[RELEASE] Homebridge Hubitat v2.0

I subscribe to the delay issue. On my side Garage door and contact sensors in general do not update status and report very late any status changes.

I am having some difficultly fine-tuning the capabilities of my thermostats, and getting those from Hubitat > Homebridge > HomeKit.

Issue 1 - Cannot Filter Humidity

My thermostats do not support humidity and have no humidity sensors. Within the Hubitat Homebridge app, I disabled humidity from both thermostats (along with the Presence sensor). I restarted Homebridge after applying this change.

Despite this, HomeKit still shows my thermostats having a humidity sensor, and it just shows 0%. It's a minor, but annoying issue.

Issue 2 — Duplicated Fan Control?

My thermostats — like any thermostat I've ever used — has two fan modes: Auto and On. In HomeKit, this is reflected with a binary fan switch: On is On, and Off is Auto. But there's also another button that toggles a "Manual" and "Auto" control for the thermostat fan. It's unclear what this does, because when I change the mode from Manual to Auto, the fan switch also changes from Off (Auto) to On (On).

Is there a capability I can filter to remove this redundant fan control? To be clear, I still want to control the fan, but I only want one switch for it, not a switch and a button that are overlapping and conflicting with each other.

Issue / Desire 3 — Make Presence an Active Toggle

My thermostats have a Home and Away feature. The Hubitat driver I'm using seems to map the status of this mode to the Presence indicator (ie., when AWAY, No Presence, but when HOME, Presence). The driver has buttons to switch to Home and Away modes, but I'd like to control that in HomeKit.

Does the Homebridge-Hubitat plugin have a native way to access any capability of a device and display it in HomeKit, or is the list of capabilities finite and controlled? If it's finite, where can I find a complete list of these capabilities?


check your config file settings on your homebridge server (in docker)

What I found checking mine:

There were warning with the latest. homebridge about mdns settings being deprecated.

I ended up doing a few things:

  • Ensure homebridge and plugins are up to date on my homebridge server (docker for you?)
  • ensure homebridge v2 on HE is up to date
    • I looked at the homebridge v2 config file suggestion and ensured things were accurate on the homebridge servers
  • I adjusted my mdns advertiser settings (and removed the deprecated mdns portion) from the homebridge config file


I seem to be getting delayed (say 10-30 minutes) lock notifications in HomeKit, any ideas on where I should look first?

Lock is a Yale Assure 2 connected to Hubitat via Z-Wave where it responds instantly there. Controlling it in HomeKit seems fine as well, only that it updating status (i.e. manual unlock) and giving notifications seems to have issues.

I am getting the same delay including garage door notification ... like 15-40 minutes .. It been like this for awhile. Sometime the notificaiton are instantous and sometime it doesn't appear until like 30 minutes later on my iPhone or Apple TV.

It get annoying when you pulled into your garage then go watch some TV and 30 minutes later you get a notification that "your garage door is open" banner appearing on your Apple TV.

At first I thought maybe it's the batteries in the tilt sensors on garage door then I start noticing the same thing on door locks where the notification is delayed too.

Same delays here I am noticing, I noticed a bunch of errors in HB something about the DoorControl the other day but I have not had time to test it and look into it further.

It would be cool when @tonesto7 can get it sorted soon. This been an ongoing issue for some time but I cannot remember when it started.

Garage door opener and locks work great on Homebridge. It's just the delay in the notification that are annoying.

Garage door and locks are only thing I have on Homebridge, all other devices are controlled directly from Hubitat itself. Reason I have Garage door and door lock on Homebridge to keep the actual door lock and garage door pretty icon on my Homekit that look like a lock and an animated garage door opening or closing :stuck_out_tongue:

I don't want to use no virtual switches because Hubitat developers decided they want to try to go for Apple certification supporting Homekit on the hub which mean they can't include door lock or garage door support. I think personally it's silly Apple set this policy on the Homekit certification.

I use the MakerAPI-based Homebridge plugin for my Hubitat-based Garage Doors and Locks. I have no delay whatsoever. You may want to give it a try to see if it resolves the issue.

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@tonesto7 @nh.schottfam I suspect this is causing the issues with the garage doors at least:
Here is from HB logs when I open and close my door. I tested it twice and the state never goes to "opening" in Apple Home, it stays closed. I think after a while it must just figure out it skipped a step and is open.

This worked perfectly fine up until the last round of HB updates, I think is when this this started happening.

If I have time I will look into this a little but I have not dove into the HB code very much. Still tinkering with Echo-Speaks to see if I can fix some issues there with the cookie server.

change: {
  deviceid: '334',
  attribute: 'door',
  value: 'opening',
  data: null,
  date: '2023-09-19T19:12:01+0000'
char:  {
  format: 'uint8',
  perms: [ 'ev', 'pr' ],
  minValue: 0,
  maxValue: 4,
  minStep: 1,
  validValues: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[9/19/2023, 2:12:00 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Garage Door] Attribute (door) | OldValue: closed | NewValueIn: [opening] | NewValueOut: [undefined] | Characteristic: (Current Door State
[9/19/2023, 2:12:00 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is opening
[9/19/2023, 2:12:14 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is open
[9/19/2023, 2:12:14 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [CONTACT] is open
[9/19/2023, 2:12:34 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Family Room Sensor) [MOTION] is inactive
change: {
  deviceid: '334',
  attribute: 'door',
  value: 'closing',
  data: null,
  date: '2023-09-19T19:12:36+0000'
char:  {
  format: 'uint8',
  perms: [ 'ev', 'pr' ],
  minValue: 0,
  maxValue: 4,
  minStep: 1,
  validValues: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[9/19/2023, 2:12:35 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Garage Door] Attribute (door) | OldValue: open | NewValueIn: [closing] | NewValueOut: [undefined] | Characteristic: (Current Door State
[9/19/2023, 2:12:35 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is closing
[9/19/2023, 2:12:38 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Error getting value for Characteristic [Current Door State] Using Attribute (door) for Garage Door (Garage Door)
[9/19/2023, 2:12:38 PM] [homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Door State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
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I just posted a new plugin version 2.9.3...
Can you guys please test it and let me know if it helps?


Working again for me, thanks! No errors in HB logs anymore. Status changed right away in Apple Home and I got my alerts I have setup through HK.

Make sure you restart Homebridge after updating the plugin!


Just checked the post. I will test it tonight and report back.

I updated and restarted everything ....

Door lock is giving the notification but strangely only the front door lock is reporting battery status after each lock or unlock events. The other two locks are not reporting battery status after each events . Is this HB related or ?

[9/20/2023, 8:00:57 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Sending Device Command: unlock | Name: (Deck Door Lock) | DeviceID: (69) | UsingCloud: (false)
[9/20/2023, 8:00:59 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Sending Device Command: unlock | Name: (Back Door Lock) | DeviceID: (68) | UsingCloud: (false)
[9/20/2023, 8:01:00 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Front Door Lock) [LOCK] is unlocked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:01 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Deck Door Lock) [LOCK] is unlocked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:06 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Back Door Lock) [LOCK] is unlocked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:08 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Front Door Lock) [BATTERY] is 90
[9/20/2023, 8:01:23 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Sending Device Command: lock | Name: (Front Door Lock) | DeviceID: (35) | UsingCloud: (false)
[9/20/2023, 8:01:24 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Sending Device Command: lock | Name: (Deck Door Lock) | DeviceID: (69) | UsingCloud: (false)
[9/20/2023, 8:01:25 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Sending Device Command: lock | Name: (Back Door Lock) | DeviceID: (68) | UsingCloud: (false)
[9/20/2023, 8:01:27 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Front Door Lock) [LOCK] is locked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:28 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Deck Door Lock) [LOCK] is locked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:30 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Back Door Lock) [LOCK] is locked
[9/20/2023, 8:01:35 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Front Door Lock) [BATTERY] is 90

The garage door notification is working but strangely the tilt sensor status now is stuck on open so it only notify when garage door is opened not closed. I am sure it probably the tilt sensor so I am looking into this now.

The locks are all from same brand manfacture Kwikset locks but the difference is the front door use Zwave Plus radio while the Deck and Back door use ZigBee radio. Only thing make it different is the radio module card inside which could be swapped out with either radio.

I got both ZigBee locks on clearance when it was marked down for 20 bucks each at Lowes and it was offering as a part of Amazon echo thing where it would unlock the door for the delivery man to put package in the house but I never used it as this ..

Just took advantage of the price cuz nobody was buying it up lol .... and set it up as a normal Zigbee generic lock

I think the problem is my tilt sensor. The notification is working better now and repsonsive than before. I suspect the sensor is getting stuck in open position so I had to shake it to get it to close then it get stuck in open again.

Someone mentioned in another post that those older ecolink sensor have a ball type sensor that get stuck so it seems it was the timing that my sensor just stopped working reliably today ... ugh ...

It still work but it require tapping or shaking to get it to change back to closed status.

I deicded to order a new tilt sensor and it said to be a soild state using an accelerometer.


Hopefully this one will work just as well as my old one until it crapped out on me.

I replaced the ball type sensor in my old tilt sensors with mercury switches and they have been very reliable since. Just a thought.

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That newer ecolink 5 tilt sensor should be much more reliable long term for you. I have the ecolink 2.5 with the ball that can get stuck but mine is working perfectly fine still so I have not messed with it.

I plan to replace mine with a mercury switch as well too. I probably use the sensor on a mailbox or on something fun :slight_smile:

Heyo. Did the latest ios update brick both the built in homekit bridge in hubitat or the homebridge addon? Ever since the update while the devices are able to be added to my home, all of them are no longer responding.