[RELEASE] Linptech/Moes 24Ghz Presence Sensor ES1 ( TS0225 _TZ3218_awarhusb ) drivers

With respect to all of these various mmW sensors, motion is still the attribute (just like PIR sensors)... The attribute of "presence" is still exclusively used for Home-vs-Away geofencing-sorta stuff.

Maybe that all will change someday on the future as mmW sensors gain in popularity, but it would be a pretty big seismic change to introduce some kind of third attribute that's related to mmW-presence versus geofence-pressence.


It's going to be much more than just a third attribute. We'll need support for direction, motion/static detection, distance, etc., and all that for multiple targets. It's a hell of a UX challenge, especially considering the current Hubitat UI approach.

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Tks guys. Btw, does it also means that today there is no presence device that hubitat is compatible enough to inform, e.g., the zone in the room that got presence?

You can do it manually with the sensitivity and range settings (i.e., setting up the sensor to report "active" only when presence is detected in a part of your room), but obviously, it won't report then other parts of the room, etc.