[RELEASE] Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) -- HubitatCommunity

I don't know if you followed the URL shown but he no longer has an /Apps/ section at all. It's all been deleted, presumably. Since that's what he said he was going to do, I guess I'm not surprised :smiley:

I don't know what he recommends to clean up the HPM DB on your Hub, but I'd give UnMatch a go.

As has been detailed a few times above, the HPM DB is "permanent" in the sense that nothing ever leaves the DB. Because the 'key' to each DB record is the URL, and the only DB Delete is Uninstall or the newly created UnMatch. If you are acquiring those Apps via Brian's Bundle Manager, then you'll want to Uninstall in HPM. However, that will fail if the App (or Driver) is in use. So again, UnMatch becomes the better choice since it's a pure DB action, won't touch the Packages.

@rlithgow1, This has been covered many times. Please see the first TWO posts in Bundle Manager. There are even instructions on how to 'Unmatch' my apps from HPM.

I've always been open as to why I moved my apps. If anyone needs a refresher, it's in post #1 in the Bundle Manager thread.

Again, it's right in post #2 in the Bundle Manager thread. All anybody has to do is actually read the instructions! :rofl: :rofl:

Seems to me that this has always been a weak spot in HPM. If any dev changes their json file, the database should evolve with it. Whether that is changing, adding or even deleting a package from within the devs personal json. HPM should evolve with it based on what's in that json file, each time a new json is loaded. Isn't that why each dev has their own json file?? :man_shrugging:

I haven't, I admit it, although it was deducible easily enough that I hadn't. :smiley:

I got the code to steward but not Dominic's brain (thoughts) and so I've no idea the actual reasoning. I'm perfectly willing to invent a story that weaves through the clues as if it were fact though... :smiley:


@bptworld No offense meant at all, but this is why I weaned myself off of your apps. I really don't want to deal with other code delivery mechanisms except HPM at this point. You have your reasons, and that's fine. But, Home Automation is complicated enough with a myriad of little technical details to keep straight. Battling App Bundles is just one too many complications. I wish you'd reconsider just delivering your otherwise stellar contributions in HPM. Dozens of other contributors manage to deal with HPM. In any case, I wish you well.


Augmenting HPM docs:


Hi, sorry if this is a newbie question, been searching but can't find an answer on how to update Habitat Package Manager. The app has started displaying the green "Updates Avalaible" next to it in HE.

All I can find about updating a user app is to find the new code and replace it in the Apps code (is that correct?)

And if so, all links that I find to Habitat Package Manager show the code at version 1.8.7, which is the code I have already, so I'm not sure why it's showing "Updates Available".

Thanks for any help on:

a - where to find latest Package Manager code, and is 1.8.7 the latest
b - how to update it...

Updates Available are referring to ANY/ALL of the packages it's managing for you.

Go into HPM and click the Update tile and then pick the packages you want to have HPM update for you... which can include HPM itself.

The latest HPM is: v1.8.7 so for you, today, there is no HPM update. It's offering to update one or more of the packages you selected during MatchUp.

Ah, thank you for that!

BPTWorld is no longer maintaining Ring Alarm Keypad driver, I'll be taking it over.

I am bumping the version#-- should I keep the driver id the same in packageManifest.json ?

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I don't think that it is critical. I'm guessing the same pro and con list is in your head as entered mine with your question.

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When I run HPM and try to match up apps and drivers it appears to stop with this message:

Downloading package manifests
Failed to refresh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serenewaffles/hubitat/main/repository.json

This isn't normal is it?

That repository was Quarantined back in late October.

That implies you're not running the latest HPM. It feels like you're still running Dominic's version 1.8.2

The current version is 1.8.7 and you can directly import that using this URL:


When you run HPM using the current code, the top section of the page looks like this:

Notice the version display on the right.

Interestingly enough I am on 1.8.7. I looked through the long repository list in HPM and I couldn't immediately spot the defunct repository in the list. I even went into the app code and in the code header it had the HPM version list, and that too was 1.8.7.

For the last 3 days I am now seeing this error at midnight when HPM checks for package updates. I did a repair on HPM and still see the error. I know we have a new developer for this driver. Is there a fix coming or something I can do to resolve this?

Bad manifest for Ring Alarm Keypad G2 Community Driver. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'betaLocation' on null object Please notify the package developer.

errorError downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bptworld/Hubitat/master/Drivers/Ring%20Alarm%20Keypad%20G2%20Community/packageManifest.json: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found

Not an HPM issue as BPTWorld pulled all of his packages in favor of his Bundle Manager. To fix, do an Unmatch on the driver.


I think that's the fix for both issues: "serenewaffles" and "Ring Alarm Keypad". Neither exist in HPM anymore. Both owner/authors have deleted their manifests for the Package and it exists only within your hub's HPM DB. The solution is to UnMatch those specific Packages.

To validate, you can visit this website and try and find the Package.

Browse HPM Packages

There's a column of Alphabetically sorted Package names and if the Package in question is found in that list, there's a possibility of a broken Manifest. IF however, the Package. doesn't exist, you know to UnMatch it.

Broken Manifests get Quarantined ("serenewaffles" for example) while I try and work with the developer to fix the typo.

The DataBase (DB) behind this site is rebuilt every 20 mins. A developer releases a new Package and adds it to their Manifest, 20 mins later it will be in the DB and shown on that site. Conversely, a developer removes their Package from their Manifest, the entry vanishes from that site in 20 mins.

Ring Alarm Keypad G2 Community Driver <-- new name (adds "driver")

Does exist and that means a migration occurred.

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I disagree. This has come up several times now (NOT just with my offerings). Anytime an author removes an app from HPM for whatever reason, it breaks HPM. That is an issue that should be fixed, in my opinion.

BTW, this item has nothing to do with BM. I'm no longer maintaining that driver and a new developer was nice enough to take over the code. So I removed my version from HPM.


I agree. IMO, a missing manifest should be a non-fatal error for the rest of the HPM functionally.

Happy to help with an HPM fix it that would be useful, but ultimately it is @csteele's call.


The code indicates it's skipped:

		if (fileContents == null) {
			log.warn "Error refreshing ${repoName ?: uri}"
			setBackgroundStatusMessage("Failed to refresh ${repoName ?: uri}")

The above is inside a For Loop and the Continue will cause For to move to the next. It looks like it's displaying an "Error" and then continuing.. maybe "error" is too aggressive a word?

The continue statement complements the break statement. Its use is restricted to while and for loops. When a continue statement is executed, control is immediately passed to the test condition of the nearest enclosing loop to determine whether the loop should continue. All subsequent statements in the body of the loop are ignored for that particular loop iteration.


I generally look at the log level for an indication; in this case it’s a warning so yes it’s an undesirable but it’s being handled.