Hubitat in Europe (Germany) with Eurotronics Radiator Thermostats

It worked! Woohoo, thank you! :smile_cat: Will post an update regarding the driver and if it actually works as soon as I connect it to a radiator.

Well, they don't fit on my current radiators so I can't perform a real test right now :frowning: But on the device page it did show the temperature as soon as I hit configure so I'd say it's a success!

I'm using the "Generic Zigbee Thermostat" driver.

Can you explain why they dont fit? Where abouts are you? I'm in the UK and have a z-wave version but had my eye on these

Hi Mark,

I'm in NL.

Currently I've some really old crappy radiators with a very weird tiny thread, they are almost M30 1.5, but like 1mm smaller or smth. I think those TRV's can still be fitted but I have bought them for the new radiators that will have a proper fitting (M30 1.5) so didn't really bother trying.

The package comes with 3 adapters by the way, so I'd imagine it'll fit most of radiators :slight_smile:

Thanks for that, could you let me know when you have them up and running properly?

Sure thing, but I'd expect that to happen in 1 month or so (currently renovating my house and the new radiators didn't even arrive yet).

Just ordered a Zigbee one, I'll report back in a few days!

Hello Joost

Any luck with Eurotronic zigbee radiator thermostat that you looking to test ? Thank you

Hello @bogdan.mail,

I did hook up an Eurotronic Spirit ZigBee today and it seems to work out of the box. I set it as a "Generic Zigbee Thermostat" in HE.

Haven't played with it much yet, but it does look promising.

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Hi Ralf
Many thanks. I’ll get one tested as well and let you know about my experience too.
I have a set up consisting of 6 radiators up stairs and underfloor heating on ground floor. If this unit is successful at least I can fully get the 1st floor fully controlled.

Sorry, not wanting to spam. But I got rid of my trvs and replaced with a cheaper, simpler, better alternative.

/ ducks.

What other cheapest?

I just got 2 Spirit / Eurotronics Zigbee valves. I tried as many device codes as I could but didn't get anywhere.

Eventually went down the list of Zigbee thermostats compatible, and the Zen Thermostat device works.
It gives temperature reporting and reliable setpoint handling, so all I really need ultimately.

Shame it's not the detail of the z-wave items, but working well so far.

Hi Thetwc
Thank you for sharing this information as I am waiting for a Eurotronic Zigbee thermostat to show up in the next couple of days.
Have you tried also having a factory reset and using the generic zigbee thermostat driver as described above by mike ? Thank you

Hi All,
I just received Eurotronics Radiator valve Spirit Z-Wave Plus and the discovery phase fails: I've tried a lot of time factory resets, z-wave exclusions,... and so on... Any suggestion?

HW Version is C7 with SW

Try pairing with about 30cm from HE, mount it afterwards and use this driver, worked for me for my three Spirits:

I suggest to read the full topic to learn about the limitations.

Thanks Mr. Olsen. I've placed it at around 10 cm. I've also done a z-wave reset... Are you using C7 HW version?

Exactly the same Hub with the same version as you do.

EU z-wave band?