C8 vs C8 pro, differences?

I am starting to accumulate a lot of older hubs. I think I will have factory reset them and sell them eventually.

I use the rebooter app for a daily reboot. It seems to solve all my issues.

I'm running the same C5 that I originally started with.
No need to update model as this one works perfect.

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I just don't understand people like you. Rational, logical, don't get all emotional and waste your money on things you don't really need.

Oh, wait, I get it!



Well. Almost through my first day of the C-8 Pro running my apps (the devices are on its C-8 (non pro) buddy...

It really does seem snappier.

It's seems noticeably faster running rules and generally getting things done.

I've no regrets making the jump from my older C-7 even if I'm not using the radio.

I'm now debating whether or not to upgrade my C-8 that has my devices, since I have a lot of them--I'm wondering if it would do better during "busy" times (I'm home, all lights on; bed time, all lights off) :grinning:


I'm on just one hub. I have a lot of complex stuff for sure, but i think it works fine on the C8 that I have now (my c5 did not seem slow, but i wanted the ability to back up Z-Wave stuff)..

but do notice times that its a little sluggish. I could move some stuff to my older C5, but i would rather just be one hub.

with that being said, I might jump on the C8 Pro bandwagon and put my C8 up for sale. (there should be a forum post for people who want to get their C8's sold to get a new Pro)

That is correct.


Hub Protect gives you the freedom to schedule cloud backups and save up to 5 backups in the cloud from the hub that's enrolled in the service. You can then restore a cloud backup on the hub of your choice. Obviously, restoring Zigbee radio would only be available on C-8 or newer hubs, while restoring Z-Wave radio would be available on C-7 hubs or newer. Head spinning yet?


"It's so fast the lights come on before I trigger the motion sensor" :rofl:


Great update.

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You keep over explaining. :wink:

I think the question that people wanted a direct answer to is:
If I have a C8 Pro with Hub Protect, can I restore a cloud backup from the C8 Pro back to a C8 non-pro?


Yes :slight_smile:


Well, "yes" after all the firmware/UI/etc get straightend out.

Thanks for clarifying though! That is what I thought, but since it isn't an option in the UI right this second I didn't want to assume.


I answered this many many posts ago: Yes

The only reason you can’t go from a c8 back to a c7 (assuming you have Zigbee), is the radio in the c7 can only be backed up, it can’t be restored to.

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I know you provided an answer, but you didn't actually know the answer - you were assuming. Sorry to be blunt.

As I said it CAN'T be done in the product today, so your saying it could was purely speculation on your part. I agreed 100% it SHOULD be able to, but since it wasn't an option in the UI I wanted to verify with staff instead of assuming.

Anyway, they answered, so that's that.

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No offence taken, but no, I was not assuming anything. I’ve known about this issue with the C7 Zigbee radio from the first week of Hubitat ownership. I was surprised to find out this technical limitation of the c7 after coming from the Vera hubs that could do this.

Yes, you were, as it pertains to restoring C8 Pro backups to a C8, as it is not possible today nor has it ever been at this point.

I wasn't saying you weren't correct as it applies to previous hubs, as I know for a fact that part is correct.

Anyway. I'm done beating this dead horse. We have the answers from bobby. I'm moving on.

No offense intended, sorry if it came across negatively.


That’s a software limitation which Hubitat have confirmed they will address.

The issue with the c7 is a hardware limitation.


Ikes.. well I swore I just ordered the C8Pro yesterday and it showed up on my step today..

I requested to have it put on the beta platform so they are both on the same. I will wait till everything is working to restore it.

but sheesh.. that was quick !

Like they were waiting just down the block for you to order. :wink: