Introducing 'Wake Me Up - BETA' A better way to wake up. With slowly rising light levels, random announcements and more.
This app has been merged into Event Engine - Automate your world with easy to use Cogs. Rev up complex automations with just a few clicks!
Choose days/time/sunset/sunrise/onDemand to run
Turn lights on, Set Level and Color
Slowly Dim Lighting Down (can work in two different ways)
-- Start all lights from the same level
-- Start from the highest level and have each light join in as its level is reached
Slowly Dim Lighting Up
Have speech, other events happen after lighting dims
Turn other devices on/off
Notifications include Speech and Push
Ability to Repeat Speech
Ability to Snooze Alarm
Speech requires 'Follow Me'
Ability to pause and/or disable app
Parent/Child App structure
Create as many child apps as needed
Apps can be found on my GitHub or by using the Hubitat Package Manager.
(HPM is highly recommended)
When reporting problems...
Be sure you are on the latest version. I won't troubleshoot an older version.
Turn on debug and screenshot the issue happening in the log. One line or just the error doesn't cut it. I need a log.
Post the screenshot of the log with an explanation of the problem.
What alarm are we talking about and why is it required?
UPDATE: So it appears when the time event triggers it will only run if the control switch is on... Is that right? I can see that being useful for some people, but why is it required?
I added wording to the app...
"Alarm Switch is required anytime speech and/or push are involved. This is how you will stop the alarm from either going off or from the repeating aspect from continuing. Just like a regular alarm clock, except this one can be controlled with voice assistants, dashboards, etc.!"
Same issue with Push.
New version on GitHub...
1.0.1 - 07/30/20 - Fixed push, added more descriptions
Updated and push now works. The cycle completes(I set time to only 1min) but from the beginning to the end my bulb is low brightness(which I would expect going from 1->80) and pale blue. It stays this way and never changes color or brightness even though the logs show changes. Hmm.. Note that the color is set to 'Daylight - Energize'.
UPDATE: I did some more testing and found the following:
Changing color to Red, Green, etc doesn't change the behavior. i.e. Starts with correct color at very low brightness, but then never changes brightness or color as the app runs.
I am able to change settings on the bulb directly so that seems fine
Gentle Wake Up is able to change the color and brightness properly when it runs so it doesn't seem to be an issue with the bulb
Bryan, maybe I am misunderstanding how to use this. Maybe I just need to be pointed to the right settings?
I first tried to use "Slowly Dim Up" option by itself. I selected the bulb, time, color, and target level. The automation ran, and it worked fine with one exception. The bulb came on to its previous set level and then your app took over from there. I was expecting that the bulb would start at 0% or 1% and dim up to the desired 99%. Instead it started at 40% (the previous set level) and went to 99%. I don't see a start level.
So for my next run through, I tried "Turn Light On, Set Level and Color" option in conjunction with the previous settings. I set ON level to 5%, using the same bulb as the previous try (same bulb was selected for both this and Dim Up). This time the bulb didn't come on, and it said in the logs "Wake Me Up Child - Target Level has been reached".
So how can I have a bulb come on at a set level, and go up from there?
My other question is about cancelling an in-progress automation, in particular the dim up function. In Gentle Wake Up it gave an option to cancel the remaining timer if you turned the bulb off. The way the pause function in this app reads, it is not a one time thing, it permanently disables this app if you toggle that function (and of course press the selected button).
This is a great start by the way, it already works better than GWU.