@bcopeland, @stephack Bryan, Steven, I have a few ZEN23's and a Zen24, which are version 2.0 which were some of their first ones to come out. I changed their drivers to yours (Bryan) but encountered a problem. After changing and configuring all of them I noticed that the remotes (minimotes, they go through ABC) did not control any of the switches. As soon as I changed all or one of them back to the generic z-wave switch the remotes once again were able to control them.
Any ideas as to why? thanks
EDIT: No errors in the log, just shows a button push from the minimote. Minimote device page shows button push changes as well. ABC up to date.
This just showed up in the log.
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:38.394 am debugKitchen Nook Light: AssociationReport(groupingIdentifier: 1, maxNodesSupported: 5, reportsToFollow: 0, nodeId: [1])
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:38.391 am debugparse:zw device: DD, command: 8503, payload: 01 05 00 01 , isMulticast: false
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:38.222 am debugKitchen Nook Light: AssociationReport(groupingIdentifier: 1, maxNodesSupported: 5, reportsToFollow: 0, nodeId: [1])
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:38.198 am debugparse:zw device: DD, command: 8503, payload: 01 05 00 01 , isMulticast: false
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.830 am debugDevice Specific Report: DeviceSpecificReport(deviceIdType:2, deviceIdDataFormat:1, deviceIdDataLengthIndicator:8, deviceIdData:[66, 81, 93, 139, 137, 204, 255, 17])
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.791 am debugparse:zw device: DD, command: 7207, payload: 02 28 42 51 5D 8B 89 CC FF 11 , isMulticast: false
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.685 am debugversion3 report: VersionReport(zWaveLibraryType:6, zWaveProtocolVersion:4, zWaveProtocolSubVersion:5, firmware0Version:20, firmware0SubVersion:15, hardwareVersion:1, firmwareTargets:0, targetVersions:[])
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.590 am debugparse:zw device: DD, command: 8612, payload: 06 04 05 14 0F 01 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.489 am debugprocessAssociations cmds: [AssociationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:1), AssociationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1), AssociationGet(groupingIdentifier: 2)]
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:37.462 am debuggroup: 2 dataValue: null parameterValue: null
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:04.249 am warndescription logging is: true
dev:34422020-06-12 11:40:04.248 am warndebug logging is: true