Dashboard issue with Android 2.0 app

Recently had a platform update. So i went ahead and updated

Now my dashboards wont showup and i get an error on the app.

I can remotely login to the hub and see my dashboards going that route.

S22 Android

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I moved you post to a new topic since it had nothing to do with the post you replied to.

Similar to this post but the error is a little different so going to leave it as two separate posts.

My dashboards Now Showup
Not sure what happened or if the devleopers did some tweeks behind the scenes

Thankyou soo much......

I'm out .....on my way........



I am back.
Now my dashboards wont showup at all.

Then i get this to showup later

Fix for this is coming in the next update :crossed_fingers:

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I happened to notice now the Dashboards only appear if my phone has 5G coverage.

Otherwise they won't

On Android App Also noticed in the New app in DEVICES
The Rooms are not in Alphabetical Order

On the wifes ios they are in alphabetical order

Yeah I posted that in May, never was responded to or fixed apparently.