Everything Xbee

zigbee devices grab the first thing they see.
So to ensure they go through the Xbee you will have to power off all the router devices you do not want it to use (at very least bad router devices like light bulbs) and then select zigbee pairing in the hub and pair on the device again (you do not have to remove the device).
Or if you don't want to power everything off just keep running pairing in the hub and pairing on the device until it selects the path you want but that might take along time.

The Aqara may not show up in the XTCU scan if going through a bad routing device like a light bulb.
You can also look at
http:// hub ip/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo
to see how your device is routing.

So I ran the child route and it seems my exbees are going through other repeaters that are actually further from the hub. Does that seem right

They are just passing info unless you have the xbee set as an end device.
Have you done a network scan with XTCU?
That will show you better how your devices are connected.

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Definitely when you have an Xbee, you'll want to use XTCU. Using the built-in routing check when you have an Xbee is like trying to cut your hair with a butter knife when you have a pair of scissors in your other hand! :wink:

OK thanks Guys I will try that. I just thought it was weird that no matter what I did I could not get the Xbee to connect directly to the hub. I was right next to it and with just about every repeater unplugged. Well I think that everything is good. We will see if the cubes stay connected

I have an XBee3 that XCTU shows has 2 end devices connected to it - but those 2 end devices are now on a different hub/network for the past couple of months.

I dunno why they don't show up as red and disappear after a network scan like what happens with other non-communicating end devices on other XBee3 routers. This XBee3 seems to keep reporting them as present on a scan.

I must have some parameter wrong, but can't see which one.....

Apart from performing a full factory reset, anyone got any ideas?

Thanks, Simon

To everyone thats helped others out throughout this thread thanks a bunch! I would never have gotten this far without all the awesome advice. Now I am stuck though!

I bought a set of 3 xbee3's I have two of them up and running wonderfully. The third however is being a little tricky. I can NOT discover it from hubitat. I have been trying for a few days now.

Im a bit of a noob, so I may be totally incorrect here but, it looks like it actually IS paired with the hub, but its not showing as a device.

I have completely re-built the xbee in question 3 times now, it dose not seem to change anything. Have also restarted the hub a few times, no change.

I have tried to pair the xbee in question next to the hub and both of the other two xbees.

Not sure what to try now! Any suggestions are very very welcome!

It is joined as a ghost device you will have to remove and rejoin it.

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Thanks for the help! Much appreciated.

Sorry for the ignorance, but reading your earlier post helping someone else it seems like you suggest deleting the ghost device by finding it on the devices page? I do not have any unrecognized devices there. So not sure what to delete.

going from your screenshots.
It appears to be joined as a ghost device.
Try changing the problem Xbee3 to an end device (going by the screenshots it is set as a router) and change it's name (NI) as well.
Then join it to Hubitat again.
Once joined go and delete it in Hubitat (this will delete the ghost device)
Then put the problem Xbee3 settings back to router and change the name ( NI )
Now pair it again to Hubitat.

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Actually, I think I may have got it sorted by editing another Zigbee device to mirror the details of the problem xbee manually. Then deleting that device from the hub. Its paired at least. . . . ..

If it does not work as intended I will give your instructions a go.

yes that does basically the same thing

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Your awesome thanks! Looks like Im good to go.

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Hello everybody,
I am facing the problem of setting up the XBee3.
I installed the XBee3 router setting from the first post on this topic. My module can join the network. But when I want to declare some more endpoint under HA profile, I cannot do that. The module somehow automatically reports endpoints 230 and 232 without sending any packet (which related to cluster ID 00 05) out to the serial port.
Could anybody help me out of this issue?

not sure what you mean by this?
If the Xbee3 is joined to the hub as a router you should be able to use XTCU to scan and see the entire hub's zigbee devices.
If you are trying to join other end devices to the Xbee3 router then the easiest way would be to power off any other zigbee router devices when trying to pair the end devices.

Hi @NoWon, thank you for replying to me quickly.
I meant I want to make a thing that acts like a Bulb (take the Ikea Bulb as an example), which is a router and also exposes some attributes that allow me to control the outputs, read the sensor inputs, etc...

Not something I have really played with but in
XTCU at the top right corner select network and then scan
then while scanning again at the top right corner select consoles (middle monitor icon) then select open (it will then say close)
Then you can record and looks like send packets.

Thank you for your advice.
I have tried it, but no hope.
The recorded packets are the packets that used to discover the other devices, whereas in my case, my device shall be able to declare itself to the others, but the Xbee module does not give me any chance to do it properly.
However, I really appreciate your suggest

I'm going to look into this soon when I get ahold of some more xbee modules. You're likely to have to get your hands dirty with this as it needs understanding of the underlying zigbee HA data transmissions:
Xbee Documentation
Xbee/Micropython modules
Adding the cluster ID to the xbee.transmit() calls and perhaps changing the CI AT command seem to be the starting points. Unfortunately, there is very little information about the Xbee's as end-devices on the web.

EDIT: You might want to have a read through this thread, though there's no real conclusion as yet:

Thanks, @chirpy for your information.
The ZigBee stuff has consumed too much time, so I currently turn to ESP32 with the Mesh topology.
But if you have any chance to get it to work, please let me know. I will keep an eye on this thread because I would love to finish my little things eventually.
All the best.