[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB)

I suspect that I may have added the discovered Konnected Pro to HA and caused the problem. I was exploring the HMI and had idea what might happen.
The complete and now correct bridge operation works well enough, I don't see a point to dual integrations right now or any reason to move the Konnected Pro to HA.
In fact, I don't so any point to HA with a well functioning Hubitat. But, it was an interesting exercise and I'll keep the SD card as set up no matter what I decide.
I may find something in HA worthy of the trouble.

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Hey @ymerj, does this mean (in part) that I could run multiple instances of HADB on my HE hub? I ask because I have like 25-30 HA devices running through HADB now, and there are situations where I'd only like to hub-mesh a small subset of them to another HE hub without carrying the overhead of all the devices. Any reason you'd dissuade me from such an approach?

I think most of us Hubitat aficionados who find something worthy in HA do it for one or both of two reasons: (1) because HA does cloud integrations better (which doesn't apply to Konnected); and/or (2) because HA has better dashboarding.


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I had to redo my Hubitat integration making a new instance of Maker API, this time with all devices selected. I'll admit you are right about the dashboard. It is well organized by rooms (not well applied in Hubitat) and with far more information about devices.
I'll get past the crazy effort it took to get it on my Pi4.
If it wasn't for this: GitHub - HuckleberryLovesYou/Homeassistant-Supervised-on-Raspberry-Pi-5: Install Homeassistant Supervised on your Raspberry Pi 5 running Raspberry Pi OS 64bit - Tutorial I never would have made it.

You can run multiple instances of HADB. 25 to 30 devices is generally not a lot but it depends on what kind of devices though. The rate of events they generate is the most important factor.


You decided to pick the difficult path on running HA :grin:
Setting up HA OS on a Pi is actually really simple. Setting up HA OS on top of a Pi OS is not so much.

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Thanks for stating the obvious.
If I wanted HA OS I would have used it.
All my Pi boards now run Bookworm by choice.
My Pi 4 now runs HA and PiHole.
Free memory is fine and the load is low.
It may soon run two other apps that I run on another Pi.
Setting up HA on Bookworm didn't take very long with good instructions.

Version 2.11:

Add limited support for media_player entity. This is a work in progress because I only have a simple music player hooked to HA. So selectSource is not implemented yet.

Since HA and HE have different takes on playing medias, HE capabilities add some commands on the device page which refer to non existent services on HA. Those don't do anything. I.e.: restoreTrack, resumeTrack, setTrack, playText.

I can improve this support if I receive logs for other type of devices.


I might be a bit dense, but not sure what I need to change on my end. I am using hadb via HPM. Looking at my companion devices using generic component sensor. I only see presence and health status.