Hi All, need the community help here.
My Homekit integration is failing and I cannot find the reason why it is.
whenever I scan the qr code to add as accessory into home app, it either gives me an issue that the accesory is out of compliance or it will pair it but I dont see any accessory loading up, so if I try to scan the qr code again, it will pop up that the its already paired. So I have to unpair and try again - with the same cycle repeating.
Just to give my environment factors here:
HUb firmware version: in C7
sitting on a static ip: connected)
All my ethernet and wireless devices(including iphone) is sitting on subnet.
Im using Iphone 15 pro - home app on that
What devices do you have authorized? I'd suggest starting with one or two simple devices. You can add more after you get Home paired. If you can find one where adding it starts to cause problems, you'll have an idea of where to start troubleshooting.
Hi All, need the community help here.
My Homekit integration is failing and I cannot find the reason why it is.
whenever I scan the qr code to add as accessory into home app, it either gives me an issue that the accesory is out of compliance or it will pair it but I dont see any accessory loading up, so if I try to scan the qr code again, it will pop up that the its already paired. So I have to unpair and try again - with the same cycle repeating.
Just to give my environment factors here:
HUb firmware version: in C7
sitting on a static ip: connected)
All my ethernet and wireless devices(including iphone) is sitting on subnet.
Im using Iphone 15 pro - home app on that
Nothing changed, but now home app accepted the qr code and allowed me to add the devices.
Ive now hit into another problem where the devices show up, they were showing current statuses for maybe 5 mins and now all of them go into a “updating” or “no response” cycle
This integration is definitely half baked. I now have restarted this integration, used the "nuclear option" in homekit integration couple of times. Here is what I have found out.
If you have a bunch devices maybe more than 20(not sure what the limit is) and you check mark all of your devices in homekit integration, then integration will fail. Start with only 5 devices(switches ideally), and do the pairing with the qr code. Once that is done, then start adding all other devices in small batches.
So far I now have all the switches, lifx, philips hue and Nest successfully showing up with no issues on home app. But none of the motion sensors(sonoff, smarthings, thirdreality) and contact sensors are getting through to home app.
Would appreciate any guidance from anyone who has been through this exact scenario.
Thanks a bunch. Didnt know about that quirk in home app.
All devices are showing up now. If you add devices after the qr code integration part, then those devices show up in "Default room", so you will have to go there and add those to proper rooms.
That maybe so. there should be a best practice published for homekit integration is to not check all devices from the get go. Do it in small batches otherwise all devices show up with “no responses”.
I agree! Maybe they could even create an entire website of such things for the entire product, not just this app. Maybe they could also make it easy to get to using the "?" icon in the top right of the UI.
i just saw the video published by hubitat to get the homekit integration done. I dont remember it referencing to a page like the one you pointed above. wish I had seen that before and avoid the hours of pain.
Thanks for taking my humor as intended (I realize that could be read multiple ways). "They" is largely "me," and I like to point people to it whenever I can.