January 5, 2024, 5:16am
Yep. Found a quite a few posts on the vlan and mDNS topics here since my last post. Deeper issue for me (advanced novice) than could be resolved quickly.
Thanks again!
FIXED!!!! Found the issue!
My hub is named “H.A.L 9000”
the periods are the issue, spaces do not seem to cause an issue. @gopher.ny perhaps you can make a patch to strip whatever illegal characters may exist in the hub name within the Homekit integration, or perhaps just allow the user to use a different name as the community homebridge v2 app does, and give the illegal character warning there?
Hi All, need the community help here.
My Homekit integration is failing and I cannot find the reason why it is.
whenever I scan the qr code to add as accessory into home app, it either gives me an issue that the accesory is out of compliance or it will pair it but I dont see any accessory loading up, so if I try to scan the qr code again, it will pop up that the its already paired. So I have to unpair and try again - with the same cycle repeating.
Just to give my environment factors here: