Epic failure with new 2.0 app and presence

Ok, I've installed the new 2.0 app on my device and wife's device. I've configured as instructions say below

Once the installation is complete, open the application and follow these steps:

  1. Log in using your Hubitat account.
  2. Select your hub.
  3. Existing Hubitat Mobile app users: select your EXISTING MOBILE DEVICE

Everything went fine so far and removed the old app, then we went to lunch and noticed that we were outside our geofence area but the hub never noticed anything as if we were still at home.

Even logs for our devices show we haven't left the house since 6/22 when it was the last time with the old app

Looking to see how we can resolve this without having to either install the old app or remove and re-install and redo my device again (and wife's) with the away, home and other settings in the apps.

The old app worked 100% of the time

--Google maps showing I'm several miles from the house

--Hubitat shows I'm out of the Geofence area (see above google map)

--Dashboard shows I'm still home

--Google maps shows I'm several blocks from the house

--Hubitat shows I'm back in the Geofence area

--App permission settings

-- Hub has no clue I've done anything today

Mine did the same thing .. all you have to do is move the marker to the correct spot.
( do this with drag and drop ) then set it.
should work from there ..

I'll give it a try, its been on the same spot forever, I know the app works since I did set the door chime while I was out of geofence and the door chimed when I got home. Off again to see if this fixed the issue.

Just move the red marker to your home location.. and set the slider for distance.

Yep did that and it didn't change anything, still had no clue I left the geofence area. I've even moved it to the end of the street and made the circle as small as it can go and it shows I'm out of geofence but does nothing else

Is the Red pin on the correct location already? @WarlockWeary is referring to an issue a few people are having where initially the red pin is for some reason not defaulting to the correct location but if you manually move it, it will stick there as long as you do not reinstall the app.

However reading your posts I do not think that is the issue exactly?

I would actually try tapping on the Hub Name name at the top of the home screen of the app, then select Switch to another Hub. Re-select your Hub. It may or may not ask you to select a device again (It tries to remember the device you have set for people who have multiple hubs and switch between them). This will be sure the app is correctly attached to the hub/device entry.

Then you can confirm the "device" on the hub it is attached to by tapping the "more" hamburger icon, then App settings, check the Device Name. That should match the name of the "device" on the hub side.

Each physical device should be attached to separate virtual device on the hub, otherwise conflicts may occur.

I've manually moved to a few block over and then closed the app, went back into and moved it back to where its always been right over our house.

Then I moved the red pin a few blocks over and made the geofence area as small as it would go, says I'm out of geofence area and does nothing else.

Then went into the app and selected switch to another hub It shows my C-5 active and my C-7 greyed out since its not even connected. I select the C-5 and it says saving, then it asks me to connect to my mobile device, I select my Pixel 7 device and it says saving.

I can change modes and such so I know the app is working to the hub. Yet presence never changes and never says I've left even being out of geofence now for 10 mins

I've rebooted the hub twice and both devices several times..

Ok I think I got it working finally, I've moved the Geofence for both of us to the end of the block and let it sit there so we both are out of the area. Then moved mine back to the correct location and it recognized me finally being not present and then present.

Did the same with the wife's phone and it then found her not present and then present.

This took several tries before it finally started to see where we where for some reason. Will keep an eye on this in the next few outings to make sure its working as it should

Ok some more things you could check/try. On the hub find the "Mobile App Device" for your phone. Check the Events tab, are you getting any recent events in there for presence?

Turn on debug and info logging, see if anything gets logged when you move in/out of the zone.

Lastly, you could re-select your hub again and have it create a new device this time as a test. If that works (which I think it will) and you have notifications setup to go to your prior device you can use Settings > Swap apps to swap everything over to the new device, then delete the old one.

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Right now it seems to be working after about 4 tries of moving the red pin around the neighborhood for both of us and letting it sit, it finally seems to recognize us now so will watch it, actually going for a quick drive around the block to test it out.


We have success, both phones are now working as they used to. We'll see how this continues after this point. Thanks all for suggestions, that was fun! :upside_down_face:


Solution was the following combination done several times

  1. Reselected the HUB in the mobile apps
  2. Move the pin around the neighborhood on both devices letting it sit for several minutes and then moving it back to the original house location
  3. Rebooting the Hub and both phones several times

Finally it all caught on and started working.


I still have not been able to get mine working yet either. Same story as yours.

Could you please be sure to provide specific details about the phone make and model, the mobile app build number (these can be found in the mobile app under More tab >> App Settings) as well as hub platform version (this can be found in your hub's web interface under Settings page >> Hub Details) and the version of your operating system. This information would not only help us replicate the issue, but also to narrow down if the problems occur with a specific device, operating system, etc.


A post was split to a new topic: Dashboard issue with Android 2.0 app

Thank you for the support bobbyD! I appreciate your assistance!

Mobile phone make and model: Samsung Galaxy S22 (SM-S901U)
Mobile app build number): 2.0 (234)

Hub Hardware version C-7
Hub Platform version

I am having a similar issue. Location is correct,the phone app correctly recognizes that i am in the geo fence, but my hub does not.

Phone: Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
Mobile app build number): 2.0 (234)
Hub Hardware version C-8
Hub Platform version

This is the recommended fix.