Android - Geofence not working

I am in the Beta program so I think the only way to get it until it is fully released would be to Join the Beta program.

@bobbyD Was build 126 officially released? I'm not in the beta program, but I was automatically upgraded to it, and now I'm having the same geofencing issues as everybody else.

How can I either get a fixed build or a copy of an older version to roll back to?

My understanding was build 126 was moved live. You can Join the beta (from the app store) and wait a bit, Uninstall 126, then install beta should put you on 128.

Good catch, I missed that one so upon seeing this and sure enough, optimization was on. Thanks!


Thanks for your suggestion.

@bobbyD That isn't a good enough answer. I have the app installed on multiple devices and I don't want to enroll all of them in the beta because they are used by people who won't tolerate buggy software. If the live build causes a regression as bad as this, there needs to be an easy to move on to a build that works properly.


Yup, turning battery optimisation off for the app seems to have done it for me too. Thanks!


@bobbyD Do you know when a version of the Android app that fixes the geofencing issues will be pushed to public release?


I don't understand why the beta release was pushed out to everyone while issues with presence were already being reported in the beta thread. The whole point of having a beta is to be able to fix issues like this before releasing to everyone.

I've checked and battery optimization is still disabled on my app, so that's not the issue for me at least.

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I thought the same thing. My wife is pretty easy going, so adding her to the beta to get the latest beta update/fix isn't a big deal, but I'm the one (in the beta) that should have been affected by this and she (not in the beta) shouldn't have been affected or even noticed that something was wrong. But when lights don't go on, garage door doesn't go up, and the house doesn't unlock when she gets home from work, she notices. :rofl:

Edited to add: It made me wish there was a way to roll back to a previous version on Android, but once something is updated you're stuck waiting for a fix. (Yes, I know, aside from side loading an APK you find in the wild.)

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There are numerous apps that will allow you to back up an APK that's on your phone and restore back to it if necessary.

Hi, I have been living with this since Jan4 update. Do I need to join the developer program to fix? I am on

Presence on build 1.6.8:128 has been working flawlessly since I updated to it. Previous builds worked okay but sometimes wasn't reporting correctly. I'd say this release has been the best so far.


Just to report I'm having issues with presence on my Android 10 GS9 (v. 1.6.7 build 126) - battery optimisation is off and location is allowed all the time etc.

As others have reported, when I open up the app, the geofence tab clearly sees me as out of the geofence, but it does not update until I touch the radius slider device, then it updates immediately. Same for when I return (see image below).

What version are you on?
I can only see 1.6.8 beta version that I'm on

Sorry forgot to add, it's 1.6.7 - edited to update

@bobbyD might have, an idea when the beta will be released. Seems to be working ok for the people on it.

I'm on the 1.6.8 build 128 on Android phone on Verizon. It seems ever since they introduce Hub subscriptions(which I don't subscribe to), enter/exit events debug shows unable to resolve host '':no address associated w host. Prior to latest fixes, only exit events gave this error. When on my lan, the enter events went thru but with a major delay...

I've been fighting this for a few weeks and finally thought to check here. Same issue with all those above. My phone has always been set not to optimize battery for the app. Uninstall/reinstall didn't help either.

I have noticed though if I manually hit send geo event, it seems to update the presence for me. (I have a notification for when one of us leaves or arrives).

Does anyone know when build 128 will be available in the play store? I am running build 126 and have optimisation off as well as location services on and its broken. I.e. presence not updated..

When will 128 be released or do we all need to subscribe to beta??


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If you join the beta, update to build 128, then leave the beta, you will get build 128 and no more beta versions. That's what I ended up doing on all my devices.

It's still not perfect, but now it's no worse than it was before. Maybe slightly better.