Leviton VRCZ4

I'm moving frome a Vera edge setup to my hubitat HE8 but it will not see my VRCZ4 devices. I know the 4 buttons controller works because it was used on my Vera Edge setup. I paired / unpaired from Vera, I reset the VRCZ4, set it in pairing mode by pressing the 1st and 3rd button until it flashes amber. In Hubitat, i select Leviton button controller, set in Z wave start inclusion but the timer runs out without finding the VRCZ4. I tried with the unit very close to the controller with no success. I tried with other VRCZ4 that i have, still no success. I tried inclusion by selecting other Leviton devices, no success still. Other Z wave devices work on Hubitat but not the VRCZ4.

Do i have to install other drivers/apps to make it work?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

All Hub Issues

  • Model of Hub
  • Platform/firmware on hub


Z-Wave Details Page Docs: Z-Wave Details | Hubitat Documentation

  • How is Hub being powered? Supplied power block or other (explain)
  • Provide screenshots showing entire Z-Wave details Page
  • Provide screenshot of Z-Wave Topology Map (red/blue squares)
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From the questions above, how is the C8 being powered? PoE could be causing Z-Wave issues if in use.

Continuing this from Facebook as it is much easier to help on here:


@houleccep So you have the remote also?
Have you tried factory resetting the device?

z wave topo

The Hub is powered with the supplied plug in adapter, not from a PoE.
As you can see, I'm currently doing basic testing with just a few z wave devices which I had no problem pairing.

As suggested in another forum, I tried pairing the VRCZ4 inches away from the the hub as well as far away (30ft). I tried z wave exclusion with no success. I tried factory resetting numerous times. Using the old Leviton VRCPG remote, I can pair, unpair, exclude from its network, so somehow, i know the device works. I know that because it can be paired with Vera very easily.

Need to know if it is the VRCZ4 or the VRCZ4-MR
It seems like they look the same but the MR is a controller and the other is a "routing slave".
The regular model seems to have the command classes needed where it should work.

Here is what I found about them: https://products.z-wavealliance.org/Search/Index?regionId=2&searchText=VRCZ4

EDIT: I think on FB you said it was the M0Z, the regular VRCZ4 entry in z-wavealliance links to the M0Z product page so guessing you have the slave model then:


Please confirm you have done this factory reset procedure on the device to fully wipe it:


I've been struggling in getting my HE8 to see my Leviton VRCZ4. Can someone tell me exactly the steps to get de device in Hubitat?
What driver or app to install and the correct procedure.
When adding a device, what do i select? Leviton button controller? Generic z wave? Virtual device? should i go in the z wave details and include a z wave device?
Please help!

You should be able to go to the device page, add device, then just start z-wave inclusion. Then you put the device into inclusion mode. Once it includes it may just come in as "Device", it may not have a correct driver. First step though it just get it included, if that works then you can worry about the driver part.

When i follow your instruction, as opposed to other devices, I never get a device included and ther timer expires. When i try to exclude the device, i get the message device excluded before the end of the timer.
Somehow i have now in the zwave settings a new device as shown in the last line in the following picture, but it doesn't show in the device list. Is this normal? If so, what is the next step to make the hub recognize it as a VRCZ4? As you can see, i have two of those devices in the list.

Inclusion failed to complete. There is probably an error in the logs that might give a clue as to what the problem is.

Also you will want to remove those failed nodes by clicking refresh, wait, then you should get a remove button, click remove once, and wait again. Hopefully it can remove them.

I'm still working on getting my VRCZ4 devices included. I have 3 generic type generic controllers listed in the z wave detail page. I figure those appear when i tried adding my VRCZ4. I tried z wave repair, refresh, remove, discover, they will not go away even when all the VRCZ4 are not powered. How do we remove those phantoms?
If a generic device appear when i try adding a device, what do i do next to make it a 4 buttons controller instead of a generic controller?

Here is the unofficial guide: How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

Go to the device page and change the "Type". There should be a Generic Z-Wave button controller driver in there which may work.