Okay I am about to give up

obviously that is what its complianing about.. but there used to be.

Only one ip device and that address is .250

when you click on the log entry.. what is the device that highlights.

it also looks like those are mac addresses check your router for devices with either of theose addersses.

When I click it , it highlights HUB

do you have hub connect or something connecting to another hub like smartthings

Nope. So the device is a usb network adapter connected to a computer in my garage??

not sure what that is then is your hub still working. i assume maybe someone else like @bcopeland knows more.

I cant command or get any report from anything. Not sure if that is what is causing it or not. Gonna reboot That CPU and see if the error goes away

Well I was able to get the error stop by powering down the USB wifi and assigning temporarily the ip to my laptop. No more error code.but also no control over devices. The error code started at about 720pm according to logs but I haven't been able to command since 5pm. So looks unrelated

Well the HE has gone from functional to sketchy to hasnt even reported in 3 days. This is the single most frustrating thing I have seen in a while. I was really postive when I upgraded firmware,bought repeaters,bought a UZB stick,removed ghost nodes,rebooted probably 100 times and slowed my reporting down to a minimum that i thought this thing might actually turn on some lights. Yep I was wrong. But the good news is tech support closed my ticket cause all appeared to be solved????? And of course they havent responded to any of my last 2 emails.

Your ticket was not closed. Is still open. You may have received the auto notification that the ticket will be closed because we didn't hear back from you. I see that you sent an email yesterday, we just didn't get a chance to review it yet.

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It sure sucks when something that should work doesn't. Been there before with other devices.

But I wonder why you (and maybe a few others) seem to be having so many problems when many of us don't have any? Or at least not problems to the extent you are. This isn't the normal experience from what I see on this board.

There has to be something going on with either some bad hardware (sensors/switches etc), a combination of your particular hardware with hub software, or something that is unique to your hub or to your house (radio interference? power issues?).

If this was widespread problem, I would think the forums would be nothing but angry mobs of people with poorly working hubs. And that isn't the case. And I know it is annoying when everyone else says "works fine here", but that is a good sign I think. It show that it can be made to work and there isn't a fundamental flaw in the hub design, or software or whatever.

I do think support and the Hubitat team is watching this and other hubs that are having problems and trying to figure this out. They have always been responsive to finding bugs in the past, and have issued bug fixes within hours or even minutes of finding them. So don't give up! Work with support and see if you can help them to track this problem down.


It does trust me it sucks. I am not trying to bash or be ugly but this shouldnt be this difficult. All these devices where ported over from a perfectly working system. All be it slow but working automations ran like clockwork. I work in building automation granted 75% hard wired and BACNET but it works and this is what should be expected. So I understood I traded a cloud system to a local system and the radio isnt as strong so I took the advise and added 3 repeaters. Nothing appears to be repeating through them on HE. So I excluded one and added it to ST and repaired and boom instantly stuff starts routing through it. All but one device I had was supported and at the request of HE staff I removed them. What I am saying is yes there doesnt appear to be wide spread issues with the C7 but there are sure enough plenty of complaints to warrant a hardware issue especially when you see identical issues. I bought 3 of these hubs and repeaters jsut to attempt a switch at my properties thats already over $500 heck that $450 in HUBS and they might as well be coasters at this point

Could you please also exclude the Zooz Power strip, it still sends power/energy reports at an insane frequency (in the order of every 10-15ms). Z-Wave radio is just not designed to handle these many events at one time. There is also an issue with the driver that I mentioned earlier, that has been already referred to our engineering team.


It really sucks to hear what you are going through.

My experience with 2 different locations and 2 different setups involving the C-7 shows to me at least it really does work. Not that that is any help to you at the moment. I hope support comes through and you can find a resolution.

I can only offer encouragement...


Also had my unfair share of issues in the past. Lengthy thread all about it on this forum. Now my C5 works like clockwork. Most issues are mesh related in my opinion, or one or two dodgy devices. But also make sure you do all the other checks (watch for over-heating, use a stable decent power supply and USB, avoid over use of reboot, etc). The forum has many related posts that definitely helped me. Stick at it!


.153 was a hot mess for me but .158 has been great. Once you track down whatever your issue it it will seem obvious but definitely frustrating till then.


So I just added the Aeotec Heavy Duty Switch and it automatically paired S0. Lots of mesh chatting indicated by the log. I am using the driver [Release] Aeotec Heavy Duty Smart Switch. I do not need any function except on/off. I do not need power reporting. If I change to just a generic z-wave switch driver, will that eliminate all of the mesh chatter?

Probably not.

The device itself is the one sending.. the hub is just responding "ok, got it, thanks"

Altering the driver does nothing to change the behavior of the device and its unsolicited messages. You need the driver to tell the device to be quiet (power reports never or once an hour.)

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