[Release] Hub Monitor

Initially tried manual update, then repair via HPM...
Now tried uninstalling and re-installing, and it is still not working? :confused:

Same for me. I just uninstalled it.

Ditto.. a reinstall did not fix it @thebearmay any clue why?

Or maybe he has an actual life outside HE that he's been involved in recently. :slight_smile: I think that's the likely reason he hasn't responded.

Free stuff devs provide here doesn't come with a service level agreement. :wink:


lol whatever -- its been 3 months since this issue was first posted.

You have to get used to the idea that a dev isn't making a promise when they release an app, or driver, or integration. They are sharing free stuff (which is very nice) and we get what they want to give, can give. Just the way it is. In the end you're no worse off than you were before he posted this, so no harm, no foul.

Been a dev here for years.... no need to try and school me

Hey, I had a post flagged by the community too!
Now I feel like I'm in elite company! :slight_smile:

I know you've been around, not trying to "school" anyone. We're not the only ones in this forum reading these topics...my continued yakking was just sharing my overall perspective, which all can feel free to ignore if uninterested. :slight_smile:

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But is it flag worthy? lol.

Not sure what you're referring to, I didn't flag anyone.

Oh - just scrolled up and saw it. That was definitely not me, I've never flagged a single post.

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I'm trying to be funny, but it happened to me, and I don't recall laughing. They took down my post. Funny how that still sticks in my craw. That's Craw, not Craw. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, nothing that was posted here would have caused me to flag a post. I get that it is a not fun experience.

Hymie, kill the light.



Seems he is alive and still here but is just ignoring this thread now... last post by him was 12 hours ago Device Polling \ Status Update - #9 by thebearmay

Dead code as far as I am concerned... shame it was a nice app. When I got my wits and some extra energy I'm gong to figure out why this app no linger works.

Well wasn't this pretty much incorporated into Hubitat information monitor?

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That's the device driver that this app used to send alerts or what ever you needed.

So what I have found so far is the line 73 in the app code that device.HubInformationDriverv3 does not seem to work.. If delete I Driverv3 out of that part all my hub info devices including the V3 ones.

Anyone want to check that?

What about just updating to the latest Hub information driver?

I have and it doesn't pickup those devices... its a blank pull down as stated by others.... guess you havent read the posts before mine. Are you a developer like me??

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As a developer, you may recall that this needs to match the driver name (with spaces removed). From a current look at the code, device.HubInformation might work, though I don't use this driver, and you'll need to see what the device in question is actually using since I can't say for sure.

Whether it still reports the attributes the same way as it did when this app was written, I don't know, but with or without it, you could probably use Rule Machine (or a custom app) to create some reporting, notifications, or whatever you're looking for on whatever information you're after — just to name one alternative.

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