[RELEASE] IKEA Zigbee drivers

@dandanache I have paired one of my old E1810 a couple of weeks ago. After some starting issues to pair the device, I got it to work and it worked like a charme.

Now I noticed today that every button press send a double command to the hub. I think I saw such a comment earlier in this thread but wasn't able to find.

Any ideas how to fix this? Should I try to re-pair or has this maybe something to do with one of the recent updates?


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I'm working on this one, lots of interesting stuff coming this year. Planning on getting it all sent to Hubitat once it's a bit more ready.

Legrand is world wide and so the range is as well.


One of my ikea devices was sending 4 commands per push. I re-paired and it fixed it. I think these are fussy when they get paired.


Hmmm just re-paired the E1810 but still have double commands.

@dandanache Do you have an idea what's the best to do? Probably delete the switch and pair again? What do you think? Thanks in advance

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I would like to see the Binding Table on that device, maybe it will reveal something. Unfortunately, it is not very easy to get it :slight_smile:

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the knockturn-alley.groovy driver (from code, as there is no HPM package for it).

  2. Assign the "Knockturn Alley" driver to your device. No need to pair/re-pair the device.


  3. Open the Live Logs in a new browser tab.

  4. On the device details page, locate the "D01 Revelio" command, and select from the drop-down "3 - Bindings Table".



  5. Press any button on the E1810 remote to wake it up, it will stay up for about 5 seconds, so continue quickly to the next step.

  6. Click the "D01 Revelio" command button.

  7. Take a screenshot of the Logs section and post it here.


  8. You can go back to using the correct driver now for your remote. No need to pair/re-pair the device.

Good luck!


I am very happy that the drivers are put to good use :+1:

I need to buy myself one of these label printers. Very cool!

This is great news! I have a Legrand Connected outlet that sits in my drawer as I could not find the time (read: I am lazy) to write a driver for it.

Device details


Also Legrand has Zigbee OTA images for their devices free for download (need to register an account though), we should grab them and ask Mike to upload all to HE, so we have firmware upgrades directly from Hubitat :slight_smile:


Thanks for your support. I just did what you where asking for. Hopefully I caught the right information (please see below). Please let me know if you need more information and thanks again for all the hard work.......

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The Bindings Table looks right, no problems there.

I see in your screenshot a "warn" entry; this is normal when using this driver and it happened when you clicked the button on the remote.

Question: Using the "Knockturn Alley" driver, when you click any button on the remote, do you get one or two "warn" entries per click?

As far as I can interpret the log file I get one warn entry for each click. I pressed two different button this time

BTW same behavior when I send the push command from the HE app and not using the physical E1810. Makes that sense?

Hope that helps, thanks

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Please switch back to the IKEA driver then select "Debug - log everything" option from the Preferences section, then click the "Save Preferences" button.


Then, open the Live Logs, push some buttons (leave some delay between clicks) and post back the logs screenshot.

@dandanache I was able to figure it out. Good news, it wasn't your driver. The lamp was driving crazy. Don't know why. Sorry for all the trouble. Your driver works as expected.

I think I owe you a coffee.

Sorry again for all the trouble and thanks for your help

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Is was no trouble at all, I quite enjoy to solve a good mystery :slight_smile:

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Released version 3.8.0 with the following changes:


How to add the new driver using Hubitat Package Manager
  • First update the HPM package to version 3.8.0:

HPM -> Update -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next

  • Then install the new driver:

HPM -> Modify -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next -> Tick the new driver -> Next

Note: There is no need install this driver if you already use @kkossev's excellent VINDSTYRKA Air Quality Monitor driver. I am just a hoarder and like to collect things.

Have fun!


For some reason every time I update the drivers in HPM my E1812 goes back to 4 commands per button. It stopped doing it after a rejoin usually but always reverts after an update.

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I have already sent him to the account to check it out as it looks like we also provide all the cluster docs as well. I have already spoke to some of the team about HE got meetings with them this week as well to sort a box for myself ("testing :stuck_out_tongue: ") and our office (for training and customers).

This one?

I have the double currently and it joins but need to test it on my C8

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Sorry to hear that, Jason. On every update, the drivers automatically invoke the "Configure" command (once per update). Can you test that the "Configure" command messes up the clicks?

Also, when the 4 commands per push happen, can you please do the same steps with the "Knockturn Alley" driver to see the Bindings Table? Also please enable debugging and attach a screenshot of the Live Logs when you click different buttons (to see what events are sent by the driver).


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I have this one: Legrand Valena Life 752130, a bit cheaper than the one you linked.

I like that the LED is so small and it has a clean aspect, you wouldn't know it is a smart outlet. But the reset/pairing button... man, it was a struggle to get to; something snapped when I opened it, not sure I can put it back together :slight_smile:

It pairs fine but the power reporting was off. In the Z2M code I saw that it is possible to control the LED status via Zigbee.

Thanks, I will when I get home from work.

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Yes they should all be the same just different fronts.

Yes I agree it's a tiny button, once I figured it out though it was not too bad.

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Well pressing Configure didnt mess it up this time, but I tried pressing save preferences and it made it mess up. However it was sending 3 commands with each press this time instead of four. Here is the screenshot from the knockturn alley driver..

And its an E2002 Strybar NOT an E1812 as i said in my previous post.

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