Eurotronic thermostats hang my hub

What do you mean you need 16 steps to increase the settings by 2 degrees in 4 TRVs? Do you do it in the mobile app?

I have the same question. I've 11 Eurotronic Spirit trv and in three of them I've planned pooling - I didn't set it and it is strange - why only in three of them?

via themostat tile
so You need to push it 4 times for 2 degrees = 4 sent commands. If I do it quick in 4 trv the hub stuck - not hang like @krzyskonieczny15 but in the end it doesn't change temp like I want it

Arek becasue on the rest you did not hit "save preferences", when You do that trv will be polling every 3h

It doesn't seem to be hung for @krzyskonieczny15 either. The hub might be still running its automation (@krzyskonieczny15 will get back to us on that) .
He used the word 'crash' to describe his hub's behaviour but it seems it was more of a communication problem than a hub going idle.
pollDevice - I used to have it in Scheduled Jobs but it's gone now.


ok, since few days i do not have any problem with my trv. i m using different driver and also changing temp via rule 1min 20 sek for first trv, 2min 40 sec for second and so one. but i think polling was crashing, hanbing or getting stuck my hub, no when trv are without polling everything work great.
on generic drivers pooling goes to schedule when you hit save preferences.
that was my problem.
so i can say that problem is solved but still im missing dedicated driver :slight_smile:

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I think we need to kindly ask @Royski to have a look at porting/developing a driver for Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave TRV. He might be using one :wink:
On the other hand Generic Z-Wave Thermostat driver works with Google Home/Assistant. As mike.maxwell recently pointed Google wants a thermostat to have a cooling part.
Obviously TRVs have no such capability so either we use Generic Thermostat and we can tell Google to adjust the temperature or we have a driver for a TRV with no Google Home/Assistant support.

or just create dedicated driver for trv and everybody will decide dedicated driver without telling to goole home or generic with problems :slight_smile:

ok, now I have the same problem as @krzyskonieczny15
for reminder - I've got 11trv. I needed to create different thermostat scheduler to add one minute delay because when I try to send one command to (for eg.) 6trv it changed temp in 2-3 trvs.

Right now I was changing temp in 4 of them (for testing), one by one - it was working perfect, click and temp was changed. I want to use "away" mode so I set away temp. 17 to 4 trvs and change mode to away - ok it changed all trvs to 17 - jupi! Then I've changed mode to day -> and that is all, it changed temp back on ONE trv and now I can't change temp on others, after 15minutes still nothing (but I can use others z-wave devices) -> reboot hubitat, everything "back" to normal.

Have you been in touch with support on this?

i have been, support wrote to me that this device was not teste with HE and send me link to supported devices :smiley:
amazing support :slight_smile:

I was checking this list before buying HE:

my loss :slight_smile:

In cooperation with and @krzyskonieczny15 I've made some tests:

when You are trying to change temperature (via tile, thermostat scheduler, rule) in few/several trv at one time the trvs doesn't respond, some of them will change temperature some not - lottery. Reboot is helping. In my case I've 11 Eurotronic's trvs.

I've deleted all rules and all schedulers. I've reboot hub. I've set one by one temp 22C via device command "set heating setpoint" -> it works flawless.

I've created simple rule with virtual switch TRV_Test. On position set 22C, off position set 17C. Test was perform on 5 trvs.

IF (TRV_Test(on) is on(T) [TRUE]) THEN
Thermostats: TRV_Jadalnia, TRV_Kuchnia, TRV_SalonL, TRV_SalonP, TRV_LazienkaD:
--> Mode: heat
--> Heat: 22
ELSE-IF (TRV_Test(on) is off(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Thermostats: TRV_Jadalnia, TRV_Kuchnia, TRV_SalonL, TRV_SalonP, TRV_LazienkaD:
--> Mode: heat
--> Heat: 17

Result: lottery. Sometimes correct temp was set on one, two or three trvs - never on 5.
What I've notice - sometimes it changes temp correct but in device events there is no information about it and then was a problem -> in current states it was showing not changed temp 17C but it really changed to 22C on trv (trv have lcd display) then I tried to change it really to 17C (typing via device heating setpoint) but trv didn't react. So I try to type 22C (to change current states) but it still shows 17C in current states, refresh also didn't help. When I type anything else besides 17 or 22 it change temp immediately and then I can change it to 22 or 17 (in one trv, not all at one time)

Test2: add delays

IF (TRV_Test(off) is on(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Thermostats: TRV_Jadalnia:
--> Heat: 22
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_Kuchnia:
--> Heat: 22
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_SalonL:
--> Heat: 22
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_SalonP:
--> Heat: 22
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_LazienkaD:
--> Heat: 22
ELSE-IF (TRV_Test(off) is off(T) [TRUE]) THEN
Thermostats: TRV_Jadalnia:
--> Heat: 17
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_Kuchnia:
--> Heat: 17
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_SalonL:
--> Heat: 17
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_SalonP:
--> Heat: 17
Delay 0:00:30
Thermostats: TRV_LazienkaD:
--> Heat: 17

Result: working without problems.