[RELEASE] Follow Me - Speaker control with priority messaging, volume controls, voices and sound files!

2.3.9 - 12/17/21 - Re-adjusting to HE changes

I have limited physical sensors and switches in the home (so far... I'm wavering on having a home full of motion and contact sensors that all need battery, or wires off some sort of USB source). I am trying to see if FM can target my Google speaker in the office when I'm in there.

I have an app-driven presence setup that can tell that my laptop is on (a basic 'hello world' page serves off the laptop, and the app runs every 5 minutes and if the page serves without a page not found error, then presence is true).


[UPDATED] HTTP Presence Sensor

Any other time (when not present), I want FM to speak on my phone (using Join by the developer of Tasker).


[Release] Join Api Notification Driver

Both speakers work correctly independently, but is there some setup I should use to have Join be the default, and use the speaker if I'm in the office?

Each speaker needs its own child app. All child apps need to use the same 'Follow Me' virtual device. Once this is done, FM will turn each speaker on/off based on your conditions.

Can you show me how you have the child apps for the two speakers setup?


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I can tell this is the crux of my problem. I went too fast and didn't read carefully. Since I started off with your Life360 apps / driver, I set these up with a concept about people being tracked, and not speakers being controlled (thus the two separate devices, and named the way they are).

I think I still need suggestions on the conditions. I only screenshot through the speaker setup portion of the settings on each, but can provide more if needed. I also didn't revise to use the same device before taking the screenshots - in case anyone else can use this to learn from my mistake on that.

Join related child

Office / laptop presence related child

(The preview of the screenshots looks like information is lopped off that I know was there when I took them. The first one is set always on, and the second based on presence.)

I've now reworked them to both use the same device.

I setup a virtual switch to be off when the laptop "presence" sensor is present, and on when it is not present. For the FM child that goes to Join (my phone) I activate using switch, and the child using office Google speaker, I activate using presence. Both with the setting to cycle to the next active FM child (rather than the timed shut off). I wasn't sure if the FM child apps had to both use the same activation style (motion, contact, presence, switch...)?

Join related

Google speaker related

Then I tried to use Averaging Plus to send a message to the device, and saved the logs. There is some sort of error (I even tried repairing in HPM and rerunning the test). You can also see the presence sensor goes from present to not present (I had turned the laptop off), and the Anti Presence switch flipped on in response. The message from FM got sent out to both my phone and the Google speaker? The intent was that it would alternate from one to the other (in this case, just Join)


For now, turn off the 'Turn Speaker Off After XX Minutes...' on both child apps. That should fix the error.

I'll add it to the to-do list.


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Actually, I just noticed something...

New version on Github.

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So when I setup that priority speaker option - does that mean it will always play every message? Or does it mean that those speakers will all play any messages flagged as a certain level priority?

Which option?
Did you click on the 'Instructions for Message Priority' button? It's all explained in there.

Tried out that new version...

I still get the error message and both speakers state the message. I wasn't sure if the new version meant I didn't need to still do this, so I had left them both on.

The laptop presence is "not present", and the Anti presence switch is on. So, desired output is to the phone only via Join. I'll DM you the logs.

Do all activation types have to be the same kind, or is it ok that one of these is presence and the other switch?

Can you go into the parent app code and verify the version number. ie. state.version = "2.0.5"

What the heck is an 'Anti presence switch'??

No, each child app can be different

I forgot to mention that I did that first (there was a new message about setting priority options first, which I did. I also went in both child apps and clicked done, so they should run the updated method.)

Me overthinking the switch name (when the laptop is on (present) the switch flips to off, and vice versa). I did that because there didn't seem to be an option for not present in the child app.

New version...

  • Working on lastActive, added option for Fuschia OS devices (stop the message chopping)

First time I've ever seen this....

Whoops, fixed. :wink:

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same thing again.

I upgraded it manually and got this when trying to save:
"library not found on line 46: #include BPTWorld.bpt-normalStuff"

Sorry, try again

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was doing this,

should I turn that OFF and now do this:

Yes! The other way stopped working for me. So I re-wrote that section. Let me know how it goes.

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