[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

I'm not sure I follow. The notifications I see are on my pushover account that is on my Android device. I'm only seeing single notifications when my android enters and exists regions.

I don't have anything else set up to monitor the status of the iPhone of that's what you are asking.

If you notice, I'm only seeing multiple "left" the region. Not when entering the region. The regions in the screenshot show 3 notifications. She left another location but that only generated 2 notifications.

Ahh ok. I see what you mean. I was wondering if they were all in 3's then if other Hubitat notifications came in 3's as well.

For this, does it show all users on a single map? That would be handy for sure if that is the case.

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Question about Events in the Device page vs. logs, and the text notification option in the app.

I have this in my logs from a trip tonight. Shows not present (accurately) as I left home at 6:18 pm:

I did not receive a text notification that I had left at that time. I do have notifications set up in the HE Owntracks app.

Also, when I look in my Events on the device page I don't see a not present at 6:18pm.

It looks like the departure isn't getting registered on some level - it's odd how the not present appears in the logs but not in the device Events. Since I didn't get a text notification from the HE Owntracks app when I left at 6:18, seems like the missing entry and device Events and the missing text notification are related?

Anything you'd like me to check?

Thank you. I updated the settings for Location Accuracy to the max 6562 and stale records to 0.5 and now everyone is updating. Just waiting for my friend with her iPhone to restart the app to get updated.

I'll start bringing things down slowly after everyone is constantly reporting properly.

Can't wait to eliminate Life360 once my paid service is done.

Found something like it in another thread:

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Ignore inaccurate locations is default 150 for all.
If that means accuracy then it will not help in all cases. Here's log from the morning.
0.9km from home (yep that is more that 750m), connected still to home SSID, accuracy is under 15m but still phone reports its location 0,9km away from home and owntracks sends the information to Hubitat.


This is the log

Thanks for checking. The problem is your phone is getting a lat/lon from your ISP that isn't correct (puts that phone at a different location). Currently it's embedded to only use SSID for the first 750m from home. I'll have to put that out to a setting so that you can dial it to something higher than that distance.

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Hmmm.. I'll look more, but that one seems to be a Hub issue. The code fires the log entry if there was a change in presence, and then immediately fires the presence event.

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Let me look into this more. Shouldn't do that if it's enabled. Is that member selected in the "private" box as well?

For me it doesn't matter if it's 100km :slight_smile:

That was my original hope.. basically a desktop 'lite' version of OwnTracks (or Life360 which also doesn't have one)

Show all members on a map.. update them as they move around.. that kind of thing. I didn't get that far so I wouldn't be much help on the idea though. Just wanted to throw it out there :slight_smile:


No. That section is blank.

Thanks...I forgot to mention, I have a rule setup that triggers on presence change and sets a switch based on home or away - that rule did fire properly on the presence change and the specific change to not present, so the word is getting out, so to speak, even though the not present isn't showing up in the device Events page and the HE Owntracks app isn't sending the message. :man_shrugging:

New OwnTracks Recorder Image Update yesterday.


Just completed the update, and things look normal.

Thaks for the tip.

Ok, gotcha. If you run the OwnTracks recorder, the next version will allow you to access everyone's live location. Seems to be a catch22 that the mobile Hubitat app won't show this (just a grey screen), but it's fine on a PC or on a browser on the mobile. I suspect some javascript stuff that the app dashboards don't like.

I'll look at that tonight. Thanks for confirming!

Hmmmm.. might need to nag the HE dev's on that version to see what's up. :rofl: