November 12, 2024, 2:08pm
How can I create a tile with specified color and text states?
I have a garage door status that I want to say open or closed and to be red when open and green when closed.
Further, I have variables that are the result of tests performed by scripts such as testing the power is above a specified level after turning on the outdoor lights. I want to display this variable as a green PASS or red FAIL.
November 12, 2024, 3:43pm
CSS is how this is accomplished and this thread has it all
DISCLAIMER: I'm no web designer and my knowledge of and interest in CSS is pretty low.
Everything I've put together in this post is through searching, inferring and experimenting and if there are omissions, mistakes or things that can be done better (which there will be plenty of I'm sure) I'd be happy to be corrected. Everything here is basic 101 stuff for people versed in html/CSS but probably might as well be Greek to everyone else.
I won't have time to put everything down initially so will…
There is also this app which makes it much easier to do those things.
The Simple CSS Editor is now released, allowing easy access to common Dashboard styling options without any CSS knowledge required. Find it on Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) under the convenience tag.
Why Would I Use Simple CSS Editor?
Many people, after having used HE's built-in dashboards, want to take the next step in polishing their new creation, making it a showpiece in their home. Three common barriers to this are:
Easy access to basic formatting options for dashboards and tiles
A lac…
Having said that, Green when closed and red when open is the default behavior of the "contact sensor" template.
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November 12, 2024, 6:55pm
I forgot to mention this app. Wonderful for displaying any and everything you want to see in a dashboard and how you want to see it.
Tile Builder is a novel way of presenting data on a Hubitat® Dashboard. Rather than each tile being a single unique device, Tile Builder allows data from multiple devices to be presented on the same tile in a variety of formats.
Tile Builder has five child apps for creating different kinds of tiles.
1) Attribute Monitor tiles contain any number of devices for a single attribute. In the following case it's temperature. The table can be sorted by the device name or the attribute value (text or n…
For changing tile templates colours on a dashboard .
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