Struggling to get started with Leviton Z-Wave devices

I've been struggling in getting my HE8 to see my Leviton VRCZ4. Can someone tell me exactly the steps to get de device in Hubitat?
What driver or app to install and the correct procedure.
When adding a device, what do i select? Leviton button controller? Generic z wave? Virtual device? should i go in the z wave details and include a z wave device?
Please help!


I see that you've had a thread specific to these devices in the past, and it seems as though you were able to make some progress.

I would continue the conversation on your original thread so you don't have to repeat what you've already shared, and also what others have already helped you with:


I always let the Hubitat select the driver during inclusion. After that you can look for a model number match and change the driver, but it's pretty good on picking the right one. Also keep in mind that in most cases the only difference between generic and custom driver is control over some of the advanced parameters.

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