C8 Migration Hue Motion Sensors not working [Solved] (hub replacement)

And another one bites the dust...the one I replaced batteries in is off again.


Going to stop messing w/this until HE provides some sort of update to try to address it...

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I ended up moving my most critical sensors back to C7... some of them I can do without but some I really can't. Did the same thing with some of my z-wave devices. The only problem with a partial rollback is the mesh isn't that strong because I haven't rolled back all of my repeating devices.

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Yeah, luckily the Hue outdoor sensors, especially the "sidewalk" one aren't part of any critical automations for me - I can live w/it for a while if they aren't behaving.

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I tried to update my indoor hue sensor. Placed it right next to the hub and clicked to update FW button. After a few seconds I get this message

Firmware update for [name:Hue Motion 2 in Furnace Room, manufacturer:Philips, imageFileName:null, fileVersion:null] failed, the device doesn't support wildcard file parameters, or the request is malformed, try moving the device closer to the Hub.

This looks vaguely familiar - you may just want to keep trying.


Same experience on one of my Phillips devices...multiple attempts required to update on HE, to the point that I put it back on the Hue hub, updated it, then moved it back to HE.

Ah, memory lane, lol:

Just out of curiosity, do you know if it was a child device of the C-8 when it dropped off? I don't think anyone has reported the C-8 having problems with routers dropping out of the mesh; the issues always seem to be end devices. Maybe end devices that always are child devices of routers (and never C-8) aren't susceptible to the drop off issue....

I'm curious, on your outdoor hue device page, what is the default for sensitivity? Mine is medium.
However, on my indoor models, the default is High.
Same Hubitat driver, name anyway.

I just noticed one of my repeater outlets dropped off somewhere within the past 24 hours. It's a decent Centralite one that usually routes for other devices..

I don't know for sure - but I do know that it was routing through a SonOff dongle for a while, but then disappeared from the Route Table Entry list, presumably that means it had connected directly to the C8?

I changed it to high at some point, and IIRC it defaults to Medium, but it's been to long for me to be sure...

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Well, I'm back to every 10 minutes for lux reporting.
This is with no motion.
Temperature reports are more frequent, because dropping from being brought outside.

Let's see how long it stays connected, lol.

If the sensor appeared in the Route Table entry list, it wouldn't currently be a child of the C-8 (but of some other router in the mesh). Tricky thing about that list is that if the route to a device 'via' something in that table hasn't been used in the last 64 seconds, and no subsequent route discovery request for that device has been issued, the entry can just disappear.

Only way to see if C-8 is managing child devices is to look for entries in the child table section (but determining exactly what device you're seeing there is currently problematic because its name would be NULL and its short ID might appear there as part of its MAC address... or might not).

There would seem to be ways to 'stack the deck' to make the C-8 less likely to host child devices (turn its radio power to minimum, unscrew the antenna, & put repeaters next to it-- that would put the child device burden completely on external routers). Might make an interesting experiment to see if this would influence the frequency of end device dropouts...


I have had one internal Hue motion drop off twice but now seems fine. My outside "old" version has been fine and on the C8 since day it came out.

  • endpointId: 02
  • application: 02
  • firmwareMT: 100B-010D-420062AD
  • manufacturer: Philips
  • model: SML002
  • softwareBuild: 420062AD

Outdoor Hue motion still running in the outdoors. 6.5 hours.
Reporting lux every 5 minutes, lol.

This is exactly what you have to do. Which is Crazy. What's going on that with the C5 it can tolerate weak signals and also seems to do a better job of routing? I can set my Repeaters to pump out 19dbm and not drop anything off the network but that's insane.

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Would be interesting to see if there is any correlation between zero child count in C-8 and absence of end device drop offs. Do you know if there are any end devices currently in the C-8's child table?

At 9:00 PM my zigbee radio went off, and then came back on approximately 1 minute later. This is the second time this has happened.

Strangely enough, my Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor appears to be still connected and reporting in every 15 minutes or so. All other devices appear to be OK also.

I never saw this happen with my C-5. I'm not sure whether to worry about it or not. I've seen a few other reports of this, but can't recall seeing anything "official."

Does anyone know to capture the zigbee or z-wave radio turning off via RM?

I'm not seeing anything weird in the stats. The big spike in CPU% and Free Memory was the last upgrade.