[RELEASE] Homebridge Hubitat v2.0

Are you talking about iOS 17? I dont think so. I read of people already on iOS 17 on here saying the new Airplay TTS was working, and had not heard of any issues. There are a few users on here who get the beta iOS releases so they give advanced warning if things have problems.

Odd then. This only started happening after ios 17. Is there anything I can look at to help with troubleshooting the issue? If I can see the errors it may help me to figure out what is going on. Homebridge says everything is fine and controlling items from its interface works as expected.

First make sure your "Home Hub" devices are all updated, that would be any ATV or Homepod devices. Then I would pull power on all of them and reboot them. I think those get involved if you have them even when on the local LAN.

My phone, HomePod, and ATV’s are all on 17 and all are working normally.

I'm sorry if this has been posted, but there a way for Hubitat to interact or see the accessories at are in HomeBridge?

Homekit has very limited automations and I doesn't want to have to use a 4th hub to do automations for things like Nest and Ring.

No, Hubitat can only share devices to HomeKit (either using the built-in HomeKit integration OR using one of the HomeBridge integrations.)

There are workarounds, like using virtual switches which HomeKit can toggle in HomeKit automations, but that’s probably not going to work all that well for Nest and Ring devices.

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I figured that, but I thought I would ask. I might try to setup some automations via the Eve app.

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i am installing this in hopes of getting any of the multiple homebridge addons for the rinnai instant on water heater working.. any assistance would be appreciated.. thanks

This just allows you to send HE devices TO Homebridge (which then will sync with Apple Home).

Adding a separate Homebridge plugin for a device will only allow you to share it to Apple Home, not back to HE.

What are you trying to accomplish exactly?

trying to get control of the hot water system ie set temp , get data, and alerts into hubitat so i can write rules..

ie set this up

there is also a version of hombridge i can run in a docker image on my qnap nas but not sure that helps either.

None of that is going to help you get it into HE.
What you would need to do is see if there is a Home Assistant integration and add it to that, then bring the HA devices over to HE using the community app.

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After trying the built-in Homekit for 6 month and experiencing periodic failures, I'm not back with this amazing custom integration from @tonesto7 - thanks again for making this amazing app.

I had to reboot my server and now Homebridge won't start. It gives me this error:

[3/17/2024, 8:54:40 AM] Error: bind EADDRINUSE
at node:dgram:364:20
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

I'm stumped. I've rebooted. My IP address is fixed and good. Anyone else seen this?

No I have not seen that but it is saying that it cannot bind to port 5353 because it is in use already.

You can try this command to see what else might be using that port
netstat -lpn | grep 5353

Mine is also showing avahi-daemon listening on that port, I just rebooted my server earlier today and had no issues with HB starting up.

There is a command to rebuild the startup script that I have had to run before let me see if I can find it. Found it...
sudo hb-service rebuild

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Further recommended reading here:

Thanks for the tips, based on that I switched mine to Avahi, everything seems to be working fine still. It is easily switchable right from web UI settings, can also select which interfaces to bind on, I already had mine set to eth0 only.

Thanks guys. I did a netstat and nothing else is using the port. I think the problem is the IP is being returned at which is interpreted as in use. I don't know why. It could be an Eero router thing but I can't find how to implement the Eero workaround noted on the homebridge troubleshooting page

If you are running it on some sort of linux you could try setting it to avahi and a specific interface. Instead of "eth0" you can also set a specific IP.
From config.json

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "XXXXXX",
        "port": #####,
        "pin": "#####",
        "advertiser": "avahi",
        "bind": [

I'm running on FreeBSD on a Universal Devices eisy linux box. It's a weird setup but usually works just like any other Linux or a Mac. I'l try the bind with a specific IP. Where is this documented?

If you've got Docker running the official image works well.