Finally!: Zigbee USB Smart Adaptor (SONOFF ZBMicro)

【Wide Transmit Coverage】 Elevate your network capabilities with Turbo Mode, featuring advanced technology that boosts signal range and strength, and provides a seamless and stable connection for your devices.

Hopefully it's repeater is more like the dongles (which work good for me) than the plugs/relays (pretty crap IMHO).

It's a repeater? Hmmmmm.

Neat. Thanks for the heads up.
I just ordered three of them to get the 10% off


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I don't have the setup any more, (didn't see the real need, in my case), but I used to have a spare hub power cycle the main hub after it shut itself down.

I used a ZEN16 with some 'fabbed' cable, as I recall, lol. This would've been a lot cleaner.

How can I tell if it's a repeater once I get it?

Use the community Zigbee Map app to see if any battery-powered Zigbee devices uses it as a router.

As the Sonoff ZBMicro uses the same chip as HE C-8, most probably the ‘turbo mode’ is boosting the Zigbee radio power to level 12, as in Hubitat.


Thanks. It's been so long I visited the map I forgot about it!

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Would it be derailing the thread to ask folk to leave some of their Use Case ideas as they comment on this. I'm struggling to think of what all I have that runs on USB that I'd really need to control (or that would be safe to control) with this.

Don't get me wrong, I want this...even if "just because" :crazy_face:

and click the link to see the picture of my existing setup...

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I plan to use the USB switch to control the charging of a tablet that I will use for a HE Dashboard.
I will turn the charger for 30 minutes a day, or something similar.

Currently, I do not have any tablets used as a dashboard in HE after my old ASUS Windows tablet broke one year ago (I am lucky it did not explode!) because of a battery overcharge. It was on USB power supply 24/7.


Be interesting to see how long it lasts plugged into a battery bank.
Might be a good "portable hotspot" for outdoor ZigBee coverage.

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Well, indeed it would....
because I'm thinking about a remoted USB powered device which I need ON at night but OFF by day (to allow solar panel recharge of the battery).

Hmmm.. it does data too.
What could that be used for?

My wife has this round moon frame / light in our bedroom powered by usb that we never turn on because … well … it manual. That was my first thought.

I also have a light up collar for my cat that we recharge overnight. I assume the battery will last longer if I switch off the charger after a few hours.

Beyond that, no more ideas.

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To reboot cameras and radar motion detectors


Just curious....which is the REAL "Sonoff website", or this?

EDIT: Whoops, nevermind....I see this is one of their online channels.

This site is in China. The new products are first announced here.

Can't find much info for ?

Seems to be a site hosted on AmazonAWS

Oh dang. And I was going to complain that I just bought one.

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Rookie!! :wink: Gotta make big mistakes, or don't make them at all. :smiley:


I just got mine and it does work as a Generic Zigbee Switch.

Zigbee parsed:[raw:catchall: 0000 0005 00 00 0040 00 28A8 00 00 0000 00 00 0D0000, profileId:0000, clusterId:0005, clusterInt:5, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:28A8, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[0D, 00, 00]]
fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0006,FC57,FC11", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"ZBMicro", manufacturer:"SONOFF"
ZCL version:03
Software Build Id:1.0.4
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