For example 9f you turn on hue from anything but h.e, h.e doesnt recognize it
It does if you set your polling in the integration to 1 minute, but it will not refresh faster than 1 minute, even if you set to polling to 10 seconds. The limitation is in the Hue API. Best not to make changes from the Hue app. If you want to see the change reflected in HE instantly, use a dashboard to control Hue lights instead.
Wait a minute....You have zigbee switches in addition to smartbulbs? May I ask why you've done that? Your phillips hue network will be less stable if you power off your zigbee bulbs rather than just turn them off through the HE/Hue integration. Having smart switches in addition to smatbulbs is not the recommended way to implement these.
Oh yes, there definitely is a recommendation and it is exactly what I said. And that is how I handle it. I don't power off my smartbulbs for all the reasons that I said. What you have set up is not the recommended way to use smartbulbs. When you want to turn on your smartbulbs, you have to first turn on power to them and then turn the bulbs to the correct setting? How long do you allow the bulbs to warm up and connect to the hue bridge when you power them on? How do you handle bulbs that are further from the bridge losing their connection when bulbs close to the bridge shutdown? Hue bulbs will act as repeaters for each other. Without keeping them powered on, you will lose that repeating functionality.
But the system is yours, you can run it any way you want. But there definitely is a recommendation and this is not it.
That is easily solved by turning off all the bulbs after recovering from a power failure. I maintain that powering off bulbs is not the correct way to implement these devices. You haven't addressed the issue with the loss of repeaters or the power on issue. Quite frankly, a quick search of the forum will show you how many people recommend against doing this. I feel that it's not responsible to post a description of this behavior without all of the shortcomings of this method are explained for anyone who might find this thread later. As I said, you are welcome to do whatever you want but there are major issues with handling bulbs in this fashion.
For lights that are smartbulbs? I use Lutron Pico's.
That are connected to your Hue Bridge? If the bulbs are on a Hue Bridge then it is the Hue Zigbee mesh that I am talking about.
Just to give you a little perspective:
I am not able to find one posting where someone recommends running smart bulbs with switches to control them. Period.
It already does this. HE will poll the Hue bridge every so often as defined in the options within the hue app inside HE.