Fastest my hub has ever been

You should pick up a uzb-7 and set it is as a secondary controller so you can poof the ghost.

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Hey, @lewis.heidrick.

Um...can you say that again in English? :wink: Sorry - not familiar w/the UZB-7 HW, and not sure what you mean by "proof the ghost."

You can pickup a uzb-7 zwave USB stick from silabs and download zwave PC controller software then add it as a secondary controller to your hub and then go in and select failed (ghost) devices. The stick is like 15 bucks but comes in handy.


Ah, thanks, never heard of that toy. Sounds like something interesting to have around. Thanks!

Can use it to update device firmware also

Obviously that's a 700 series ZWave chip inside and quite cool. It isn't required however... I use an old Aeon Z-Stick Gen 5 (aka 500 series) when using PC Controller software from SiLabs.

The Aeon ZStick has a battery inside and is superb for Excluding. (It can Include too, but that's not it's prime benefit.) Just using the ZStick, you can wander around and Exclude devices. When I split my home between Downstairs and Upstairs, the ZStick was used all day. I'd walk into a room and with the ZStick blinking Orange, Exclude all the devices in that room.

If you can afford two USB sticks, get the uzb-7 and then the Aeon. But if you want to afford only one, get the Aeon :smiley:

I have 3 z-wave radios attached to my computer for testing

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Ok, I’ll order one.

I only have two attached. I did try the Nortek but wasn’t enamored :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I use a UZB-7 and Aeon as my 2 goto zwave playthings. :slight_smile:

I have a ZStick (for excluding and C4/5 ghost removal) 2 UZB3s (1 for znffing, one for reasons ) and 2 UZB 7s.. which I have done exactly nothing with so far. I need help apparently.

Is this a who has the most dongles contest or something?

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Pfft... amateur :wink:


Hey.. I just said how many were attached.. That's not how many I own..


Oh so this is a "I have more dongles than you" contest? :rofl:

  • messing with ya as always
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Bryan has already won the epic "you know your addicted to.." thread..

So there is not much left...

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Crap... @bcopeland, it's back. The great disappearing Zwave mesh. C7,

Failing on motion lighting using a zwave switch, and on pico buttons using Zwave swtich. Hue, and Bond integrations/switches are all working fine.


Motion>light automation fail. Got home at ~4:31, logs from motion lighting app:

Log from Iris motion sensor:
Log from Zwave switch:

  • no log
    Events from Zwave switch device page - most recent even is hours ago, no events showing up for my arrival at 4:30 at all.

Example of failed motion lighting event in log:

More logs w/Zwave network busy messages:

Pico button>six different Zwave lights, fail.
Log of PIco buttons, buttons 3 and 4 Push, and 5 Held, are attached to Zwave lights.

None of the Zwave lights that buttons 3, 4, and 5 address have any logs on the log screen to match up w/the button presses. They are just completely absent from the logs, and their Event lists on their device pages are empty of any events for this time (3:40 - 3:45).

Every Zwave device shows as Unknown or Failed on the Zwave Details page. (Battery powered show as Failed, mains powered show as Unknown).

Is this related to what we were discussing earlier? My Ghost?

HALP! :slight_smile:

It's back. Appreciate any suggestions. Let me know if any other logs needed. Zwave has left me for Las Vegas.

So I upgraded to yesterday and the results looked promising, but as you can see over the past 24 hours the latency increased. Also those spikes were still there, even right after the upgrade.

Have you tried yet?

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I did not even know there was another released already, I will test it out.


If you're asking me, yes, since it was first released today. Updated my post to include C7 and info.