OEM Airplay App Install Question

Silly question. The app document refers to the need to install dependent apps. Is one of those maybe the now out-of-beta OEM Homekit app? Or, should I have already installed that app? The doc and install process does not say so. Feel really silly asking this because it seems so basic...



You do not need to add anything to your hub besides this app. It will install some prerequisites in the background for you if needed. This is what step 3 in the installation instructions means, but it's all automatic.

Thanks Bert.

One further question if you happen to know... My unifi network is configured with a vlan for iot devices. So, the apple gear is actually on a different subnet than the Hubitat hub. There are no firewall rules preventing the two subnets from communicating with each other.

Anything there sound incompatible to you?

Thanks again!

There might be if it uses mDNS, as I suspect it does. But I guess there's only one way to find out :slight_smile:

Yep. Found a quite a few posts on the vlan and mDNS topics here since my last post. Deeper issue for me (advanced novice) than could be resolved quickly.

Thanks again!


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