I have 3 systems
- Simplisafe
- Hubitat
- Smartthings (at my parents house)
Battery life affects all 3, but Hubitat seems to have the hardest time with healthcheck
- Simlisafe alerts me well before the battery dies and then when it goes offline
- Smartthings has a device healthcheck endpoint [1] that I can hook up to NodeRed to monitor and alert
- Hubitat has "Device Watchdog" app, which is inconsistent and the "battery level" of some devices seem inconsistent as well
Do others have recommendations for healthchecks that I can set up that can alert me to offline? I feel at this point anything related to battery level is questionable
[1] https://api.smartthings.com/v1/devices/4387d16c-0fb4ff6fdc45/health