Can't add Zooz ZEN51 or ZEN52 devices

Can you scroll horizontally? Looks like the right couple columns of that table are cut off.

It does not. :smiley:

There was no horizontal scroll bar but when I decreased my browsers Zoom (Edge) to 80%, the Route column appeared (EDIT: finally found the scroll bar at the bottom of a long list of devices). Thanks for that tip. Sorry, I got the words wrong. I meant Refresh, not Retry. I've tried to find a way of deleting what I think are Phantom devices all to no avail. Is there a way to delete these? Barring that, I think what I might need to do is to factory reset my Hubitat C8 and all my devices and start again. Even though all existing devices and apps are working, I can't add any more Z-Wave devices which makes the system useless.

What have you tried?

Note that patience can also help with Z-Wave. If you hit "Refresh" and "Remove" isn't available now, try again in a couple hours or even a day or so. (And either way, don't try to do anything too fast--don't refresh two nodes at once or try different Z-Wave tasks in different tabs/windows at the same time, for example.)

If everything (else) is working, a factory reset seems extreme. A slightly -- but less so -- extreme option would be resetting your Z-Wave radio only, then all you'd need to do is re-include your Z-Wave devices. (If you decide to go this route, I'd suggest posting back first since there are some tricks you can do to make this easier--or doable in the first place depending on what you do with the leftover devices on your hub.)

That being said, it would certainly work if you don't mind starting over entirely. :slight_smile: Otherwise, removing your Z-Wave "ghosts" if you have any is typically one of the most helpful things for ensuring your Z-Wave network health, including in some cases the ability to include new devices.

OK, I will continue to play around with things and will post if I decide to completely rebuild. Thanks for your patience. I'm very familiar with other hubs (ISY994, Vera, EZLO, home built, etc) but this is my first foray into Hubitat. So far, I'm thinking the Hubitat is kind of like a house of cards, touch the wrong card and the whole thing falls down. Sure hoping I'm wrong because it has a lot of nice features.

If you show us the FULL z-wave details page, top to bottom, we can fully access the situation. Otherwise just tossing out guesses.

Also for pairing new Z-wave devices I would highly recommend using SmartStart

You will just need to be aware if you want the device paired as Long Range or in Mesh mode, this app can help. [APP] SmartStart Manager for Z-Wave (Long Range support)


Here is a list of my Z-Wave details devices. I haven't heard of SmartStart so will read up on it. As mentioned, I'm new to Hubitat and just learning the ropes.

Oh yeah... all those ones with the "Discover" button on them need to go. Those are all failed pairings. Best practice is if you have a failed pairing to stop and check that first, remove if you can.

A bunch of them have only 1 neighbor, so you should be able to get rid of them from the hub itself.

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I've tried the Ghost removal tool many times and it has never come up with the Remove button. I've tried all of the wait a long time between attempts, reboots and anything else mentioned in this forum, all to no avail. I just looked to see what this USB stick is and what is needed to use it and it seems very complicated plus it seems it's almost impossible to get one. Why do I need to use some other type of hardware to fix what should be a relatively easy removal of Ghost devices? My ISY994 and Vera hubs don't have this problem; I'm beginning to think I've wasted some money buying into the Hubitat world. If there are no other concrete methods for getting rid of Ghost devices, I think what I will do is to factory reset the Hubitat hub and all my Z-Wave devices and then rebuild everything from scratch. If after that exercise, I continue to have problems with Ghost devices, it's probably time to relegate the Hubitat C8 to my junk drawer and move on.

Thanks for the help of this forum.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, every time I do an Include or Exclude on my C8, all my Z-Waved devices no longer work and I need to unplug the C8, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. It then works with all configured devices.

What tool? You just use the refresh button on the details page.

  • Shut down the hub and totally unplug it from power for 30 seconds.
  • Plug back in a boot up.
  • Wait 30 seconds after booting for things to settle.
  • Go to Z-wave details and on that first "Discover" node click refresh ONCE and wait.
  • If you dont get the "Remove" button after it is done, try it once more.
  • You should get the Remove button within 1-3 refreshes if that node does not have a device on the other end.

Honestly with the mess there is now, that will probably be the easiest if you are not comfortable doing it with a USB stick.

If you do have a bunch of automations you want to save, there are ways to save things but its a little more complicated.


In a previous post someone mentioned the Ghost Removal Tool so I just assumed that was the Z-Wave Details Refresh button pushing procedure like you are mentioning in this response. That procedure does nothing for me. I've tried getting the Remove button to show up on any of the Ghost devices by waiting/rebooting/many clicks and everything else suggested in posts that I can find. I've never seen a single Remove button no matter what I do. With regard to the USB/UZB stick, I can't find a lot of "detailed" explanation on how that works and if it works. I don't want to throw any more money away on the C8. I will give it one more try by factory resetting everything and then start slowly adding back all of my Z-Wave devices. If I start getting Ghost devices and can't remove them, I will abandon all hope for Hubitat and move back to new versions of either Universal Devices or EZLO. If anyone has words of wisdom with regard to starting over again, I'd love to hear them.

Only thing I can think of is that its too far gone and unable to function with all the garbage in there.

Be all end all detailed instructions: How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick
Yes it works to remove nodes, 100% (although if you cannot even pair the stick it wont work).

Official Docs: How to Build a Solid Z-Wave Mesh | Hubitat Documentation

There is another thread as well but I having a hard time finding it.

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Thanks for the information. Your comment "although if you cannot even pair the stick it won't work" was a good comment because I can't pair anything so would have wasted my money. Once I get some uninterrupted time, I will do some reading start factory resetting everything and then start from scratch.

I will give you one final warning, when you do reset the z-wave radio you will want to also do a Soft Reset and really start the hub from scratch. Or if you have some apps / automations you really want to keep there are special instructions you must follow, to avoid z-wave node conflicts. I can find one of my other posts with the instructions if you need them, its a tedious task unfortunately.

EDIT I think I may have found a cure to my problem. I factory reset my Schlage BE469 and then shutdown the C8. I then unplugged both the power cable AND the ethernet cable and waited for 5 minutes. When I rebooted the C8, I was then able to Include/Exclude devices and I was able to get the DELETE button to show up on Refresh of a phantom device. Hopefully, things continue to improve.
** END EDIT **

  • My Hubitat would not allow me to Include/Exclude devices and after much trouble shooting and forum reading and suggestions, I finally decided to start over again with a fresh C8 and devices.
  • Did a Reset Z-Wave Radio
  • Did a Soft reset
  • Still could not include devices
  • Did a Full Reset
  • Shutdown C8 and waited for red light
  • Unplugged C8 for 1 minute
  • Factory reset all Z-Wave devices
  • Added 12 wired Z-Wave devices
  • Left the C8 running for 5 hours with no activity and no apps defined
  • Added several other wired Z-Wave devices
  • Let C8 run overnight
  • At this point, there were no Ghost devices
  • Tried adding my first battery device, a Schlage BE469 door lock. The door lock was factory reset. Inclusion ran but the lock never got included.
  • Z-Wave showed a ghost entry after trying to include the lock. Trying to remove it by using Refresh would not work. The Delete button never showed up even after 6+ tries with waits in between tries.
  • At this point, I could no longer add any devices, wire or battery.
  • Shutdown C8, waited for red light, unplugged for 1 minute and plugged back in. Time 10:13
  • Tried Refresh>Wait>Refresh 4 times on the ghost door lock and a Remove/Delete button did not show up on ghost door lock Z-Wave entry but each time I press Refresh, I get a logged message saying ā€œZ-Wave Network responded with Busy message.ā€
  • Tried including a ZW4008 light switch (wired device). Log showed Discovery Started and Discovery Stopped but device did not include. Device was factory reset before trying to include.

Iā€™m at an impasse at this point. What can I do to get this C8 working? It is currently running platform version

Is it a BE469ZP or one of the older Models?

It's a BE469ZP. I updated my post to indicate that I've been able to get the C8 Including/Excluding again and have removed the Ghost device. What seemed to make this work was to Shutdown the Hub, unplug both the power and ethernet, wait 5 minutes and then power back up. I have done the power down before but this is the first time I've disconnected the ethernet. I wonder if it has something to do with POE. Anyway, I'm slowly including the rest of my devices and will start putting all my apps back in. Hopefully things go well. Thanks for your reply.

Yes, there are known and documented issues with PoE splitters causing problems specifically with Z-wave on the C8. Now I feel bad I did not think of this before and you could have avoided re-pairing all your devices. To be fair it is in the READ FIRST post.

Did you recently change the power source to PoE? All of your other posts read as if everything as working fine until recently, this is why I did not really think of the PoE issue as being a potential cause,

Also, I have two BE469ZP and they work without issues, so that lock should not be the cause of all your issues. However, I could see if you have a power source issue, the way the hub has to talk to lock could be more taxing on the radio and cause more issues when the lock is paired.

I did "!!READ FIRST - Before Posting in Get Help" and saw the post on PoE but after reading it I didn't think it affected my setup because I'm not using PoE, I'm using the power adapter that came with the C8. What seems to be missing in the PoE article is that it might be affecting setups that aren't using PoE. What appears to have cleared up my problem (at least for the time being) is to unplug the ethernet cable when you do a power reset on the C8. Your comment about the power source made me realize that my ISP changed out my Modem/Router for a newer version and I took the opportunity to move my C8 from the switch in my computer room to a more centralized place which is connected directly to the Modem/Router. I will pull the documents on the new MR to see what it says about PoE. I might have to move the C8 back to the switch.

None of that makes any sense. If you are not using a PoE splitter then having PoE on the switch or not would have no impact at all. The ethernet port on the hub does not natively support PoE. If you have a passive PoE source (which are typically old devices no made anymore) then the power is always sent and would probably fry the Ethernet port on the hub. If you have Active PoE then there would not be any power being sent because the hub would not ask for it,

There should be no way the hub is getting power over the Ethernet port, so not sure how unplugging the ethernet added any extra benefit over unplugging the power from the hub. The only thing that would possibly do is reset the link with the switch, which could fix some sort of lan connectivity problem but would not impact z-wave.

Its not missing, because if its not being used it has no impact.

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