I need for you to simplify what you're showing and saying. You've got too many moving parts for me to understand what is going on (weak in the brain). Also, you're trying too many different things for me to follow.
In simple English, what is the basic failure, under what specific event. Just one.
My apologies. I am just trying different methods of triggering the groups to go on and off, in hopes to show you variations in the logs for the different methods. I was hoping you'll see a difference between the distinct activation methods and a individual bulb's events.
tl;dr The group physically works only when I go into room lighting group and select activate/turn off buttons. The failure is that the group activator device itself doesn't trigger the bulbs on or off, even though logs show it does.
You only showed a partial screenshot of the app setup page above. Please show the entire thing. For now, remove the options for Indicator and Force.
After that, I will want to see the logs for the app, and only for the app, that happen when the Activator device is turned on, where the bulbs are off to begin with.
Have to step through individual elements of this one at a time to find where the failure is happening.
Okay, so removing the group indicator and force fixed the issues with the bulbs not being able to be controlled by BC. They now turn on and off. However, temperature and levels are not being adjusted when being controlled by BC. They group only turns on and off. Levels and Temperature adjustments only work when I go into RL app and enable/disable it.
At this time, after disabling the force and indicator options in RL for both my bedroom light groups. My lamps group turns on when I press the button, but color and levels are not being adjusted as per table in RL for that group.
Bedroom Fan group doesn't turn on and shows device is unresponsive in RL.
You're sort of caught betwixt and between with the way you're doing this.
Groups are activated by the Activator Device, such that the devices follow the command given to the Activator Device. In your case you commanding it to turn On. So the devices should turn On. This is the way a Scene works, except that you have Zigbee Group Messaging turned on, so it's acting like a group, and sending an On command to the device.
If you really want it to be a group, you should send a Set ColorTemperature command to it.
Please show the Preferences and Device Information section of one of these bulbs, like this:
I just want the group of lights to have set times and temperatures so I can utilize my buttons to simply turn them on and off. The bulbs should be able to set the levels and temps for me based on time-table from RL. Worked effortlessly when I set the table up for WiZ bulbs. I only used RL because it stopped the wifi lights from turning on with popcorn effect.
Once I swapped it out to zigbee. They stopped responding to my BC inputs to turn on, let alone adjust temps/levels.
The only reason I want to continue to us RL to control my temps/colors at this point is if I turn that rooms lights on by voice command, I want them to adjust to the correct temps and levels based on my RL table for that group of lights.
I don't mind eliminating RL from the BC setup, as I can code the temps/levels for each button press with conditions for times.
Here's the screenshot of 1 bulb's preferences/device info.
Do I enable the indicator to scene? Or leave that off.
I ended up re-creating the button controller with conditions and just adjusting each bulb individually with set color temp. Works as it should. Going to ditch the groups for these bulbs.
I'm going to re-create a whole room scene in RL as per your recommendation. Hopefully that'll address color/temp adjustments when voice controlled or if the lights are already on and need to transition based on time table.
At times, we might just be sitting at the bar or the table and don't want the light to go off if motion is not detected.
Is it possible to re-create this RM rule in RL and add in a switch that is either manually pressed or ideally a virtual switch that I can tell Alexa to turn on that will disable the RM rule for turning off the lights when motion is stopped? (The reverse is needed when we want motion to again be king)
Update the RM rule to include such a switch
Tried to create a virtual button but Alexa doesn't seem to see it to turn it off/on
Have tried a few variations of RL and just can't seem to get it right
I do this with a switch. I have two routines on Alexa. When I say, "Alexa, keep lights on," then Alexa turns on the "Switch - Alexa Keep Lights". When I say, "Alexa, keep lights off," (which is a bit weird but best phrasing I could remember), the switch turns off.
The first step in my kitchen lights rule is to exit if the switch is on. (Note: Switch - Kitchen Auto Lights is a separate, mode-related switch.)
I keep it in RM because the kitchen lights rule itself is a bit too complex to work easily in RL. Plus, it's worked in RM for years so why switch?
We have periods, but they are per room and may overlap. And the times of the periods differ each day. Eg, one night my daughter may go to sleep at 8.15pm, the next not till 9pm because she spent the evening fell running. Let me try to clarify by explaining our use case.
We have 3 bedrooms. In my daughter's bedroom, before she goes to bed, we press the lock button in her room, to lock her light, so that when reading to her, the lights stay on without motion. Afterwards we press the sleep button in her room to transition her bedroom to sleep settings. A kids night-light comes on and stays on all night. In the morning we press the sleep button again to go to normal day settings, and the night-light switches off. These button presses can also be done via Alexa. Similarly with my son's bedroom and our bedroom, but in those rooms, in sleep settings Hue Bloom lights comes on for a set period only when motion is detected. The times the 3 bedrooms lock, sleep or wake differs each day. And during the day we may lock a room's lights when doing an activity with little movement. Also non-bedroom rooms have this lock mode. A lock times out after a set time (the set time depending on the room), to avoid lights being left on unintentionally if forgetting to unlock the room. At 8.15pm or when a kids bedroom is set to sleep, which-ever is earlier, the Hubitat mode "Night kids" is activated, which is used to set lighting levels to dim in the main bathroom and hallways near their rooms. The lock buttons in a room/hallway can be used to override this when necessary.
How would I achieve the above using Room Lights? I don't understand how I can use it to use a button press to transition relevant periods for each bedroom independently.