eTRV Aeotec Radiator Thermostat and Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave Thermostats

I got me a few Aeotec eTRVs Seem to be the same (fingerprint is different) from Eurotronic eTRV's

I have played around with the ST Eurotronic DTH by Patrick Wogan (many thanks) and here's a version that is now working on HE with my Aeotec's.

A big Thank You to @Mr.Olsen for testing this on his Spirit eTRVs..


*  Aeotec and Eurotronic Spirit TRV + DVC
*  Copyright 2020 Patrick Wogan
*      Modified for Hubitat and for Aeotec eTRV by Scruffy-Sjb 
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
*  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
*  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
***************************Version 1.5 - Based on original ST Version 17******************************************
* Version 1.7 - Amended attributes to be either type Number or type String
* Version 1.6 - Commented out Lock capability - simply uncomment line 27 if you want it back....
*               Removed autooff command as was not referenced in the code
* Version 1.7 - Added ability to exercise valve at a set frequency
*               Added Lock and Unlock commands
* Version 1.8 - Added config feature that clears all previous states - makes device display cleaner
* Version 1.9 - Supresses logging of setpoint messages if the received value is the same as the current setpoint
*               After clicking on batter changed, set batter level at a default of 100% and flag that we need a battery report from the device

metadata {
    definition (name: "Aeotec eTRV", namespace: "scruffy-sjb", author: "Patrick Wogan and Scruffy-SJB", cstHandler: true, ocfDeviceType: "oic.d.thermostat", vid: "generic-thermostat-1") {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Battery"
        capability "Notification"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Switch Level"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Thermostat"
        capability "Configuration"
        capability "Health Check"
        capability "Refresh"
        // capability "Lock"
        command "booston"
        command "boostoff"
        command "ecoon"
        command "ecooff"
        command "froston"
        command "frostoff"
        command "temperatureUp"
        command "temperatureDown"
        command "lock"
        command "unlock"
        command "dvcon"
        command "dvcoff"
        command "poll"
        command "exerciseValve"
        command "resetBatteryReplacedDate"

        attribute "minHeatingSetpoint", "Number" // google / amazon
        attribute "maxHeatingSetpoint", "Number" // google / amazon
        attribute "thermostatTemperatureSetpoint", "String"	//need for google
        attribute "applicationVersion", "String"
        attribute "zWaveLibraryType", "String"
        attribute "batteryLastReplaced", "String"                
        attribute "nextHeatingSetpoint", "Number"
        attribute "heatingSetpoint", "Number"
		attribute "refreshRate", "String"
		fingerprint manufacturerId: "371"
        fingerprint deviceId : 0x15, mfr: 0x0371, deviceType: 0002, deviceTypeID: 0x17, cc: "0x5E,0x55,0x98", inClusters : "0x5E,0x85,0x59,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x75,0x31,0x26,0x40,0x43,0x80,0x70,0x71,0x73,0x98,0x9F,0x55,0x6C,0x7A", deviceJoinName: "Aeotech eTRV"
        fingerprint manufacturerId: "148"
        fingerprint mfr: "0148", prod: "0003", model: "0001", cc: "5E,55,98", sec: "86,85,59,72,5A,73,75,31,26,40,43,80,70,71,6C,7A", role: "07", ff: "9200", ui: "9200", deviceJoinName: "Eurotronic Spirit TRV"

        // 0x80 = Battery v1
        // 0x70 = Configuration v1
        // 0x72 = Manufacturer Specific v1
        // 0x31 = Multilevel Sensor v5
        // 0x26 = MultiLevel Switch v1
        // 0x71 = Notification v8
        // 0x75 = Protection v2
        // 0x98 = Security v2
        // 0x40 = Thermostat Mode
        // 0x43 = Thermostat Setpoint v3
        // 0x86 = Version v1

    main "temperature"
    details(["temperature", "boostMode", "ecoMode", "lock", "frost", "dvcMode", "battery", "configure", "refresh", "trv", "setValve"])

//options for InvertLCD
def LCDinvertOptions = [:]
LCDinvertOptions << ["0" : "No"] // 0x00
LCDinvertOptions << ["1" : "Yes"] // 0x01

//options for ExternalTemp
def ExternalTempOptions = [:]
ExternalTempOptions << ["0" : "No"] // 0x00
ExternalTempOptions << ["1" : "Yes"] // 0x01

//options for LCDtimeout
def LCDtimeoutOptions = [:]
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["0" : "Always on"] // 0x00
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["5" : "5 seconds"] // 0x05
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["10" : "10 seconds"] // 0x0A
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["15" : "15 seconds"] // 0x0F
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["20" : "20 seconds"] // 0x14
LCDtimeoutOptions << ["30" : "30 seconds"] // 0x1E

//options for backlight
def backlightOptions = [:]
backlightOptions << ["0" : "Disabled"] // 0x00
backlightOptions << ["1" : "Enabled"] // 0x01

//options for battery notification
def batteryNotOptions = [:]
batteryNotOptions << ["0" : "Event only"] // 0x00
batteryNotOptions << ["1" : "Once a day"] // 0x01

//options for window detection
def windowDetectOptions = [:]
windowDetectOptions << ["0" : "Disabled"] // 0x00
windowDetectOptions << ["1" : "Low"] // 0x01
windowDetectOptions << ["2" : "Medium"] // 0x02
windowDetectOptions << ["3" : "High"] // 0x03

//Thresholds for TRV Temp report
def tempReportRates = [:] // // 0x00 Unsolicited Temperature reporting disabled 0x01 – 0x32 report if temperature changed by delta = 0,1°C … 5,0 °C default 0x00)
tempReportRates << ["0" : "Disabled"] // 0x00
tempReportRates << ["1" : "Report 0.1 degree temperature change"] // 0x01
tempReportRates << ["2" : "Report 0.2 degree temperature change"] // 0x02
tempReportRates << ["5" : "Report 0.5 degree temperature change"] // 0x05
tempReportRates << ["8" : "Report 0.8 degree temperature change"] // 0x08
tempReportRates << ["10" : "Report 1.0 degree temperature change"] // 0x0A
tempReportRates << ["15" : "Report 1.5 degree temperature change"] // 0x0F
tempReportRates << ["20" : "Report 2.0 degree temperature change"] // 0x14
tempReportRates << ["30" : "Report 3.0 degree temperature change"] // 0x1E
tempReportRates << ["50" : "Report 5.0 degree temperature change"] // 0x32

//Thresholds for TRV valve report
def valveReportRates = [:] // 0x00 Unsolicited valve opening percentage reporting disabled 0x01-0x64 report if valve opening changed by delta = 1% … 100%  default 0x00
valveReportRates << ["0" : "Disabled"] // 0x00
valveReportRates << ["1" : "Report 1% valve movement"] // 0x01
valveReportRates << ["2" : "Report 2% valve movement"] // 0x02
valveReportRates << ["5" : "Report 5% valve movement"] // 0x32
valveReportRates << ["10" : "Report 10% valve movement"] // 0x0A
valveReportRates << ["20" : "Report 20% valve movement"] // 0x14
valveReportRates << ["30" : "Report 30% valve movement"] // 0x1E
valveReportRates << ["50" : "Report 50% valve movement"] // 0x32

//Rates for Poll
def rates = [:]
rates << ["0" : "Disabled - Set temperature, valve & battery reports, if required"]
rates << ["1" : "Refresh every minute (Not recommended)"]
rates << ["5" : "Refresh every 5 minutes"]
rates << ["10" : "Refresh every 10 minutes"]
rates << ["15" : "Refresh every 15 minutes"]

//Frequency to Exercise Valve
def frequency = [:]
frequency << ["0" : "Disabled (Default)"]
frequency << ["1" : "Exercise every hour (Not recommended)"]
frequency << ["6" : "Exercise every 6 hours"]
frequency << ["12" : "Exercise every 12 hours"]
frequency << ["24" : "Exercise every 24 hours"]
frequency << ["48" : "Exercise every 48 hours"]

//options for Push
def pushOptions = [:]
pushOptions << ["0" : "Disabled"] // 0x00
pushOptions << ["1" : "Enabled"] // 0x01

//Settings Page
preferences {
    //parameter 1
    input "LCDinvert", "enum", title: "Invert LCD Display", options: LCDinvertOptions, description: "Default: No", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true
    //parameter 2
    input "LCDtimeout", "enum", title: "LCD timeout (in secs)", options: LCDtimeoutOptions, description: "Default: Always on", displayDuringSetup: true
    //parameter 3
    input "backlight", "enum", title: "Backlight", options: backlightOptions, description: "Default: Disabled", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true
    //parameter 4 
    input "battNotification", "enum", title: "Battery notification", options: batteryNotOptions, description: "Default: Once a day", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true // 0x00 Battery status is only reported as a system notification (Notification CC)  0x01 Send battery status unsolicited once a day default: 0x01
    //parameter 5
    input "tempReport", "enum", title: "Temperature report threshold", options: tempReportRates, description: "Default: Disabled", required: false, displayDuringSetup: false
    //parameter 6
    input "valveReport", "enum", title: "Valve report threshold", description: "Default: Disabled", options: valveReportRates, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false
    //parameter 7
    input "windowOpen", "enum", title: "Window open detection sensitivity",description: "Default: Medium", options: windowDetectOptions, required: false, displayDuringSetup: false
    //parameter 8
    input "tempOffset", "number", title: "Temperature offset", description: "Set temperature offset : (-5 to +5°C)", range: "-5..5", displayDuringSetup: false
    //custom parameter
    input "ExternalTemp", "enum", title: "Use External Temperature", options: ExternalTempOptions, description: "Default: No", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true               
    //custom parameter                
    input "ecoTemp", "number", title: "Eco heating setpoint", description: "18 - Default. Range: (8 - 28°C)", range: "8..28", defaultValue: "18", displayDuringSetup: false
    // custom paramater
    input "tempMin", "number", title: "Min temperature recorded", description: "default 8 : (range 8 to 10°C)", range: "8..10", displayDuringSetup: false
    // custom parameter
    input "tempMax", "number", title: "Max temperature recorded", description: "default 28 : (range 25 to 28°C)", range: "25..28", displayDuringSetup: false
    // custom parameter
    input name: "refreshRate", type: "enum", title: "Refresh rate", options: rates, description: "Select refresh rate", defaultValue: "5", required: false
    // custom parameter
    input name: "exerciseFrequency", type: "enum", title: "Exercise Valve Frequency", options: frequency, description: "Select frequency", defaultValue: "0", required: false                
    // custom parameter
    input name: "pushNot", type: "enum", title: "Push notifications (system Events)", options: pushOptions, description: "Enable / Disable push", required: false

// parse events into attributes
def parse(String description) {
    // log.debug "Parsing '${description}'"
    def result = []
    if (description.startsWith("Err 106")) {
        state.sec = 0
        result = createEvent(descriptionText: description, isStateChange: true)
    else {
        def cmd = zwave.parse(description,[0x75:1])
        if (cmd) {
            result += zwaveEvent(cmd)
            //				log.debug "Parsed ${cmd} to ${result.inspect()}"
        } else {
            log.debug "Non-parsed event: ${description}"
    return result

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) {
    def map = [ name: "battery", unit: "%" ]

    if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) {  // Special value for low battery alert
        map.value = 1
        map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery"
        map.isStateChange = true
    else {
        map.value = cmd.batteryLevel

    state.lastBatteryReport = new Date().time           // Store time of last battery report
    state.needbatteryReport = "0" "Report Received : $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.protectionv1.ProtectionReport cmd) {
    def event = [ ]
    def eventValue
    //log.debug "$cmd.protectionState"

    if (cmd.protectionState == 0) { //00 - unlocked
        eventValue = "unlocked"

    if (cmd.protectionState == 1) { //01 - locked
        eventValue = "locked"

    if (device.currentValue("lock") != eventValue) {
        sendEvent(name: "lock", value: eventValue, displayed: true)
    } "Protection State - ${eventValue}"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchmultilevelv3.SwitchMultilevelReport cmd){
    def event = []
    event << createEvent(name:"level", value: cmd.value, unit:"%", displayed: true)

    if (device.currentValue("level") != cmd.value) { "Report Received : Valve open ${cmd.value}%"

    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())
    return event

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv5.SensorMultilevelReport cmd) {
    def map = [ value: cmd.scaledSensorValue.toString(), displayed: true ]
    def value = cmd.scaledSensorValue.toString() = "temperature"
    map.unit = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
    state.temperature = cmd.scaledSensorValue //.toString() "Report Received : $cmd"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())

//Thermostat SetPoint
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatsetpointv2.ThermostatSetpointReport cmd) { //	Parsed ThermostatSetpointReport(precision: 2, reserved01: 0, scale: 0, scaledValue: 21.00, setpointType: 1, size: 2, value: [8, 52])
    def event = []
    def currentState = device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")
    // log.debug "setpointType = " + cmd.setpointType + " currentState = " + currentState
    state.scale = cmd.scale	// So we can respond with same format later, see setHeatingSetpoint()
    state.precision = cmd.precision
    def radiatorSetPoint = cmd.scaledValue

    if (cmd.setpointType == 1) { //this is the standard heating setpoint
        if  (currentState != "eco") {
            event << createEvent(name: "nextHeatingSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint, unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: true)
            event << createEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: true)
            event << createEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: false)
            event << createEvent(name: "thermostatTemperatureSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: "C", displayed: false)
   "Regular Setpoint Report Received : ${cmd}"              

    if (cmd.setpointType == 11) { // this is eco heat setting on this device
        if (currentState == "eco") {
            event << createEvent(name: "nextHeatingSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint, unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: true)
            event << createEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: true)
            event << createEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: false)
            event << createEvent(name: "thermostatTemperatureSetpoint", value: radiatorSetPoint.toString(), unit: "C", displayed: false)
   "Eco Setpoint Report Received : ${cmd}"    

    if (cmd.setpointType == 3)  {            // Ignore Type 3 reports which are unused
        // "Setpoint Report Received : ${cmd}"

    if (event)
    return event

//Basic Operating State
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd){
    def event = [ ]
    log.debug "Basic report received - cmd.value = $cmd.value"
    if (cmd.value == 255) { //255 - 0xFF = normal mode
        state.thermostatMode = "auto"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "heating"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.value == 240){ //240 - 0xF0 = Boost
        state.thermostatMode = "boost"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "boost"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.value == 0){ //0 - 0x00 = eco
        state.thermostatMode = "eco"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "eco"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.value == 15){ //15 - 0x0F = off
        state.thermostatMode = "Switched off"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "frost"
        state.switch = "off"
    if (cmd.value == 254){     //254 - 0xFE = direct valve contol mode
        state.thermostatMode = "off"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "Direct Valve Control"
        state.switch = "on"

    event << createEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: state.thermostatMode, displayed: true)
    event << createEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: state.thermostatOperatingState, displayed: true)
    event << createEvent(name: "switch", value: state.switch, displayed: true) "Report Received : ${cmd}, ${state.thermostatMode}, ${state.thermostatOperatingState}"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())
    return event

//Thermostat Mode / Operating State
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport cmd ) {
    def event = []
    // log.debug "Mode report received - cmd.mode = $cmd.mode"
    if (cmd.mode == 1){ //1 normal heat 0x01
        state.thermostatMode = "auto"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "idle"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.mode == 15){ //15 Boost 0x0F
        state.thermostatMode = "heat"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "boost"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.mode == 11){ //11 eco 11 0x0B
        state.thermostatMode = "eco"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "eco"
        state.switch = "on"
    if (cmd.mode == 0){ // 0 off 0x00
        state.thermostatMode = "switched off"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "frost"
        state.switch = "off"
    if (cmd.mode == 31){ // 31 dvc 0xFE
        state.thermostatMode = "off"
        state.thermostatOperatingState = "Direct Valve Control"
        state.switch = "on"
    event << createEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: state.thermostatMode, displayed: true)
    event << createEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: state.thermostatOperatingState, displayed: true)
    event << createEvent(name: "switch", value: state.switch, displayed: true) "Report Received : ${cmd}, ${state.thermostatMode}, ${state.thermostatOperatingState}"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())
    return event

//Supported Modes
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeSupportedReport cmd) {
    // log.trace "$cmd"
    def supportedModes = []
    supportedModes << "off"
    supportedModes << "heat" 
    supportedModes << "cool" 
    supportedModes << "eco"
    supportedModes << "auto" 
    state.supportedModes = supportedModes 
    sendEvent(name: "supportedModes", value: supportedModes, displayed: false) "Report Received : $cmd, Thermostat supported modes : $supportedModes"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())

// Battery powered devices can be configured to periodically wake up and check in. They send this command and stay awake long enough to receive commands, 
// or until they get a WakeUpNoMoreInformation command that instructs them that there are no more commands to receive and they can stop listening.

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpNotification cmd) {
    def CurrentSetPoint=device.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
    def CurrentTemperature=device.currentValue("temperature")
    def CurrentMode=device.currentValue("thermostatMode")
    def CurrentState=device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")
    def CurrentBattery=device.currentValue("battery")    

    sendEvent(name: "LastWakeUp", value: new Date(), displayed: true) "${device.displayName} woke up - Current Temperature is " + CurrentTemperature + " - Setpoint is " + CurrentSetPoint + " - Mode is " + CurrentMode + " - Operating State is " + CurrentState + " - Battery is " + CurrentBattery

    def cmds = []   
	cmds << zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format()
    response(delayBetween(cmds, 1500))

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.notificationv3.NotificationReport cmd) {
    def events = []
    switch (cmd.notificationType) {
        case 8:
        events << processPowerMgtNot(cmd)

        case 9:
        events << processSystemNot(cmd)
    } "Notification Report : $cmd"
    sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date())

private processPowerMgtNot(cmd) {
    def descriptionText
    state.needbatteryReport = "1"
    if (cmd.eventParameter == []) {
        descriptionText = "New batteries"
    } else {
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [10]) {
            descriptionText = "replace battery soon"
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [11]) {
            descriptionText = "replace battery now"
    if ($pushNot == 1) {
        sendPush("${device.displayName}: Warning! $descriptionText")
    sendEvent(name: "NotificationCC_Power", value: descriptionText, displayed: false) "Power management event: Warning! $descriptionText"

private processSystemNot(cmd) {
    def descriptionText
    if (cmd.eventParameter == []) {
        descriptionText = "Cleared"
    } else {
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [1]) {
            descriptionText = "Warning! Motor movement not possible"
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [2]) {
            descriptionText = "Warning! Not mounted on a valve"
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [3]) {
            descriptionText = "Warning! Valve closing point could not be detected"
        if (cmd.eventParameter == [4]) {
            descriptionText = "Warning! Piston positioning failed"	
    if ($pushNot == 1) {
        sendPush("${device.displayName}: $descriptionText")

    sendEvent(name: "NotificationCC_System", value: descriptionText, displayed: false) "System event: $descriptionText"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
    def result = []
    if (cmd.nodeId.any { it == zwaveHubNodeId }) {
        result << sendEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName is associated in group ${cmd.groupingIdentifier}")
    } else if (cmd.groupingIdentifier == 1) {
        // We're not associated properly to group 1, set association
        result << sendEvent(descriptionText: "Associating $device.displayName in group ${cmd.groupingIdentifier}")
        result << response(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:cmd.groupingIdentifier, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId))
    } "Report Received : $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation	 cmd) { // Devices that support the Security command class can send messages in an encrypted form; they arrive wrapped in a SecurityMessageEncapsulation command and must be unencapsulated
    log.debug "raw secEncap $cmd"
    state.sec = 1
    def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand ([0x20: 1, 0x80: 1, 0x70: 1, 0x72: 1, 0x31: 5, 0x26: 3, 0x75: 1, 0x40: 2, 0x43: 2, 0x86: 1, 0x71: 3, 0x98: 2, 0x7A: 1 ]) 

    if (encapsulatedCommand) {
        return zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand)
    } else {
        log.warn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd"
        createEvent(descriptionText: cmd.toString())

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    def map = [ descriptionText: "${device.displayName}: ${cmd}" ]
    log.warn "mics zwave.Command - ${device.displayName} - $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
    if (cmd.manufacturerName) { updateDataValue("manufacturer", cmd.manufacturerName) }
    if (cmd.productTypeId) { updateDataValue("productTypeId", cmd.productTypeId.toString()) }
    if (cmd.productId) { updateDataValue("productId", cmd.productId.toString()) }
    if (cmd.manufacturerId){ updateDataValue("manufacturerId", cmd.manufacturerId.toString()) } "Report Received : $cmd"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd ) { "Report Received : $cmd"
    def events = []

    switch (cmd.parameterNumber) {

        case 1:
        events << processParam1(cmd)

        case 2:
        events << processParam2(cmd)

        case 3:
        events << processParam3(cmd)

        case 4:
        events << processParam4(cmd)

        case 5:
        events << processParam5(cmd)

        case 6:
        events << processParam6(cmd)

        case 7:
        events << processParam7(cmd)

        case 8:
        events << processParam8(cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv1.VersionReport cmd) {
    log.debug "Version Report: $cmd"
    def zWaveLibraryTypeDisp  = String.format("%02X",cmd.zWaveLibraryType)
    def zWaveLibraryTypeDesc  = ""
    switch(cmd.zWaveLibraryType) {
        case 1:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Static Controller"

        case 2:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Controller"

        case 3:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Enhanced Slave"

        case 4:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Slave"

        case 5:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Installer"

        case 6:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Routing Slave"

        case 7:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Bridge Controller"

        case 8:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "Device Under Test (DUT)"

        case 0x0A:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "AV Remote"

        case 0x0B:
        zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "AV Device"

            zWaveLibraryTypeDesc = "N/A"

    def zWaveVersion = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion,cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion)
    def firmwareLevel = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.firmware0Version,cmd.firmware0SubVersion)
    sendEvent([name: "FirmwareLevel", value:  firmwareLevel])            
    sendEvent([name: "ZWaveVersion", value:  zWaveVersion])
    sendEvent([name: "ZWaveLibraryType", value:  zWaveLibraryTypeDesc])

private processParam1(cmd) {
    def setValue
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "No"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Yes"
    } "LCDinvert: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$LCDinvert = setValue

private processParam2(cmd) {
    def setValue
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Always on"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 5) {
        setValue = "5 Seconds"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 10) {
        setValue = "10 Seconds"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 15) {
        setValue = "15 Seconds"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 20) {
        setValue = "20 Seconds"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 30) {
        setValue = "30 Seconds"
    } "LCDtimeout: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$LCDtimeout = setValue

private processParam3(cmd) {
    def setValue

    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Disabled"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Enabled"
    } "backlight: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$backlight = setValue

private processParam4(cmd) {
    def setValue

    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Event only"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Once a day"
    } "battery notification: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$battNotification = setValue

//temp report threshold
private processParam5(cmd) {
    def setValue

    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Disabled"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Report 0.1 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 2) {
        setValue = "Report 0.2 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 3) {
        setValue = "Report 0.3 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 5) {
        setValue = "Report 0.5 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 8) {
        setValue = "Report 0.8 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 15) {
        setValue = "Report 1.0 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 15) {
        setValue = "Report 1.5 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 20) {
        setValue = "Report 2.0 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 30) {
        setValue = "Report 3.0 degree temperature change"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 50) {
        setValue = "Report 5.0 degree temperature change"
    } "Temp report: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$tempReport = setValue

//valve report
private processParam6(cmd) {
    def setValue

    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Disabled"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Report 1% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 2) {
        setValue = "Report 2% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 5) {
        setValue = "Report 5% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 10) {
        setValue = "Report 10% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 20) {
        setValue = "Report 20% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 30) {
        setValue = "Report 30% valve movement"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 50) {
        setValue = "Report 50% valve movement"
    } "Valve report: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$valveReport = setValue

//window open	
private processParam7(cmd) {
    def setValue

    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 0) {
        setValue = "Disabled"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 1) {
        setValue = "Low"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 2) {
        setValue = "Medium"
    if (cmd.scaledConfigurationValue == 3) {
        setValue = "High"
    } "Window open detection: ${setValue}"
    //settings.windowOpen = setValue

//temp offset
private processParam8(cmd) {
    def setValue

    setValue = cmd.scaledConfigurationValue "Temp offset: ${setValue}"
    //settings.$tempOffset = setValue

def temperatureUp() {			
    def nextTemp = currentDouble("nextHeatingSetpoint") + 0.5d

    if(nextTemp > 28) {		// It can't handle above 28, so don't allow it go above
        nextTemp = 28

    if(nextTemp < 8) {		// It can't go below 8, so don't allow it
        nextTemp = 8
    sendEvent(name:"nextHeatingSetpoint", value: nextTemp, unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: false)	
    runIn (1, "buffSetpoint",[data: [value: nextTemp], overwrite: true])

def temperatureDown() {
    def nextTemp = currentDouble("nextHeatingSetpoint") - 0.5d

    if(nextTemp > 28) {		// It can't handle above 28, so don't allow it go above
        nextTemp = 28

    if(nextTemp < 8) {		// It can't go below 8, so don't allow it
        nextTemp = 8
    sendEvent(name:"nextHeatingSetpoint", value: nextTemp, unit: getTemperatureScale(), displayed: false)	
    runIn (1, "buffSetpoint",[data: [value: nextTemp], overwrite: true])

def buffSetpoint(data) {
    def key = "value"
    def nextTemp = data[key]
    //log.debug " buff nextTemp is $nextTemp"

def setCoolingSetpoint(temp){

def setHeatingSetpoint(Double degrees) { //Double added
    def cmds = []
    def precision = state.precision ?: 2
    def deviceScale = state.scale ?: 0

    sendEvent(name:"nextHeatingSetpoint", value: degrees, unit: getTemperatureScale(), descriptionText: "Next heating setpoint is ${degrees}", displayed: true, isStateChange:true)
    // log.debug "nextHeatingSetpoint set to ${degrees}"
    // log.debug device.currentValue("nextHeatingSetpoint")
    // log.debug device.currentValue("HeatingSetpoint")	
    // log.debug device.nextHeatingSetpoint
    // log.debug device.HeatingSetpoint    

    if (device.currentValue("nextHeatingSetpoint") != degrees) {
        if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode") != "eco") {
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: degrees, setpointType: 1)
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)
            log.trace "Setting Temp to ${degrees},  $cmds"
        if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "eco") {
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: ecoTemp, setpointType: 11)
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11)
            log.trace "Setting Eco Temp to ${ecoTemp},  $cmds"

    if (cmds != []) {

def lock() {
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "lock", value: "locking", displayed: false)
    cmds << zwave.protectionV1.protectionSet(protectionState: 1)
    cmds << zwave.protectionV1.protectionGet()
    log.trace "locking $cmds" 

def unlock() {
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "lock", value: "unlocking", displayed: false)
    cmds << zwave.protectionV1.protectionSet(protectionState: 0)
    cmds << zwave.protectionV1.protectionGet()
    log.trace "unlocking $cmds" 
    secureSequence (cmds)

* switch on/off turns frost on/off
****Mode Commands**
* Boost --> heat
* auto --> This is the normal mode (Comfort)
* cool --> ecoon
* off --> dvcon

def booston() {

def boostoff(){

def heat() { //Boost
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "heat", displayed: true)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 0x0F)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)
    // log.trace "heat On $cmds"

def auto(){ //Comfort
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "auto", displayed: true)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 1)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)
    // log.trace "auto $cmds" 
    secureSequence (cmds)

def off() {

def on(){

def froston(){ //taken from switchoff new app / frost tile classic
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "switched off", displayed: true)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 0)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)
    // log.trace "froston $cmds" 

def frostoff(){

def dvcon() { //taken from Mode off new app
    def cmds = []

    sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "off", displayed: true)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 31)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)

    // log.trace "DVC On : $cmds"


def dvcoff(){

def ecoon() { 
    def cmds = []
    sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: "eco", displayed: true)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: 11)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11)
    // log.trace "Eco/Cool $cmds"

def ecooff(){

def setThermostatMode(String) {
    def nextMode = String

    switch ("$nextMode") {
        case "heat":
        case "auto":
        case "cool":
        case "off":

//SetValve during DVC
def setLevel(nextLevel) {
    def cmds = []

    sendEvent(name:"level", value: nextLevel, displayed: false, isStateChange:true)

    cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelSet(value: nextLevel)
    cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()

    // log.trace "Executing 'setLevel' : $cmds"

//Refresh (Momentary)
def refresh() {
    log.trace "refresh"

def daysToTime(days) {

def configure() {
    state.clear()            // Clear all previous states

    state.supportedModes = [off, heat, eco, Boost, dvc] // basic modes prior to details from device
    state.needbatteryReport = "0"

    if (!device.currentState('batteryLastReplaced')?.value)

    if (ExternalTemp == null) 
    ExternalTemp = 0

    if (ExternalTemp == 0) {
        if (tempOffset) {
            if (tempOffset.toBigDecimal() > 0) {
                iTempOffset=(tempOffset.toBigDecimal()*10+1).toInteger()        // Multiply by 10 - Positive Offset is 0 to 50
            } else {
                iTempOffset=((tempOffset.toBigDecimal()*10)*-1).toInteger()     // Multiply by 10 and make the result positive
                iTempOffset = 256-iTempOffset                                   // Negative offset is 205 to 255
        } else {
    } else { "Using External Temperatures"
        iTempOffset = 128                                                         // External temperatures are being used
        tempOffset  = 128

    def cmds = []
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  LCDinvert == "1" ? [0x01] : [0x00], parameterNumber:1, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  LCDinvert == "1" ? 0x01  : 0x00)		
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  LCDtimeout == "5" ? [0x05] : LCDtimeout == "10" ? [0x0A] : LCDtimeout == "15" ? [0x0F] : LCDtimeout == "20" ? [0x14] : LCDtimeout == "30" ? [0x1E] : [0x00], parameterNumber:2, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  LCDtimeout == "5" ? 0x05 : LCDtimeout == "10" ? 0x0A : LCDtimeout == "15" ? 0x0F : LCDtimeout == "20" ? 0x14 : LCDtimeout == "30" ? 0x1E : 0x00)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  backlight == "1" ? [0x01] : [0x00], parameterNumber:3, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  backlight == "1" ? 0x01 : 0x00)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  battNotification == "Event only" ? [0x00] : [0x01], parameterNumber:4, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  battNotification == "Event only" ? 0x00 : 0x01)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  tempReport == "1" ? [0x01] : tempReport == "2" ? [0x02] : tempReport == "5" ? [0x05] : tempReport == "8" ? [0x08] : tempReport == "10" ? [0x0A] : tempReport == "15" ? [0x0F] : tempReport == "20" ? [0x14] : tempReport == "30" ? [0x1E] : tempReport == "50" ? [0x32] : [0x00], parameterNumber:5, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  tempReport == "1" ? 0x01 : tempReport == "2" ? 0x02 : tempReport == "5" ? 0x05 : tempReport == "8" ? 0x08 : tempReport == "10" ? 0x0A : tempReport == "15" ? 0x0F : tempReport == "20" ? 0x14 : tempReport == "30" ? 0x1E : tempReport == "50" ? 0x32 : 0x00)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  valveReport == "1" ? [0x01] : valveReport == "2" ? [0x02] : valveReport == "5" ? [0x05] : valveReport == "10" ? [0x0A] : valveReport == "20" ? [0x14] : valveReport == "30" ? [0x1E] : valveReport == "50" ? [0x32] : [0x00], parameterNumber:6, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue:  valveReport == "1" ? 0x01 : valveReport == "2" ? 0x02 : valveReport == "5" ? 0x05 : valveReport == "10" ? 0x0A : valveReport == "20" ? 0x14 : valveReport == "30" ? 0x1E : valveReport == "50" ? 0x32 : 0x00)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  windowOpen == "0" ? [0x00] : windowOpen == "1" ? [0x01] : windowOpen == "3" ? [0x03] : [0x02], parameterNumber:7, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue: windowOpen == "0" ? 0x00 : windowOpen == "1" ? 0x01 : windowOpen == "3" ? 0x03 : 0x02)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue:  tempOffset == null ? [0] : [iTempOffset], parameterNumber:8, size:1, scaledConfigurationValue: tempOffset == null ? 0 : iTempOffset)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV1.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: 1, scale: 0, scaledValue: ecoTemp == null ? 18.toBigDecimal() : ecoTemp, setpointType: 11, size: 2, value: ecoTemp == null ? [0, 180] : [0, ecoTemp*10])
    cmds << zwave.sensorMultilevelV5.sensorMultilevelGet(sensorType:1, scale:1) 
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()
    cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 0x01)
    cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 0x0B)
    cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:1)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:2)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:3)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:4)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:5)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:6)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:7)
    cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:8)
    cmds << zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()
    cmds << zwave.protectionV1.protectionGet()
    cmds << zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSupportedGet()
    cmds << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV1.manufacturerSpecificGet()
    cmds << zwave.versionV1.versionGet()

    sendEvent(name: "configuration", value: "sent", displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "configure", displayed: false)
    log.debug "Configuration sent"

def updated() {
    sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 15 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
    if (!state.updatedLastRanAt || new Date().time >= state.updatedLastRanAt + 2000) {
        state.updatedLastRanAt = new Date().time
        log.trace "Configuring settings"
        runIn (05, configure)
        sendEvent(name: "configure", value: "configdue", displayed: false)
        sendEvent(name: "refreshRate", value: refreshRate)
		switch(refreshRate) {
            case "1":
   "Refresh Scheduled for every minute"
            case "15":
   "Refresh Scheduled for every 15 minutes"
            case "10":
   "Refresh Scheduled for every 10 minutes"
            case "5":
   "Refresh Scheduled for every 5 minutes"
            case "0":
            runIn(60*60*24, 'poll')    // Must poll at least once per day
   "Refresh off"}
    else {
        log.warn "update ran within the last 2 seconds"

// PING is used by Device-Watch in attempt to reach the Device
def ping() {
def exerciseValve() {
    def cmds = []
    def lastValve = 0
    def ecoIsOn = 0
    def precision = state.precision ?: 2
    def deviceScale = state.scale ?: 0

    if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "eco") {
        ecoIsOn = 1

    if (device.currentState("thermostatOperatingState").value == "Direct Valve Control") {
        lastValve = (device.currentState('level').value)
        log.trace "Exercise Valve - Requesting exercise - Current Valve Level is $lastValve"

        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelSet(value: 0)
        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()

        cmds = []
        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelSet(value: 100)
        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()

        cmds = []
        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelSet(value: lastValve)
        cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()
    } else {
        lastValve = ((device.currentState('nextHeatingSetpoint').value).toBigDecimal())   
        minValue  = ((device.currentState('minHeatingSetpoint').value).toBigDecimal())    
        maxValue  = ((device.currentState('maxHeatingSetpoint').value).toBigDecimal())    
        log.trace "Exercise Valve - Requesting exercise"                

        cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: minValue, setpointType: 1)
        cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)

        cmds = []
        cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: maxValue, setpointType: 1)
        cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)
        cmds = []     

        if (ecoIsOn) {
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: lastValve, setpointType: 11)
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11)
        } else {
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(precision: precision, scale: deviceScale, scaledValue: lastValve, setpointType: 1)
            cmds << zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)


    state.lastExercise = new Date().time 

def poll() { "Polling...."
    if (!state.lastExercise) { "Exercise Valve - Requesting exercise as never got one before"
    } else {
        if (new Date().time - state.lastExercise > daysToTime(1/24)) {
   "Exercise Valve - Requesting exercise"

    def cmds = []

    if (!state.lastBatteryReport) { "Asking for battery report as never got one before"
        cmds << zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()
    } else {
        if (new Date().time - state.lastBatteryReport > (daysToTime(5)/2)) {
   "Asking for battery report as over 12 hours since last one"
            cmds << zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()
        } else {
            if (state.needBatteryReport=="1") { cmds << zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet() }    

    if (!state.extra || (new Date().time) - state.extra > (60*60000)) {			// minutes * millseconds these settings shouldnt be needs as device should send response at time of update
        //cmds <<	zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeGet()	// get mode
        cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11) 	// get eco/cool setpoint
        cmds <<	zwave.basicV1.basicGet()											// get mode (basic)	
        cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)	// get heating setpoint
        state.extra = new Date().time

    cmds <<	zwave.sensorMultilevelV1.sensorMultilevelGet()	// get temp
    cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet()	// valve position
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatModeV1.thermostatModeGet()		// get mode
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1)	// get heating setpoint
    cmds <<	zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 11)	// get heating setpoint
    secureSequence (cmds)

def setDeviceLimits() { // for google and amazon compatability
    sendEvent(name:"minHeatingSetpoint", value: settings.tempMin ?: 8, unit: "°C", displayed: false)
    sendEvent(name:"maxHeatingSetpoint", value: settings.tempMax ?: 28, unit: "°C", displayed: false)
    log.trace "setDeviceLimits - device max/min set"

def secure(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    if (state.sec) {
        //log.debug "Seq secure - $cmd"
    else {
        //log.debug "Seq unsecure- $cmd"

def secureSequence(cmds, delay=1500) {
    //log.debug "SeSeq $commands"
    delayBetween(cmds.collect{ secure(it) }, delay)

def resetBatteryReplacedDate(paired) {
    def newlyPaired = paired ? " for newly paired sensor" : ""
    sendEvent(name: "batteryLastReplaced", value: new Date())
    sendEvent(name: "battery", value: 100)
    log.debug "Setting Battery Last Replaced to current date${newlyPaired}"

private currentDouble(attributeName) {
    if(device.currentValue(attributeName)) {
        return device.currentValue(attributeName).doubleValue()
    else {
        return 0d
1 Like

Just included 3 Spirit TRVs with S2 security.
Feeling somewhat unhappy with the Generic Thermostat drivers, I'm glad I found these, thank you! :+1:

What I can tell so far, the basic stuff seems to work, communication from and to the TRVs is fine, also sending commands.

But I am not able to change the device's settings using these drivers, parameters are identical to the Aeotec TRV, though.

I changed parameters to my needs with the "Basic Z-Wave Tool" before, but when switching to your drivers, they all seemed to be resetted to the defaut values.

I will continue testing using the Thermostat Scheduler and report back for my findings.

Thank you.

I've just got 10 of these. Not rolled them out yet to replace some old Danfoss LC-13's.

Parameter setting I though was fine. For example, I rotated the display on my test one to match the way they will be installed.

Let me know how you get on.

Aaaah, sorry, I tested it for only one device I just included and then moved to it's place, maybe I should have done a repair before or it only took a while to establish the settings.
I'm just about to move my devices to HE and therefore a little impatient maybe. :roll_eyes:
Anyway, I can now tell that it works, so nevermind.

But I still have a few questions:

  • what is the "Refresh Rate" setting about, is it some kind of polling?
  • what are the "dvcon", "dvcoff" and all these fan commands about?
  • what is emergency heating about?

refresh rate - yes, polling. This is the rate that the driver polls the device to refresh information.

dvc stands for direct valve control. dvcon and dvcoff sends commands to change mode - a regular off or frostoff command sends a mode 0 command (0 meaning off) dvcoff sends a mode 31 command. My understanding is that on and off set the valve to 0% (off) or 100% (on). DVC allows the valve to be set to whatever %age open you want (using set level). (I might be wrong, but that's what I think.

When a driver in HE references a capability of "Thermostat" then a whole load of stuff gets built in automagically. Fans for example - I never ever saw a TRV with a fan, yet fan commands go in there whether we like it or not. Emergency Heat is another one. I don't believe there is any code in there that references "Emergency Heat".

Thanks, Simon

1 Like

Thanks for your explanations.

Meanwhíle I can tell that that it works with the HE Thermostat Scheduler.
Also tested a simple "window open - TRV off and vice versa" rule, also works fine.
Great job, thanks again!

Another question, did you ever test using these TRVs with an external temperature sensor like the Aeotec AerQ or Eurotronic Air Quality Sensor?

Nope. I've not tried controlling them directly using an external temp sensor......

Just found that using a comma (or dot) -separated value to adjust the temperature offset will result in the following error for all 3 devices and no configuration is done.
Using a "straight" number works.

Many thanks for testing this driver out.....

I have updated the code (in the first post) - the image below is from the Aeotech manual and explains this setting - the original code is multiplying the offset by 10 - the offset was a string so when a period was in there it threw an error when it tried to automatically convert to a number. I've sorted that by adding some code to always convert it to a number. So if I send an offset of 3.13, the driver makes that 31.

There was no logic in the code for External Temperature (128) - So I've put a new preference in there for that - just a Yes or No - default is No.

There was no logic in the code for negative offsets, so I've put that in there. I've tested it as best I could - but the info report that gets logged for a negative offset is always zero. So when I enter an offset preference of -5 I compute that to be 206, I send that and it reports back zero. Maybe different on your TRV's????

I have to thank you, now I am able to add values with a comma. :slight_smile:

Nope, it's exactly the same for me:


But the settings will apply correctly nonetheless, I tried with several negative values. :+1:

1 Like

I came upon an issue in my testing..... when an app changed the setpoint the code immediately called for a setpoint report and what I believe was happening is the it was returning the old setpoint before the new one was recorded.

I've commented out the offending lines (updated the code in post 1) and it's working now as I expected. Let me know if this change is not to your liking....

Created a rule yesterday that was supposed to turn eco mode on/off depending on modes using the Thermstat Scheduler.

The rule turned eco mode on, but while trying to revert to heating mode, exactly this happened to me, too.
Didn't keep the logs unfortunately.

I blamed Thermostat Scheduler or my own misunderstanding of it first, but I will test the new drivers later this day, thanks!

Did some testing, here are my results, this will be hard for me to explain so I add some screencaps:

These are the setpoints I defined in Thermostat Scheduler, I didn't add any schedules here, I want to change setpoints only per mode:

This is the rule i created:

When triggering the rule, for two of my TRVs everything works fine, when e.g. mode changes to night, the setpoint will be lowered by 2°C and increased by the same value again when switching to day.
This is what happens for the device "TRV Flur", it has it's heating setpoint at 18°C.

When the rule runs "EcoMode off", the temperature will be increased to 20°C.

For all devices it seems that setpoint change will be sent 3 times, is this working as intended?
Also I found, that setpoint changes are not reported back, each device has to be refreshed manually.

All this works when I use a rule that triggers the TRVs one by one, so maybe the Thermostat Scheduler is not the right tool for this task. :thinking:

I've updated the code. What i've done this time is I've got it to poll the TRV 1 second after a setpoint is updated - that should give us the reporting back of the setpoints following a change.

I found and commented out those debug statements that were returning nothing.

I've no idea why the setpoint change gets sent 3 times. If it were twice I'd say "To be sure, to be sure" which is a saying here in Ireland.... But "To be sure, to be sure, to be sure" seems like overkill to me.

I wonder sometimes if something gets overloaded with commands resulting in a missed command.... that would explain why 2 TRV's would work and 1 not work - yet when individually triggered they all work. How about copying the rule and have the copy only do TRV Flur ?

Let me know if that change helps.

Thanks, Simon

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Thank you! I don't mean to sound unthankful, but would you mind removing the polling function again?
I found that polling some FLiRS simultaniously will slow down the network and beaming some more, I still have 5 Fibaro TRVs waiting to be migrated, will surely hammer it.
Therefore I discarded the idea to use HE's Thermostat Scheduler to organize my setpoints, this App doesn't seem to be intended to be used this way.
I think rules like this will be suitable for controlling my TRVs:


We have a similar saying in Germany. :slight_smile:
But it will only send it for one time if using this rule instead of Thermostat Scheduler.
Also the changes of the setpoint will be reported immediately.

So I think, the former version of your drivers work great. :+1:

Ok - polling removed.........

Many thanks, Simon

Thanks! :slight_smile:
Is there any other reason for me to upgrade the driver code?

Nope - all I altered in the latest version is to comment out the poll 1 second after a setpoint is received.

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So I will leave it as is and continue with my migration,many thanks again. :slight_smile:
May I ask if you have any other cool Z-Wave drivers for european devices on stock? :wink:

I created drivers for Heiman smoke detectors - both zigbee and z-wave.

I've done a lot of work recently on Secure SRT-321 Z-Wave room themostats (aka Horstmann HRT4-ZW aka IQE RT321). I have 8 of these around my house - creating 8 logical heating zones - so in any zone you can dial-in the setpoint you require..... until Thermostat Scheduler changes it at preset times. My devices are older one, I have a Z-Wave Plus SRT-321 arriving this week - so I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs compared to the older ones.

I converted the Danfoss TRV driver from ST to HE years ago.

That's about it...