless you want me to. App shows me at 'Home', and in the regions tab it shows currently inside the Home region since 6:53pm. I tried switching to move mode to see if that might help, but it didn't seem to (changed it back to significant mode where its always been).

I do have a +60follow region in my Android app. Is that supposed to be there, or should I delete it? Through my speed reading, I don't recall what the latest recommendations were regarding the +follow regions.

The member location tile shows me at my home location, but is red and says not present. Is the red status indication of present/not present, or a stale location?

I'm thinking it just got stuck, but wanted to mention it just in case. Hopefully the next time I leave and come back it updates properly. Should I try a reset to recommended for all settings to see if that helps? I wonder if there is some old data from a previous update that is messing something up?


I have sometimes had to restart the mobile app to get it to update the HE app/driver. Not sure why...but worth a shot. Preferences>Configuration Management>3-dot menu> Restart

See if that helps... :man_shrugging:

Good to know that hidden button exists, but no dice. I tried a phone reboot as well without any luck

All of these are running with play store version. Im not keen to install non official version because then I need to take care of the version updates if something changes. Play store version updates automatically. Also my own phone is policy restricted so there is no possibility to install apk's outside of play store.

Log was clean and green on phone side but that is from the night. Log doesnt show lines from the evening so I need to wait if problem occurs again.

And thanks.. SSID issue is now fixed!!

Let me see if I can det the SDK for t Android Studio to check what that change does for the battery notification.

Yes I did. If you paste the dashboard link into just the normal Amazon browser, does it still not show?

Still working great for me! Just one minor thing perhaps worth considering when you don't have bigger fish to fry:

Sometimes at least with Geoapify, the full address attribute shows the name of a business first, then the actual full address. This is even when the name of the business is NOT specified as a region/place in OwnTracks. So the attributes show as:

address: Target, 123 Main St, City, State, Zip, USA
location: Target, 123 Main St, City, State, Zip, USA
streetAddress: Target

That's neat that it pulls in the business name. But really the attributes should show:

address: 123 Main St, City, State, Zip, USA
location: Target
streetAddress: 123 Main St

Wonder if there's a way to fix that? Sometimes of course the business name isn't in the address, if the person isn't at a business. Sometimes it is though.

It gets pushed automatically and ignored, so no issues there.

Sorry, busy day! Can you update one more time? 1.6.31 fixes an issue where the HE updates the attributes, when the tile is pulled. That will fix any "lazy tile updates".

As for the screen shot, it looks like the lat/lon coming back isn't putting you inside your home circle (showing 30.2 from home). Can you try restarting the mobile app (or restarting your phone)? I have see some rare occasions that the mobile app gets a stale location and then gets "stuck". Restarting it fixes that.


That's interesting. Let me see if there is a way to get that. I was pulling from the "formatted address" to match what the phone was returning, but there is the whole breakdown of the actual address components as well. Might need to reconstruct a formatted address. I'll look into this!

Oh, and the latest version does a check on the lat/lon to see if the location was within 10m/33ft of the last location, and then re-uses the old address instead of a new one. Let me know if that seems to work. I started with a direct 1:1 lat/lon check, but you can get chatter on the location just sitting at one spot which was trigger the lookup.


Looks like it can return "name" for a physical business if its the only place in that location. Let me play with the results, but this will be easily fixable.


All of recent changes have been great! Yesterday I noticed the reverse geocoder settings and I added an API key - that's going to be a really useful addition.

I haven't fully switched my family to OT yet (it'll be hard to break from Life360 but I'll get there). Anyway, I've been playing around with OT on my phone and a test phone just to get a feel for how well it works.

I also wanted to push out a few updates for HD+ to better support these OT devices too. I had a couple of questions/thoughts if you get time:

  • I see the imperialUnits : true value and I believe that applies to the distanceFromHome attribute. When metric, is that value in meters or kM? For imperial, is it in miles?
    • does imperialUnits apply to any other attributes? For example accuracy or lastSpeed? Today I'm assuming accuracy is always in meters since that's how most OS's report that value. I use it to show a radius around the location. I'm not using lastSpeed today but that would be another value I'll try to support

I'm using your forked OT Android app -- thanks for doing that btw! I remember using the OT Android app months ago and it didn't start on boot and the devs didn't really want to fix that as I recall.

  • When I hit the "Report" button it doesn't seem like anything happens. I don't notice any update happening in the OT device or app. Is there something stopping this (ie: it will only send an update every X seconds?)
  • I read you blocked the 'change monitoring mode' button and that's probably a good idea. But, at least for my own testing I like to be able to quickly disable the app or enter the 'frequent' mode so I can get faster updates. Can it be unblocked in debug mode or something like that (not sure if there is a debug mode but figured I'd ask)
    • also, it could be useful to show a little toast message or something saying the mode is blocked and a report is being sent.. just so it's clear it worked.. very minor just my $.02

Anyway, keep up the great work!


I think you've finally found your "separated at birth" developer twin. You guys must be the most active developers on HE. :wink:


I am getting an error: Http code 504: timeout since yesterday, last location report was 21 hours ago for all devices.
Any suggestions please?

MultiPlace has been updated to work with OwnTracks.

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Unfortunately still seeing issue where Device attributes are updating great, but tile Speed and Distance gets stuck and does not update.

That's awesome. I will update and will give it a try. Thanks, man